Monday, March 4, 2019

... on How I Became a Fascist, Continued

... on How I Became a Fascist · ... on How I Became a Fascist, Continued

How did you become a fascist?
Hans-Georg Lundahl, Blog : "". Debating evolutionists for 15 years
Answered Mar 8, 2018
I read Alexander Ramati’s The Assisi Underground .... etc. As per previous post.

Gary Goodman
Jun 2, 2018
Upvote because interesting and thoughtful.

I'm influenced by the fact of intelligent westerners fighting for republican Spain, with the understanding that anarchism is fairly impossible at any scale (as I understand that), and that Stalin had the Spanish Communists betray the Anarchists.

Also reports that the anti-republics took to hiding on rooftops and shooting “anyone wearing overalls” under the assumption they were laborers, and as laborers, communists.

Yet I read a bit on Julius Evola, a self-described super-fascist (his legal defense that he wasn't a Nazi, iirc).

He described this as a yearning for a spiritual fascism, a warrior ethic of strength, with a proud God or Gods who backed Man.

That in contrast to the Jewish and Christian ideas of God, with Man humble and subservient and loving. The fact that the Christian God-Man aka Jesus was a martyr rather than hero.

That's roughly what I got out of the essay, tho I'd like to read again.

Evola seemed to not be against Jews per se (didn't say that at all in the essay), but rather had opposition to Judaism or Judeo-Christian Christianity. Kinda similar to the “Aryan race” of ideal warrior.

Am I mistaken? Let me know.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
8m ago
My reasons for describing as Fascist and Evola’s are very different.

Dave Smith
Aug 16, 2018
Mussolini was not by any means pro Jewish. During the war (even before german occupation) he shipped off hundreds of thousands of Italian jews off to their deaths, calling Hitler “soft” and saying he himself had “been a racist since 1921”.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
6m ago
Have you ever come across the idea that puppet régimes tend to be subservient to occupant?

Oh, “even before German Occupation”? Since when, then?

And where can I verify it?

Anyway, I think Mussolini took a turn or two to the worse in 1938 (I’m against Carta della Razza).

Edward Carmex
Jun 5, 2018
Feels strange upvoting a fascist but hey, you answered the question thoroughly so credit where credit's due.

The idea that fascism is harmony between the classes is laughable though.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Just now
No, it’s not.

The point of Capitalism is, employers have the money and therefore have the say, screw the workers if they don’t like conditions.

The point of Communism is workers saying “hey, let’s become our own employers on working places not yet our own, we can use some violence, right?” and screw the employers if they don’t like to be robbed.

Anything rejecting both is roughly speaking Fascist : Italian Fascism, Spanish Falangism, Austro-Fascism, also Distributism to some degree (Chesterton did not give the problem that particular thought, but Belloc considered a successful Distributism in the countryside could take care of itself - though Austro-Fascism is helping farmers to this day in Austria! - but Distributism in cities might need Corporatism to preserve itself from returning to Big Business Capitalism). Social Democracy and Democrat Party are also here, as is Peronismo, both (or all three) have done some good, but Scandinavian Social Democracy and US Democrat party have abortion blood on their hands.

Here are some debate or comment exchange under other answers than mine:

Sihan Cao
Answered Feb 4, 2018
Being a serious Roman Catholic and hating both Communism and Liberalism, I found myself no choice but naturally sympathizing Falangism.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mar 8, 2018
Thank you very much.

In my case the history is reversed.

I was pro-Falange even before my Baptism at age 15, while a believing, Church Hopping Christian somewhere in the grey zone between Lutheran, Anglican, Evangelical and … Catholic.

Obviously, being pro-Falange helped in my Catholic conversion.

Sihan Cao
Apr 27, 2018

Jeremy Brown, Business owner (2015-present)
Answered Oct 29, 2017
Originally Answered: What made you into a fascist?
Bottom. Still Don't even know what Fascist actually means..

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Just now
If you have employees and make them feel you treat them as fellow people, it’s just someone has to boss the business and you get a bit more of the share, and if you pay them well, you have done with Mussolini wanted business owners to do.

Walter Stanger
Oct 29, 2017
Fascism is basically the thought that some people are (because of ethnicity, usually) are superior to others, usually tied to extreme right-wing ideologies and an authoritarian government.

It’s horrible.

David Lake
Oct 29, 2017
Here’s the problem - Mussolini and the Italian fascists defined the word “fascist” in economic terms. By your definition, Mussolini was not a fascist, as the Italian fascists vehemently defended class equality.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
4m ago
I would say Walter Stanger may be thinking of National Socialism and using a Commie and East Bloc terminology where Fascist is euphemism for National Socialist.

Which kind of poisons the debate when someone likes Mussolini’s Carta del Lavoro for instance.

I like Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno a bit better, so I like Austro-Fascism better than Italian Fascism.

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