Thursday, October 26, 2017

Carbon 14 Production (Own Q on Quora)

Own Q
Oct 16 2017
Cosmic Background radiation causes production of C14, but, what are the impact of its intensities? 1:1 - 2:2, 1:1 - 4:2 or 1:1 - 2:4?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Oct 17
The question can be reformulated in a couple of paragraphs or less.

Here we go. The cosmic background radiation which on medium is at 0.39 milliSievert per year as to places on Earth (more exposure higher up, less further down), is producing a carbon 14 production which is keeping the carbon 14 level in the atmosphere roughly stable.

Now, any sample will in 100 years sink from 100 % of its initial value to 98.798 % of it. This involves the atmospheric sample, which at initial value 1917 had same as present level (slight variation from fossil fuels getting burned and emitting CO2 in atmosphere is unimportant), meaning that these 100 years the 0.39 milliSivert per year (or the Becquerel behind them, further up in the atmosphere, rather) is responsible for a carbon 14 production replacing 1.202 % of present atmospheric level.

Now, suppose the 0.39 milliSievert were doubled. We would be having instead as cosmic background radiation 0.78 milliSievert per year.

Would this mean a production in 100 years of:
  • a) 2*1.202=2.404 pmc?
  • b) 4*1.202=4.808 pmc?
  • c) 1.414*1.202=1.699628 or 1.7 pmc?

Is the carbon 14 production proportional to the milliSievert as such (a), to the milliSievert level squared (b), or to the square root of the milliSievert level (c)?

None by October 26.

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