Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Little Correction on Alexander Tschuggül's Story of Rudolf of Habsburg

First, a video I clearly recommend:

Alexander Tschugguel discusses Catholic history of Austria, receiving Communion on tongue
4th August 2020 | The John-Henry Westen Show

And now my little correction:

2:44 I think I need to correct Alexander Tschuggül on the story.

Not King Rudolf, at the point when he gave the horse to the priest, but as yet Count Rudolf - and he only became Emperor Elect (King of the Germans) and even later King of Bohemia (which included the Duchy Austria, today Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria) after meeting the priest and showing his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

At least as far as I recall the story from an article in Mitteilungsblatt der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X, an issue I read back in 1990's.

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