Tuesday, July 11, 2023

On Genealogy

NO! You are NOT Cherokee! History of the biggest myth in genealogy!
Family Tree Nuts, History & Genealogy Service, 24 Nov. 2022

4:47 While 0.78 % is the average from each of 128 5 * great-grandparents, it cannot be the actual contribution of any single of them.

1/23 = 4.3478 % and that means any one of them will be giving multiples of that to you - including the multiple that is 0 * 4.3478 % = 0 %.

Also, the 128 ancestors, as I like to call them (easier to keep track of than "5 times" for me) need not be 128 different people.

When I go to the ancestors of Marie Antoinette and Lewis XVI, I actually only took up to number 127 - i e my last studied ancestors of each of them were the 64 ones.

But when I go to the 64 ancestors ...

Marie Antoinette:

68 = 64 et 69 = 65
[86/87 = 72/73]
[100 - 103 = 84 - 87]
[106 = 74, 107 = 75]
[118 = 114/119 = 115]

Lewis XVI

72/73 = 70/71
76/77 = 64/65

64 - 16 = 48 - the actual number of different ancestors Marie Antoinette had among the 64, meaning, the 128 would be only 96 different people, or even fewer.

So, that puts each one's average contribution to her into 1.04 %.

6:05 Cherokee ancestors arguably do exist, and it's only on average that there is a likelyhood of one being washed out. But there is similarily the exact same likelyhood for any European heritage ancestor that generation. Getting from 1800 back to 1700 = four more generations (on average), any ancestor that far back would be one of 2048.

B u t. We all do have ancestor numbers 2048 to 4095. This means, we all have our DNA from some of those. Even if the Cherokee was just one, he or she was neither more nor less likely to be the one giving you DNA than any other of them. From certain regions and European ethnicities, I think the likelyhood is there was more than just one Cherokee involved around 1700.

13:51 You might agree this phenomenon is likelier to occur in bourgeois to proletarian over agrarian European culture?

For instance, some Oriental Beduin tribes, as well as some African ones, at least the chieftains of the tribe would need to learn their genealogy as part of their education, simplified to patrilinear ones (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 ... in Sosa Stradonitz).

16:41 I am happy you busted no bubble of mine ... as a European, mixed Scandinavian, plus some Jewish, I have no claim to American ancestry, either Founding Fathers, Slaves, or Cherokees.

17:05 Excuse me, your 3 * great female ancestor, did you grow up thinking she was Cherokee to later find out she was Northern European?

I am not surprised.

I think I have ancestors somewhat similar.

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