Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Other Run-In With Joel Henry Hinrichs

Q, A a
How do creationists make sense of the different kinds of fossils of other species of Hominins?

Joel Henry Hinrichs
Published novelist living in Colorado; recognized editor on writing websites
3 years ago
One dodge in particular is that any “evidence” that conflicts with Genesis has Satan’s fingerprints on it. Some Creationist sites equate “evolutionists” [[ equivalent to the blind calling the sighted “visionists” ]] with atheism.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
  1. What evidence conflicts with Genesis?
  2. Sight is a faculty, evolution is a belief. Your comment is grossly biassed.
  3. The positive belief system of modern western Atheism is typically Evolution + Abiogenesis + Big Bang.
  4. You give no examples of Creationists saying what you attribute to them, and if the question is typical, it was for Creationists, like what about letting us speak for ourselves?

Q, A b
How do creationists make sense of the different kinds of fossils of other species of Hominins?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Studied Latin (language) at Lund University
Australopithecus, Paranthropus are extinct apes, perhaps bipedal, perhaps not, but apes.

Homo erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo Antecessor, Homo Denisovae, Homo Neanderthalensis are pre-Flood men, probably three races rather than five (Antecessor has a morphology like Heidelbergians and a genome like Denisovans, so the three names are probably the same race). Two of them were represented on the Ark by “half breeds” if you excluse the term. That’s why populations today have genomic similarities to Neanderthals and Denisovans more than other populations have.

From the lack of both Y-chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA of Neanderthal type, I’ll conclude that:

  • the Neanderthal half breeds were either Noah’s wife (perhaps fully Neanderthal even) or his daughters in law, leaving no Y-chromosomes;
  • and if the Neanderthal DNA is from the faughters in law, they or one or two of them were Neanderthals on father’s side, not mother’s so they didn’t get Neanderhal mitochondriae.

This is one of the clues why Neanderthals were pre-Flood.

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