Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Three Takes on Morality · Pro-Death: Misreporting the Kate Cox Case and Misjudging the Ohio Girl of Ten Case · Harris Spoke a Lie, Trump Spoke the Truth · New blog on the kid: Best wishes for your recovery, Mr. Trump! · Yearick or Crooks?
Is this the DUMBEST abortion opinion?
Allie Beth Stuckey | 11.VII.2024
When people say, "a lot of people shouldn't be parents" they are basically making parenting a kind of élite occupation. "Hark, hark, the majority of children here next generation should not come from most of the ones who are adult now, but only a minority of them!" ... "Plus lots of immigrants, of course, from countries where they haven't discovered this excellent idea yet"
I wonder if it can get dumber. First, on a global level, the system is not sustainable. If every country adopts it, apart from Armageddon even so it means mankind is old history soon. Second, if people in Nigeria or Guatemala City don't adopt this "excellent" idea, like ever, or foreseeably, this "excellent" idea will spark a lot of conflict and mutual bad blood with them if they come.
In case you missed it, the murder and the "selfishness" on the view of this lightheaded blonde would be "the responsible thing" ...
If you don't have an income, don't get one, abort instead ... one way or another she's saying it's responsible to have no children before one has an income.
I disagree. A baby born when you have no home will survive you having no home, until you get one or he or she gets foster parents, but a baby successfully aborted will not survive that successful abortion.
Obviously, a baby growing up would be more thankful not being aborted for "selfish" reasons than being aborted for "responsible" ones!
Should men date MUCH younger women?
There is a problem with this take.
Male fertility is longer than female fertility. If a man who's fifty = wants to marry and have children, he needs a younger lady.
For women who marry someone their age, well, Tolkien (JRR himself) was even a year or two younger than his wife Edith. To one of the sons he confessed that this after her meno-pause led him to temptations. "Male monogamy, at least after the fall is revealed morality" (i e, there were moments when he stayed faithful just because he was a Catholic).
A woman who marries an older man can one day be still attractive as a widow.
- Independent thread:
- Leah
- @user-cx1rq9bg8d
- We left our old church after we found out that a 65 year old man was secretly dating a 27 year old woman. They were both on the church board but they kept it secret because they knew it was wrong and if they told anyone people would leave..... And that's what we did.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- @hglundahl
- If neither of them was married, and they wanted to get married, they should leave the church and get one where they could get married.
Why I became pro-life @LilaRosePodcast
My mother was pro-life (and presumably still is in Heaven).
If you have ever heard things about me like "he's in retarded childhood" that partly comes from people who think that a normal upgrowth after a pro-life mother would have been to ditch her position.
She brought home a tract, while Austria was having a referendum about legalising (it was still illegal in Austria in 1979), called "the diary of a fetus" ... we get very cute pictures of a fetus and its love for the mother that surround it in the text, and the last comic panel was all black and the chilling words "today my ma aborted me" ...
She left me with a love or at least basic loyalty to Francisco Franco over his Spain having no legal abortions (or except the life of the mother was in danger, an extraction, if as much). This also translates to my rejection of Freemasonry (also forbidden under El Caudillo) even before I converted and realised it was incompatible with Catholicism.
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