Issah Mohammed Challenged Me on Chronology · Location of Babel · Babel, Again ... and some more
- On the university qualification
- that I use for more than one below:
- none/ apprx Masters = I could have been Masters with two more exams I didn't take, if we count the exams in time value for the subjects
- in Latin (language) & Greek (language) = language AND letters
- Lund University = Lund University
- Q I
- If borders are biblical, is it because of Acts 17:26?
- Answer requested by
- Marc Bloemers
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Jul 27 [2022]
- It is first of all because of Genesis 11.
God invented national differences, chief among them, the first directly imposed, being language, as a cure against a certain kind of bad world wide cooperation.
But obviously, St. Paul in this speech refers back to that.
- Q II
- Was the Tower of Babel really built?
- Answer requested by
- Issah Mohammed
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Jul 28 [2022]
- As far as I can see, it does not say in the Bible. The city got started building and ended unfinished, but the tower, doesn’t say.
- If I am right about what it was, namely a rocket project, no, it didn’t, the tower of Babel was only built and launched c. 4500 years later (from Cape Canaveral and Bajkonur). God made sure it couldn’t get built and launched back then in order to make it possible to build and launch it much later, when there was a sufficient technical knowhow.
- Does the Tower of Babel have anything to do with Babylon?
- Answer requested by
- Donald Turner
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Jul 29 [2022]
- There are more than one views on this one, and I’ll give you mine.
The city of Babel and the project to eventually make a tower “the top of which shall reach into heaven” are something which happens between 350 and 401 after the Flood in a certain LXX timeline (without the second Cainan) that I use, since it is in the Roman martyrology.
It is geographically speaking set West of something (Genesis 11:2) and if that something is the landingplace, then Classic Babylon is not the geographic location of Nimrod’s Babel. I think Göbekli Tepe is so.
And this would mean that the two years 2607 and 2556 BC carbon date as 9600 and 8600 BC. This being the charcoal dates for lowest and highest charcoal layers in Göbekli Tepe.
Babylon is associated with archaeological dates (probably indirectly carbon based) in the range of 2300 or 1800 sth BC. If carbon dates are in this range, this would mean during the Israelite stay in Egypt. It was founded by Amorrhites, which in Abraham’s time (carbon dated to 3500 BC) had been forced to leave Asason-Tamar, later known as En-Geddi, in a Mesopotamian incursion. This means, the Amorrhite invasion into Mesopotamia and then founding (or vast enlarging) of Babylon could have been a retaliation for the Genesis 14 invasion into Palestine.
Now, the name very arguably was chosen in memory of Babel, and it is noteworthy that both places are on Euphrates and that the geographic coordinates form so to speak a diagonal between the places. It is possible some source had placed Babel (correctly) so and so far NW of a certain place and instead they went SE. And thought (incorrectly) they had hit the same spot.
- Q IV
- Did Nebuchadnezzar rebuild the Tower of Babel?
- Answer requested by
- Lewis Button
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Jul 31 [2022]
- Perhaps he thought he did.
But neither the place, nor the type of artefact concerned was the right one, if I am right.
- Q V
- Who was the king when the Tower of Babel was being built?
- Answer requested by
- Lewis Button
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Jul 31 [2022]
- Nimrod was more like “project leader” than king when the City of Babel was being built and the tower was being projected.
The Bible never calls him “king” and he is in fact applying more like a democratic or oligarchic decision than taking one himself.
- Q VI
- Is it possible that the rapid burial process from Noah’s flood actually preserved the soft tissue or many species that existed before?
- Answer requested by
- Stef Lynn
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- amateur reader of it [of science]
- Aug 3 [2022]
- It is not totally improbable.
It has not been tested on most samples.
- Was Abraham possibly the last of the early biblical patriarchs who physically knew surviving members of Noah’s family who endured the worldwide flood?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 8 [2022]
- Abraham knew his greatgrandfather Sarug physically for 50 years, and up to him the tradition had been preserved. He didn’t know Noah or Shem physically.
- How did Abraham know Noah?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 10 [2022]
- Through tradition.
Noah died 350 after the Flood and Abraham was born 942 after the Flood.
Given that his own father (Thare) and probably also grandfather (but his brother was also named Nachor) were idolaters, he received the tradition the first 50 years of his own life. While the great-grand-father Sarug was still alive.
- Q IX
- Is it possible to invent a new language for fun?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 11 [2022]
- No.
Mankind only has a limited number of languages over all the people alive and the languages of New Guinea are so numerous that you cannot invent a new one …
“Hello? What’s that?”
Sorry, a language just died out on New Guinea, so, I guess you can now …
Ha, my fun.
Answer is simple : of course you can.
Given that the human language capacity is capable of acquiring an infinite diversity of different languages (though one man can hardly acquire more than 50 of them in this life, perhaps 100 if he’s very good) and that the actual languages available are only a finite number (7000 or so), you can invent languages.
And you can invent languages for very different purposes:
- communication with men (like Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, a Panslavic language)
- communication with angels or more probably demons (Henochian)
- communication between different characters of an art work (Quenya / Sindarin, Klingon, Na’avi, Syldavian)
- communications between different participants in a play (which may be entirely about language - Nevbosh, what Tolkien started with before he became the great language artist behind Quenya and Sindarin).
- Q X
- Is it possible that the ancient civilization of Babylon would have kept the Tower of Babel up as a means of worship for sometime after God dispersed humanity all over the Earth?
- Answer requested by
- Marc Bloemers
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 14 [2022]
- I don’t think the Tower of Babel was a means of worship;
- The civilisation of Babylon is very distinct from the one of Nimrod’s Babel;
- I don’t think the tower was completed until Kennedy and Chrushchev did it, when only the top of what looked very towerlike at takeoff came into “heaven” or into space above the atmosphere;
- And whatever remnants of the project different civilisations may have had in top secret, the actual site of Babel - Göbekli Tepe - was covered with sand by the last to leave.
- Q XI
- Do we have the means to recreate the Tower of Babel?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 15 [2022], Our Lady's Assumption
- God interrupted the first creation before takeoff.
We already probably did recreate the Tower of Babel after World War II and sent it to the Moon in 1969 …
Check the text once again:
and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven:
A rocket like Apollo 11 looks like a tower at take off, but the three steps are thrown down, and only the top, the capsule, actually reaches, for instance, the Moon - or a trajectory away from the “Solar System” …
I am not saying Nimrod had the technological means to send up a rocket. Da Vinci didn’t have the technological means to send up an airplane - he just had the idea of one. In da Vinci’s case, his patron arguably stopped a test that would have killed the pilot, but as Nimrod was one world dictator, only God could do so, and he was so both popular and feared that the only way to stop him was to make his underlings incapable of understanding his orders. He changed their linguistic competence, by Omnipotence, even an angel or a demon could not have done so, permanently.
- Are the Gōbekli Tepe Enclosures giant lunisolar calendars?
- Answer requested by
- Nikolaos Vafeidis
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 15 [2022], Our Lady's Assumption
- That is possible, but my theory is, as Graham Hancock suggested, they were meant for rocket takeoffs.
And God put the rocket project on a halt for some more than 4500 years, to Cape Canaveral and Bajkonur …
Probably, if I am not wrong, the function that looks like calendars would have been meant for correctly directing the rockets.
- Is it possible that Noah's "ark" was a large barn constructed on the highlands of the Ararat mountains? That it was not a boat?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Aug 18 [2022]
- Not if the Ararat mountains rose during the Flood.
- Note
- Q XV and Q XVI are two other answers first one to same question, then one to related, that I have debated.
- Where was the world's first empire established?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Studied Latin (language) at Lund University
- 9 months ago
- In Assyria, in the area of Göbekli Tepe and Qermez Dere (Babel and Niniveh), during the Neolithic.
- Marc Robidoux
- Aug 3 [2022]
- You seem to be answering this question as someone who actually knows what he’s talking about. I guess this is the sane alter-ego of Hans-Georg answering, as I can comment (i.e. not blocked). Way to answer succinctly and without imbibing the answer with your geo-centric-religious bullshit.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Aug 13 [2022]
- And my source is Genesis 10 and Genesis 11 … no alter egos without “religious BS” here …
- Marc Robidoux
- Aug 13 [2022]
- Very interesting, you are the only split personality I know of here on Quora. This one, where I’m not blocked, posts exclusively sane sounding content consisting of your opinions and knowledge sharing based on your obvious deep schooling in some fields. The other one, for which I am blocked from commenting, is over there spouting absolute BS about geocentric creationism or some such nuttery. It is rather a striking contrast.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Aug 14 [2022]
- No contrast at all.
It is creationism to say Nimrod made the first Empire, and that’s exactly what I did.
And it is my brand of Creation Science to define Nimrod’s Babel as Göbekli Tepe.
So, Qermez Dere is the version of Nineveh that’s roughly contemporary or slightly younger than Göbekli Tepe.
- Q XV
- Is it possible that Noah's "ark" was a large barn constructed on the highlands of the Ararat mountains? That it was not a boat?
- M Whelan
- Studied Engineering (college major) (Graduated 1978)
- Wed 17.VIII.2022
- It is more possible. Any shipwright would tell you would tell you that the boat described in the bible would never be able to hold itself together under any circumstances.
But a fairy story is still a fairy story.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 18.VIII.2022
- Would you mind telling me where the Bible describes a “boat”?
In Acts 27 you find a description of a boat voyage, but I don’t think there is one of the boat they used …
And what does any description of a boat have to do with Noah’s Ark, when it wasn’t one? It was a floating box!
- M Whelan
- 18.VIII.2022
- (Genesis 6:14–16): the ark is to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (approximately 134×22×13 m or 440×72×43 ft).
Now don’t know about you but it certainly is not a hanging basket they are describing it is a ship.. a boat.. a vessel and we all know the absurd story. And made of gopher wood. Or are you saying that the story is now totally false and that Christians wish to distance themselves from that story now?
It still would not survive any “voyage” Any shipwright can tell you that and so can any 2nd year engineer.
It is like the bible all made up.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 18.VIII.2022
- A boat would have some mean of propulsion, none is described for the Ark.
A boat would have a keel, the Ark had a flat floor.
It’s a very giant box, but it’s meant to function like a floating box, not like a navigating boat.
That changes some points on structural buildup and on structural strains.
The shipwrights are thinking of thin elastic woods around keels that are meant to facilitate navigation - which means sooner or later the boat would go through two waves front and back and a trough in the middle, meaning a structural strain the Ark was never exposed to.
- M Whelan
- 19.VIII.2022
- Laughing very loudly here, you make my point even more thank you. everyone knows it was a ship or boat even the original Hebrew. I love now some are trying to get away from what is described. But it would not float and if the waters were so high it needed to float then it would sink, and if the waters were not so high then what is with the threat of killing every living thing. If it floats it would drift and it would be swamped by waves ( You know science y things)
The bible is a collection of bronze age stories that in today's climate and level of education are obviously of the time and know nothing of today's science. Just PURE BS.
I find it interesting you are trying to re write it, cos you know the whole story is BS. but ya cant.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.VIII.2022
- “everyone knows it was a ship or boat even the original Hebrew.”
Sorry, but I just looked up the Hebrew English interlinear. They link to lexicon entries over each word.
Genesis 6:14 Ark = Strong 8392. tebah, here tebat, since next word starts with a vowel. Strong translates as “a box, chest”
Jonas 1:3 Ship = ’ā·nî·yāh = Strong 591. אֳנִיָּה (oniyyah).
“I love now some are trying to get away from what is described.”
Where does the passage describe any keel, rudder or means of propulsion?
“But it would not float”
It would have a waterline at 15 cubits (halfway up) high and be able to take at least 13,257.381 metric tons (beasts and men, food and tools) apart from the empty weight.
“If it floats it would drift and it would be swamped by waves”
On the high ocean (and when everything was covered with water, all earth was high ocean) waves are fairly longstretched dunes (you know science and such things). This means, the Ark could lie comfortably in a trough between two wave tops even if they were higher up above the trough than the 15 cubits the Ark had above the water line.
“The bible is a collection of bronze age stories”
Roughly speaking up to King David … when it comes to the time between Adam and Tubal-Cain and between Flood and Chalcolithic, Stone Age, and after King David, Iron Age.
The best way to know events from the Bronze Age is to get stories from precisely the Bronze Age.
But Noah’s civilisation was a pre-Flood Bronze-and-Iron age, ending 2957 BC which carbon dates to 40 000 BP. And hasn’t been found.
“that in today's climate and level of education are obviously of the time and know nothing of today's science”
If you mean they ignore stupid arguments that have been recently made, at least on the surface you are right. But there is an eery knack of taking in details that actually even now help to sort the stupid arguments out a bit.
“I find it interesting you are trying to re write it”
I find it interesting you take exact observations from the text as rewriting.
- M Whelan
- 19.VIII.2022
- Ok ok i get it, you are right and the pope, the clergy the millionaire creationist evangelists, the priests and all the academics are totally wrong.
Please forgive this lowly human atheist.. why i am even talking about a fairy story is beyond me… it is all made up no matter boat or barn It is fiction.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.VIII.2022
- You said about me, I think the following "are totally wrong."
"the pope," - Actually, Pope Michael who died in this month, the second day, wasn’t.
"the clergy" - He has not very many clergy faithful to him, so far.
"the millionaire creationist evangelists," - Apart from leaders of fairly big projects, like the Ark encounter, why would they be millionaires? Aren’t you confusing them with Megachurch pastors? If so, this post is for you:
Just in Case ANYONE Confuses Young Earth Creationism with Megachurches
And far from disagreeing with them, they would say the Ark was a kind of box (though of course of ship like proportions), here:
The coins were all minted in the Roman city of Apameia Kibotos (or Cibotus in its Latinized spelling) in Asia Minor. It was originally a Phrygian city established by Antiochus I (280–261 BC), and is now the modern-day town of Dinar in Turkey. The original Phrygian city was named Apameia, and sometime before the turn of the 1st millennium BC appears to have had a nickname, Kibōtos, added to it.2 This word, meaning chest or box, is thought to be a reference to its coffers, as it had become a very wealthy city as it rose to prominence. The word kibōtos (κιβωτός) is also the Greek word used to describe Noah’s Ark in the New Testament and the Septuagint.3
Noah’s Ark on a Roman coin!
by Phil Robinson | This article is from
Creation 40(3):28–31, July 2018
"the priests and all the academics" - there are both priests and academics on both sides.
So, what was your point again? That I’m against everyone? No, I am not. Or have everyone against me? No, I have not.
- In the Bible story of Noah’s flood, why did no boats, other than his Ark, float?
- Bob Myers
- Long-time and very devout Pastafarian
- 1 year ago
- That’s one of those little problems with the whole story that you’re not supposed to notice. Or for that matter, given that it did take some time for the supposed “forty days and forty nights” of rain to cause flooding, why no one else got the idea at that point and put together SOME sort of floating refuge.
It’s a myth. Don’t expect to be able to look to closely at it without seeing some rather glaring problems.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Apr 11 [2022]
- 1. Boats would have tried to navigate against the waves and therefore get broken up, crushed. The Ark had neither sail nor oars and had less tensions to deal with.
- 2. A boat (being smaller, see next) would have been built for navigation on normal conditions and not have had wood half a cubit to a cubit thick (while NIV translates “gopher wood” as “wood planks” LXX has “hule koubite” which translates basically as “cubit wood”).
- 3. A boat could perhaps have floated, but hardly had provisions for a year, the people on board it would still have been dead before the Flood was over. Ergo, Noah’s family would still be the 8 sole human survivors.
- Bob Myers
- 17.VIII.2022
- So you believe that Noah and his family built a seaworthy wooden vessel sufficiently large to carry all of the animals AND provisions for a full year? if there’s one thing that Ken Ham’s absurd “Ark Encounter” in Kentucky more than adequately demonstrated, it’s that such a thing is essentially impossible.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 18.VIII.2022
- I am not sure what you call a “vessel” here, it was a wooden box.
With thick walls.
I took 18 inches as the smallest form of cubit and even with such a cubit, the measures of volume and weight of of water displaced at water line halfway up allow for bringing all kinds on board - with an average of 17 modern species per kind. PLUS provision, and this one counted as “grass for sheep” ratio of provision to animal provided for.
Details? Here:
Ark : empty weight and freighted weight, number of couples on the Ark.
- Bob Myers
- 18.VIII.2022
- The Ark story remains pure mythology, nothing more. There are so many problems and inconsistencies within that it would be impossible to even list them all here. Just for one obvious example: how did both freshwater and saltwater aquatic species manage to survive?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 18.VIII.2022
- Seas were freshwater back then, and saltwater species changed into that in the 5000 years since then (aquarium experiments have proven 7 years adequate within same individual, but not for all fish …)
- Bob Myers
- 18/19.VIII.2022
- It continues to be very entertaining: the extremes to which young-Earth creationists will go to in their attempts to shore up their absurdities. First they deny the evolutionary model in large part because they don’t think there’s been enough time for evolution to happen as described, and then to defend the whole “Noah’s Flood” myth propose that species evolve and disperse across the surface of the planet at a rate orders of magnitude beyond anything required in the standard evolutionary model. Far from the only example, of course, but certainly one of the more painfully obvious ones.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.VIII.2022
- You know, between 17 species of hedgehog there is lots less difference than between … dogs, cats, monkeys, fish, etc.
As the only thing needed for speciation is a barrier of reproduction, and when you couple that with founder effect, the 5000 years since the Flood are adequate.
- How could Goliath the ancient giant have been a Nephilim when they were all destroyed in Noah’s flood?
- Answer requested by
- Stef Lynn
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- 20.VIII.2022
- I don’t think it says he was a Nephelim or one of these (Nephelim is plural).
His stature is mentioned, but I don’t think that word is used.
- Did Adam and Eve possibly begin to build Atlantis? Would it have been a more primitive society until the time of the Nephilim?
- Answer requested by
- Marc Bloemers
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- 24.VIII.2022 or
- Day of St. Bartholomew
- I would rather consider that Atlantis simply was land between what is now Old World and what is now Americas, and after the Flood became an island through the breakup of lands in the Flood and then sank and left a very much bigger sea around the time of Babel, perhaps at Younger Dryas, just before Babel, but people and beasts had already crossed it and peopled the Americas.
Have you seen the documentary on the Clovis culture crossing the Atlantic during the ice age, from France to North America?
It has cultural kinship to cultures in France and the Atlantic is another option - as the Spanish theologicans were saying when explaining how the Indios came there after Noah had landed in the Old world with his family as the sole survivors.
- Were the waters which came up from the deep part of the Earth during Noah’s flood water that had never previously been on the surface?
- Answer requested by
- Marc Bloemers
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- amateur reader of it [science]
- 24.VIII.2022 or
- Day of St. Bartholomew
- I would say so, and that now it is in the Oceans (or part may have sunk back into the mantle) - so that the means for the Flood that God used were already destroyed by the Flood itself, God had so to speak already made sure He “couldn’t” break the rainbow promise - like a father who breaks a rod before promising he will never use it any more on his children.
- Q XX
- Did the earth stop spinning for one day like in the Bible?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- amateur reader of it [science]
- 24.VIII.2022 or
- Day of St. Bartholomew
- If it is usually the Universe that spins around Earth, no, the Earth was not spinning in the first place.
- Did the Anunnaki possibly possess a very long lifespan over thousands of years?
- Answer requested by
- Stef Lynn
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Catholic convert, reading many Catechisms
- 25.VIII.2022
- Day of St. Lewis IX of France
- As far as I know, longevity without immortality in kinds with reason and will is about man.
Now, man at creation either was immortal or had an option to become so. But when Adam sinned, he was going to die “the same day” (Genesis 2:17) and here we have a very appropriate use of …
But of this one thing be not ignorant, my beloved, that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
[2 Peter 3:8]
Dying at 930 and the one who lived longest at 969 is within 1000 years.
If Annunaki do not descend from Adam, longevity doesn’t apply, fable or demonic immortality does. But if they did descend from him and from Noah, while they could have longer lifespans than we have now, they could not go beyond 1000 years.
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