Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Fundamentalism and Anti-Catholicism Are Two Different Things

Answering Fundamentalist Attacks on the Eucharist
Catholic Answers, 27 Febr. 2023

0:08 That Protestants attack the Eucharist is one thing, but what's Fundamentalist about it?

3:16 Jack Chick can de described as Fundamentalist. He can also be described as Anti-Catholic.

Is it the Death-Cookie?

Any way, demonising Fundamentalism over that being one of Jack Chick's hats is like demonising Fascism over that being one of Hitler's hats.

Avro Manhattan is anything but Fundamentalist, not sure he was even a Christian. But Jack Chick printed Avro Manhattan just to attack the Catholic Church.

There is nothing specifically Fundamentalist in Bible reading over pretending the Vatican founded Islam. Even so, Jack Chick printed Alberto Rivera's story about this.

Alberto Rivera himself didn't claim to have derived this theory from a Fundamentalist exegesis of the Bible. He claimed to have it from a cardinal in a private briefing.

I forget what the cardinal's name was, but the guy was a father confessor of Pius XII. Anyway, appeal to bigwhigs and to private briefings are not the Fundamentalist exegesis.

5:40 Ah, yes, the Death-Cookie ...

By the way, Alberto Rivera's purported source was Agostino Bea.

And whether Alberto Rivera made that up, or Bea actually said such a thing, it's not Fundamentalist Bible exegesis, it's just swaying normal critical thinking in favour of "important people" and "inside information" to believe what Alberto Rivera said about the foundation of Islam.

4:15 "is there anything this man can't do?"

Distinguish Fundamentalism from Anticatholicism, perhaps?

7:53 You have hopes of Jack Chick getting to heaven?

Just before he died, he was blaspheming the visions of St. Ignatius of Loyola ....

8:22 "They did it in Ancient Egypt"

Is Jack Chick (in the person of the devil) leaning on Hislop?

Oh, hadn't heard of Massey, sorry ....

Either way, leaning on either Hislop or Massey is not Fundamentalist exesis ...

12:50 Sure, Bart Brewer is actually at least on some levels Fundamentalist ... why so?

"The Verbal Inspiration of the Scriptures" is on MTC's statement of faith.

But if Karl Keating got his idea that Fundamentalism is essentially Anti-Catholicism from Bart Brewer, he misses out on him being a failed priest vocation. Meaning one that failed after ordination. That may be more relevant for his Anticatholicism than his Fundamentalism is.

Let me cite some of Bart Brewer's autobiography for you:

"Mother was not shy in joining the discussions. She was a well-informed and intelligent person, and I greatly valued her opinions. I recall how appalled she was that evolution was being taught in Catholic schools and that Rome had established dialogue with the communists. She had long been disturbed over some of the conflicts she had observed between principles taught in Scripture and the lack of principles among many of our religious leaders. Many years before, Monsignor Cartwright had comforted Mother with the reminder that though there were many problems in our church, Jesus promised that “the gates of hell would not prevail against it.” Mother always expressed a tremendous respect for the Bible. Though she read it faithfully through the years, she was now becoming an avid student of Scripture. As I observed a general liberal trend among my colleagues, Mother was leaning in another direction. It was a mystery to me. While others discussed desires to see relaxation and loosing of traditional rules and rituals, Mother expressed her desire to see a more Biblical emphasis in the church—more attention to the spiritual aspects of life, and a greater emphasis on Jesus, even a personal relationship with Him."

This happened after Vatican II, which he had just mentioned.

Note, he mentions evolution long with dialogue with Communists as things his Catholic mother had not known from her youth ...

23:23 Your points are very good.

Except you single out Fundamentalism for the opponent. Protestantism of a certain sort is, and if what you cite comes more from Fundamentalists, it's not that other Protestants don't agree, it's that they are less flustered about Catholics potentially going to Hell over this. I have never seen Eric of Testify state his views, and if I'm correct he's Anglican, he might not be concerned, but take some other Protestant Apologist, he might well agree, but see less point in saying it.

I meant William Lane Craig.

Unlike Jack Chick, he would not state you damn yourself by believing the Eucharist, but like Bart Brewer, he would consider transsubstantiation an accretion, basically an invention of Radbertus Paschasius.

And it's no way you could squeeze William Lane Craig into the Fundamentalist box. He explicitly doesn't believe in Young Earth Creationism.

27:59 I don't think this view of the "Forbidden Book" is exclusive property of Fundamentalists.

I am not sure whether Craig Lampe is Fundamentalist or not, he's just radically Protestant.

I did write a response* to a video giving his book as a "dcoumentary" and it would seem the guys involved were very far from exclusively Fundamentalists.

29:36 Actually, "private interpretation" as you attribute to Protestantism is a fairly late comer in Protestantism.

The Lutheran view is more that the Church has a magisterium, which is always fallible even if authentic, to put it in terms that a Catholic can relate to.

This obviously means, the Lutheran could claim that while Lateran IV was authentic magisterium, it was still fallible, and actually failed. So, a new authentic magisterium is set up by Luther and his disciples to correct that. And the Lutheran idea of who decides over the magisterium is simply Caesareopapism.

32:01 Noting, anamnesis in the LXX translates lə·’az·kā·rāh in Lev 24:7 and lə·zik·kā·rō·wn in Numb 10:10 ... in each case a sacrifice is involved, so we have a very good case for Mass being a sacrifice.

38:16 Is that Vener. Fulton Sheen, holding up a host?

Either way, the laws about what to do to heretics and the laws about what is heresy are absolutely distinct, and with no large swathes of population Catholic and isolated from non-Catholics, there is not much to protect by executing heretics.** The Inquisition has had its run, but it's not a viable option for today.

39:55 You have done yourself and your intended audience a disservice by equating this type of Anti-Catholicism with Fundamentalism.

Meanwhile, one piece of refutation, whether to the "Death Cookie" or to "Forbidden Book" that I missed is, asking such people the question "where did the real Church go in the meantime?"

* Great Bishop of Geneva! : Answers about "The Forbidden Book"

** As I said already in 2013 - apparently in response to Jack Chick's paranoia about Jesuits, already alluded to:

Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera : I do not agree with religious liberty in all cases for all religions

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