Sunday, May 28, 2023

Bodie Hodge on Satanism and Other

Why the Religion of Satanism MUST Be Stopped
Answers in Genesis, 31 March 2020

4:45 Probably Job was told later, or Moses was told it.*

I consider Job was either simply handed down to Moses by Jethro, or Moses received traditions from Jethro, and revelations from God.

58:07 Nothing on how impossible it is for human language to emerge from ape communications?

59:01 Are you saying Roman Catholicism is different from Christianity in that book?

3. A Brief Introduction of Christianity............................................. 71
4. How Is Roman Catholicism Different?......................................... 75

75 - 111 or 112, 36 or 37 pages claiming Roman Catholicism is different from Christianity?

No, it's actually Protestantism in its many forms that's counterfeit Christianity. The best wish I have for some Evangelicals like you is, it's only incomplete, and not directly toxic.

For instance, I am glad Ken Ham pretended he was "both" Calvinist "and" Arminian, meaning presumably he acknowledges proof texts for both and adhers purely to neither. Roman Catholicism does so too.

1:03:27 Manuscript evidence will not decide whether the Gospels are fact or fiction.

The Church will. The Church will give evidence, She was not sending people to martyrdom over a fiction. Her leaders believed it fact, since they were often martyred.

And in 1500, which Church then on earth could claim to be the Church that wrote the NT?

Roman Catholicism, with some competition from Greek Orthodoxy.

The Protestant main confessions came after that, and Medieval semi-Protestant heresies have either been obliterated (as with Albigensians) or been adapting to Lutherans and Anglicans, as with Moravians, or to Calvinism, as with Waldensians.

* Actually the alternatives are:
  • Moses inherited the human story via Jethro and was told about Satan's role;
  • Job was told later by God, after his sufferings were over, when he wrote it down, and Moses already had it from Job;
  • Job saw it in a vision already while the sufferings were going on, so he did not say so while he was not in a position to be heard, while the Job's comforters were going on and on, but he later wrote it down, and Moses already had it from Job.

This Book takes its name from the holy man, of whom it treats; who, according to the more probable opinion, was of the race of Esau, and the same as Jobab, king of Edom, mentioned [in] Genesis xxxvi. 33. It is uncertain who was the writer of it. Some attribute it to Job himself; others to Moses, or some one of the prophets. In the Hebrew it is written in verse, from the beginning of the third chapter to the forty-second chapter. (Challoner)

JOB - Introduction
Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition.

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