James Ussher in Catholic Apologetics · Ussher II · Ussher III · Ussher IV
- Q
- I was in a class today, and one of my teachers cited the John Ussher estimation of the age of the Earth, according to what he found in the Bible, which places the age of the Earth at around 6,000 years. More so indirectly defying this, they said that the Earth was billions of years old, which I think I believe. Is there something I am missing? Was "John" Ussher incorrect in his assumption in any way? How should I have responded? FYI this is a throwaway account.
- Submission accepted by
- John Thai
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
- Apr 16
- "John" Ussher was probably incorrect and either St. Jerome or George Syncellus correct about what text to use.
In St. Jerome’s calculation, which is included in the Historia Scholastica and from there came to Usuardus (a martyrology used in Rome and lots of other places) and from Usuardus to Martyrologium Romanum, a LXX based chronology has no second Cainan for Genesis 11. The total is, Our Lord was born in 5199 from Creation. Not 4004.
In Syncellus a more normal version of the LXX is used, Genesis 11 does have the second Cainan, and the total is, the world was created between 5510 and 5500 BC. Not 4004. This one is used for the liturgic new year in Eastern Rite, or at least Eastern Orthodoxy, on September 1st.
But as to basic principle, Ussher is in agreement with the Fathers and Scholastics, and no exception noted.
For the idea that the world is billions of years old, that is Science Fiction. You know Star Trek allows a spaceship warp drive, which is faster than light, HHGG allows a supercomputer to consider (correctly, in the light of Matthew 1) that the meaning of life (not mentioned in HHGG, but immplied to be, Christ) is “42” (namely generations countable from Abraham). Similarily a Sci-Fi not sold in novels or televised as entertainment, but edutainment, presents certain methods, erroneously, of being able to calculate that kind of time.
- I, a PS
- Apr 17
- It can be added, the name of the “archbishop” was actually James Ussher, not John.
- II
- John Thai
- Apr 16
- I am not clear on your answer but I accepted submission. Are you saying that the world is billions of years old is Science Fiction?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Apr 16
- I am saying believing the methods by which one arrives at that is like believing science fiction gadgets like warp drive or super-intelligent computers.
- John Thai
- Apr 16
- I suggest that you revise to elucidate your thought. Just a suggestion.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Apr 17
- What exact part remained unclear?
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