Friday, September 1, 2023

I'd Like a Second Opinion on the Kaph

This is a calculation that Tim Cohen made on "Charles Prince of Wales"

I had thought that prince was nasi or nasiy, something, and actually, in Genesis 34:2 I find this:

No kaph. And sin rather than samekh.

As you can see, other word occurrences don't end in kaph.

But perhaps the key is "modern Israeli Hebrew" being different from Biblical ...?


Hans Georg Lundahl said...

It seems the syntax is wrong.

Prince of Wales is nesich vayls | נסיך ויילס
Duke of Cornwall is dukas kornvel | דוכס קורנוול
Without any mem.

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Biblical Hebrew is the same.
Genesis 14 in the interlinear has Amraphel melek Shinar.