Monday, May 6, 2024

What Are False Visions?

Creation vs. Evolution: Ineptitude of Introibo on Anthropology · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: What Are False Visions?

I probably agree the vision of this nun is false, since "Benedict" was not remaining pope if he never was pope. But the key point is how false visions and false interpretations of visions are to be avoided as sources of error.

Pope John Paul II appears to tell Nun that Francis isn't pope: Beware of false prophets
The Kennedy Report | 9 April 2022

"the text is disputed 10:43 he's given example here in the works of 10:45 mary of agreda catherine emrick"

You are back on Fr. William Most? Until you cited Catherine Emerick, I thought you were still referring to the words of St. John of the Cross.

If you are reading from a book by Most, you probably have quotes from St. John of the Cross visually marked, doesn't mean we see this marking.

So, when I go through the transscript, it's certainly St. John of the Cross who comments on St. Joan of Arc, and the next mention of what I think would be Fr. Most has a "he also says" which in context would grammatically refer to St. John of the Cross rather than a person mentioned minutes earlier.

Speaking of which:

  • my writings are not claiming to be of a visionary
  • anyone is free to dispute them, if they think they have better arguments
  • so, if I am right or wrong on any particular, like whether Michael II is the Pope or Göbekli Tepe was Nimrod's Genesis 11 Babel, or Genesis was transmitted orally to Abraham for the first chapters, or the carbon 14 level was like 82.753 pmC in Genesis 14, since an event around 1935 BC is carbon dated to 3500 BC (the Amorrhaeans in Asason-Tamar suffered attack, and from archaeology apparently also evacuated), all of that should be approached by arguments on the subjects, one subject at a time, not by testing me, as if I claimed to be a visionary.

Some have started avoiding to talk to me, since I have observed:

  • not agreeing that Adam, with his wife Eve, taken from his side or rib, was the sole originator of original sin, and transmitted it to people who came from him, Eve as spouse, everyone else as descendants is contradicting Trent Session V;
  • not agreeing that Adam came within hourse from the creation of the world (less than 168 hours, the full span of a week) either commits to polygenism or to some other horrible error.

In the former category, you find Novus Ordo's, obviously, those avoiding me for that observation, but in the latter category, you find St. Nicolas du Chardonnet and Sedevacantists. Didn't say "Bene-Vacantists" like this nun, but the other "rad trad" parish in Paris is that of Sedevacantists, Mater Boni Concilii.

So, I start to get the impression lots of Trads are starting to gaslight me about the duty of visionaries to be tested, and not to believe everything they think they have gathered from a vision, when in fact I have been doing syllogisms and calculations on the Carbon 14 Dating Calculator by Mark Gregory.

"this pride it shows to in 12:56 desiring to publish the graces the 12:58 persons thinks he has received when it 13:01 is not necessary"

What I publish may depend on graces I have received, but are thought processes. Are things I have written.

I write them for apologetics, not to edify myself in private, and apart from the apologetic purpose, it is also necessary to publish what one writes if one hopes an income from one's writings.

As writing has been my business for 23 years, outlasting a brief spell of street singing as well as a brief return to university, and overarching all the "begging" I do as being what I offer in return for money, as I previously did with singing, publishing what I write is very necessary for my livelihood. RE-publishing it on paper could vastly improve my livelihood even into paying back study loans.

So, I try to make a living, if anyone pretends this means I am prideful and hence a false visionary deceived by the devil, I hope that God curses this fraudulent pastor, who wants to avoid debate, and run people's lives in dominant manners reminiscent of BDSM. I recall you had a horror of parents allowing their girl to see handcuffs on a table. You should have more horror of clergy whos pastoral to or about a specific person show a clear ambition to dominate him so he loses control over his own situation due to such domination, even if his own is not the only one.

14:57 I do not approve, generally speaking of anonymity.

But when it comes to "avoiding persecutions" I think it is easy for some to gush over how someone else wants to avoid them, when they have no idea of the impact.

Tertullian, who died outside the Church, apparently said, if you avoid persecution by leaving where you are, you show insufficient submission to God's will, or insufficient love for the suffering God sends. A similar view was voiced by Luther in many of the theses that were condemned in Exsurge Domine, first time he was censored.

Our Lord actually did give some advice in Matthew 10:23, though He didn't specify how often it should be followed.

If a cloistered nun approached a journalist, I see two options.
a) She did in fact go through her superiors within the monastery, and it's they who told her to be anonymous. The monastery may involve people less holy than she and less able to bear persecution without apostasy.
b) She's not a cloistered nun at all, the journalist was taken in.

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