Thursday, May 30, 2024

Contra Petrovich ... and Against Those who Warn me Against Myself

Has This Archaeologist FOUND The Tower of Babel?
Is Genesis History? 29.V.2024

Hans-Georg Lundahl
No, he hasn't.

The Zigggurat of Eridu is dated to 5000 BC, as I recall his content, and that date, is, according to my tables:

2182 BC
70.704 pmC, so dated 5032 BC

By contrast the real beginning and ending dates of Babel are (Biblical and carbon, the former obviously the real ones, the latter useful for finding your way in archaeology), these:

2607 BC
43.438 pmC, so dated 9507 BC

2556 BC
51.761 pmC, so dated 8006 BC

If you tell Doug Petrovich this, I think he can tell you what other Archaeologist found the City of Babel in the 1980's ...

Eyes wide open
Who dated it, you? Im guessing not. Do you know if everything you have been told across the board is the truth? No you don't. Have we all been lied to before, and are we all still being lied to about everything today, yes we are, constantly. So that creates all sorts of problems

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@EYESWIDEOPEN00 "Who dated it, you? Im guessing not."

I have done these RE-dates.

My method is, take a Biblical event (or otherwise historical with good chronology) with a carbon date attached, check the discrepancy or the kind of extra years the carbon date involves (the instant "age"), calculate the carbon 14 level in the atmosphere back then, you get a thin grid of dates, then fill in intermediate probable carbon levels for intermediate real years, then calculate carbon dates for those years too, and now you have a more dense grid.

You are BASICALLY asking me to distrust my own work, because I don't know the guy who did it ... duh!

@EYESWIDEOPEN00 One more thing.

Before you ask me how I knew what carbon levels went with what age implications, there actually are carbon 14 calculators online. I use them.

IT Master
It would be very interesting to see his response.

Endo oi
@hglundahl Carbon dating is nonsense, completely unscientific and based on a lot of assumptions.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@itmaster3805 Indeed, it's not the first time I've tried to get in touh with him.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@endooi5476 Some of the assumptions are reasonable, with or without Biblical chronology, some need to be rethought with Biblical chronology, that's what I do, but the assumptions do work for the last roughly three millennia.

If you are from South Africa and think of the painting that was very recent, and dated to 10 000 years ago, the paints were arguably not just flax seed oil, but also acrylic, and acrylic involves fossil carbons, i e carbon that's from back in the time of the Flood.

Mariano Laferte
@hglundahl how accurate do you think they are

@hglundahl hey do you have a source regarding research specialized on the flood and pre flood eras?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@marianolaferte6333 I am doing independent research myself.

I quoted my own tables.*

I think real date for the Flood 2957 BC is as accurate as the Roman Martyrology, plus I screwed up it should be 2958 BC since Jesus was born in 1 BC.

I think the carbon date association I have for that at least falls within the spectrum, since I am highly confident that the Campi Flegrei super-eruption was during the Flood.

My dates for Babel are extending the 40 years to the full 51 years from Noah's death to Peleg's birth, an inaccuracy of 11 years (which is of course significant when carbon years rush by as quick as back then) and I take the carbon dates for Göbekli Tepe from the latest source I can identify. Now my dates for Göbekli Tepe / Babel are 9500 to 8000 BC. The table I quoted may be back from when that was 9600 to 8600 BC. [it wasn't]

Dates between Flood and beginning of Babel are created by an interpolation, and in order to make it simple, I have presumed (perhaps inaccurately) that the carbon 14 level in the atmosphere was typically uniform and uniformly rising. Modelling a spectrum of different simultaneous carbon levels is harder. I didn't take that trouble.

@marianolaferte6333 Oh, the date is about the Ziggurat of Eridu.

If Babel ended at Pelegs birth in 2557 BC / "8000 BC" and Genesis 14 took place in 1936 BC (another inaccuracy potential of 11 years, Abraham was between 75 and 86, so I evened it out to 80, 2016 BC - 80 = 1936 BC), I made another table, also presuming (in the post-Babel time perhaps a bit more realistically) a uniform carbon 14 level in the atmosphere for each moment. The carbon date 3500 BC for Genesis 14 is from the reed mats taking out temple treasure from Asason Tamar (En-Geddi) to a nearby cave.

IF you prefer Ziggurat of Eridu over Göbekli Tepe as Babel, you run into at least two problems.

  • You get a quicker rise of carbon levels prior to Babel and a slower one after Babel than with my model, the unevenness is a bit too abrupt (this is obviously an estimate on my part, not a hard fact, it is conceivable it actually was that abrupt, I just don't think so);
  • Göbekli Tepe is very clearly post-Flood (since contemporary Cheddar Man has matrilinear descendants today), and Göbekli Tepe was also clearly an evil city rather like Nimrod's than Noah's character (sexual imagery, perhaps involving mutilation, deaths with heads severed from bodies and exposure to vultures, a boar crushing a human head ...). How do you account for an evil city at the edge of a plain in Mesopotamia between the Flood and Babel?

* Actually the latest ones, where the carbon dates for Göbekli Tepe are given as 9500 to 8000 BC:

New blog on the kid : Mes plus récentes tables de carbone 14

[other comment of mine]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
0:49 Late Uruk expansion ...

What about Europe even to Spain and Ireland getting people from the Neolithic Anatolia, which has a cross-over with Mesopotamia?

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