They want to NORMALIZE Cannibalism?!
Allie Beth Stuckey | 16 March 2024
I get the impression that the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 or a parallel were indeed euphemisms. "ate, drank, married and got married" (not the usual stuff for any of the verbs).
1:01 I have very studiously avoided being on government assistance.
I write. I consider the day when I get things into print as being when I can start to count income and when that's 3 times the rent per month or the rent for 24 months in advance ... I can have a place to live.
If you've heard I wear dress, that's false. If you heard I wear a costume, that's iffy. I do wear historic male dress, and while kilt would not in itself be offlimits, that's not what I wear.
1:56 As I mentioned my interpretation about the times of Noah, the fact that one bunch of Neanderthals have been found to be veggies and one other cannibals argues, to me, two things:
- Neanderthals were pre-Flood, the just were veggies and the unjust added cannibalism (this was before Genesis 9:2)
- Neanderthal doesn't directly equal Nephelim, as some of them were in fact veggies.
The method archaeologists use to find how some were perpetrators or victims of cannibalism is not too mysterious.
Neanderthals in Belgium have human genome in their dental calculus. Not so those in El Sidrón, who seem to have liked pine nuts.
Homo erectus on Java has for instance had heads cut off so the upper part can serve as cups, and some bones in Atapuerca are per genome or proteins human bones, but per splitting, the marrow has been sucked out.
Vampyrism is obviously less easy to detect once the flesh and skin of the neck have been rotted away. But if Henoch in Nod is ever dug up, I imagine we might find pictorial evidence.
3:22 Both funerary cannibalism and cannibalism of enemies have occurred.
They are different insofar as a dwelling place of cannibals will ...
- contain victim split bones of divergent genomes if enemy cannibalism
- contain victim bones of a consistent genome of funerary cannibalism.
Now, to be clear, I do not agree that either practise should be destigmatised, but the latter is somewhat less evil (unless involving euthanasia, in that case it's more evil).
4:31 Indeed. But do you get a certain smell of the science community denying the human body that whiff of the sacred?
Euthanasia, cremation, donating bodies to science, abortion, contraception, eugenics (by the way, the downtrodden victim in Buck v. Bell had a daughter named Vivian Dobbs, I find Dobbs v. Jackson a very fitting poetic justice), lobotomy, psychiatric drugs that debilitate, I get a real feeling, those guys may actually at heart be Gnostics.
Probably inherited from Protestantism as it has historically been (I'm aware you are not that type in these contexts).
8:57 Emblems and seals?
He didn't believe in the real presence?
It so happens, even if you said "the Catholic position implies cannibalism, but the Protestant is just symbolic" you just said yourself that actual cannibalism is seen as accursed even when it's just symbolic. So, one would have to say the Flesh and Blood can indeed be literal, provided there is a clear difference from cannibalism. There is.
- The body is present where the substance of the bread was, i e under the accidents of bread, and the chewing or swallowing affects those accidents (starting with circumference) and do not hurt the actual body of Jesus, though it is there;
- cannibalism is an act against a dead or dying person, but both at the Last Supper and now, it is the living flesh and living blood of the living Christ we receive.
Hence, there is no cannibalism in it.*
11:35 I would not agree with "tribal" it sounds as if the social fact of living "in a tribe" would by itself lead to barbarism.
It's a view point of the 19th C.
Meanwhile, the practise is demonic. I don't think one can be too offensive to demons.
That and human sacrifice. Take a look at the places demons chose to mislead people on, geometrically correlated places around the earth (a cross through the axis is what I've looked at) shows there are themes that the people just committing those things couldn't know.
Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Black Magic in Shimao and Ur
11:54 Just in case you think Catholics have been lazy about going to those peoples, check wiki for "Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea" and "Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary"