Sunday, May 30, 2021

Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment

Incredulity on Literal Adam and Eve, a Tracing Problem (Quora) · Tracing Efforts Continue : Given that Trent Session V treats Adam as an individual man, when did modernist Catholics start treating him as just an allegory? · Continuing Sci Debate with Marc Robidoux · Marc and Alex between them · My answer to Marc Robidoux' long comment · Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment

"I share your concern that the simple literal faith is eclipsed by the intellectualization of biblical inerrancy into some high calculus. In that sense I miss the Orthodox lack of equivocation."

Was this to me?

It so happens that yes, Biblical Inerrancy should not be treated as "imaginary numbers", but doing so is not an intellectualisation, at least not a successful one. Biblical Inerrancy without such a mistreatment is accessible without what is sometimes called "simple faith" and I have had to keep it up with a high degree of intellectualisation.

"I think they are robbing themselves of the real and full spectrum of the Faith, as Benedict XVI explained in his document."

If he said so, why is that not a condemnation?

"Especially if they, in Protestant style, use the Bible to fight off reality."

Protestants fighting off reality are, in my experience, not about using the Bible, but very Marc Robidoux style (as he's been to me so far, not to you) of demanding proof text for every level of a reasoning, including the conclusion, even if each premiss has a legitimate proof text.

"What I find admirable though is a simple intuitive faith that is not worried about proofs."

Apart from children and some Hesychasts, you will not find much faith that way.

"That is because in the end, we believe in a miracle"

Non sequitur. Miracle is proof, and to be that, the event that is a miracle and the miraculous nature of it needs to be provable too.

" — at least one, and events of 2000 years ago will never have proofs beyond dispute."

Events from 1945 will never have proofs beyond dispute. Events from 2000 years ago can very well have proofs beyond reasonable dispute.

"We Christians understand that a miracle cannot follow scientific method by definition, so when a naïve Atheist says something like 'dead people stay dead, it’s science, so your faith is wrong' we laugh."

Miracles cannot follow the common course of events. If we didn't know that dead people - normally - stay dead, the Resurrection would prove nothing about Christ. We do, therefore it does.

"At the same time I agree that no one should “deny demonstrable facts”, — that is equally silly."

What exactly counts like that with you?

Example from Marc : // Forming an entire cohort of citizens who believe dinos and humans co-existed, just like in the Flintstones. //

So, it it a demonstrable fact that men and dinos did not coexist? It is rather demonstrated that they did. Unless you will claim that men and ice bears don't coexist, because we don't stroll for morning coffee in the Arctic Sea and they don't do their fishing (except at zoo) near our cities. My demonstration, again depending on C14 dating being neither a literal certainty nor absolutely meaningless, but giving a relative chronology, far back enough (in more recent times, they are close to literal historic chronology), dinos have been found with C14 inside the bones. I couldn't find the Armitage reference, but here is a Snelling one, and it is in English despite youtube automatic translation to French):

Le carbone 14 a-t-il été trouvé dans les os de dinosaures ? - Dr. Andrew Snelling
6 mai 2020 | Is Genesis History?


Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sun, May 30
Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment = link here

Alex Pismenny
Mon, May 31
Thanks, maybe later.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

My answer to Marc Robidoux' long comment

Incredulity on Literal Adam and Eve, a Tracing Problem (Quora) · Tracing Efforts Continue : Given that Trent Session V treats Adam as an individual man, when did modernist Catholics start treating him as just an allegory? · Continuing Sci Debate with Marc Robidoux · Marc and Alex between them · My answer to Marc Robidoux' long comment · Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment

“it is not hearsay.“ As you have not provided a single bit or citation for any verifiable evidence for your claim that there was ever a global flood, it is hearsay defined as ‘an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: ‘

The evidence publically available, and mostly cited to, at least to wikipedia, has been cited over and over again by myself and opponents. AND on top of that it has been argued what it proves or doesn't prove.

“Exactly. Your considering my evidence from debates as "hearsay" is not evidence of evidence from my debates being hearsay. For instance”, - I am not making any claim so I have no need to present evidence. YOU, on the other hand, claim there was a global flood, and provide no evidence to support this at all.

You were just making the claim amounting to that citing extensive arguments about available evidence constitues no more than hearsay being there without any evidence.

"citing his screen name” - does not make someone un-anonymous. What is his real name? Is he actually a real person? What are his credentials to be making the claims he makes? - Anonymous.

He could not have answered me as he did if he had been a bot. His credentials in geology I cannot be more precise about than: arguably better than yours. Or for that matter mine.

"So, what kind of evidence do you want? I have more than one.” Oh, do tell.

When you stop asking me to prooftext every sentence I utter and start dealing with argument, like telling me what exactly you find needing evidencing. You were fine communicating with Alex Pismenny, without giving him that special treatment.

"Glenn Morton is claiming it” - and provides over 50 points of reference to the evidence backing his claim.

No, he provides 50 points of reference for several different statements in this paper, perhaps (I'll trust your count) but not one of them a better discussion of "couldn't have been laid down in one year" than his bare claim.

"Are you asking me to prove it could?” - I’m asking you to provide a shred of verifiable evidence that counters the loads of evidence that show it does no such thing.

I have given a formula: much water moving fast in a short time can move about as much dirt as little water moving slowly in a long time. Your turn to try to prove that one wrong.

"Arguments are what evaluates evidence as proof or non-proof” - Science is not about “proof”, it is about evidence, and if you provide an argument without evidence, that is not counter-evidence to arguments made under verifiable evidence.

Science obviously started after Karl Popper. Exeunt Darwin, Lyell, Newton, Galileo, Herschel ... but for some reason these men, not scientists according to you, since pretending to actually prove things, had their work kept on after Popper.

I do not provide arguments without evidence. I provide arguments about the evidence offered. If an argument is given about evidence X, the evidence I offer may also be X, and there just correcting the argument about it. Like "K-Ar dates result only from actual decay at a verified half life" corrected to "K-Ar dates measure Ar to K ratio, which results from decay, which results from accelerated decay at some times, which results from rapid cooling of lava under water and which is measured by a half life that cannot be verified against actual historical dates". Which corrects position a) "K-Ar dating proves a certain age" to position b) "K-Ar dating doesn't so, except perhaps to the year of the Flood when plenty of water was available to cool the lava, and probably some rapid decay was ongoing for radioactive reasons".

""But if you volunteer to dispute them” - I do indeed dispute them, but the burden of evidence is on you, as it is YOUR claim that there was ever a global flood.

No, you gave a truncated quote. AS NOT JUST unfounded - if you say unfounded, the burden of proof is indeed on me, and the proof is history in Genesis 6-9. BUT ALSO impossible. That puts the burden of proof on you. Why is it impossible? If you had a really good argument, no evidence I could provide for factuality could trump that. But proving something impossible takes more than just claiming it is.

"In fact, it didn't include one when I read it years ago”. - - Oh gee, well sorry for not having read something you posted yesterday as it existed years ago when you read it...

No, it didn't. It included what you cited, a bare claim that laying them down in one year was impossible. He gave no discussion, as I recall of that claim, and therefore backed up none of any such discussion by any of the 50 citations (if they are that many) by you.

"A citation is neither a good nor a bad argument” - correct, however if you make an argument and base it on citable evidence, you can be reasonably sure that this evidence has been verified by other experts in the process of peer review.

Yes, and in some cases this means it has been verified horribly badly, because their scientific culture takes that evidence or its purported implication for granted.

"Which exact reference did he give for a year long flood” - He provides 50+ references which refute the notion that year long flood could possibly produce the observed layered strata. Again “proof” is not a scientific pursuit. Evidence is the goal, and all evidence shows that the strata were laid down over millions of years. You claim it was all done in a single global flood, but provide no evidence for your claim.

He doesn't say one of these references gives any one proof for that claim, since he didn't offer to even discuss it, as I recall. Now, I'll check. Did. He doesn't. He enumerates a series of layers. He gives a reference for each one, and that proves it exists. But he doesn't anywhere near pretend to prove it could not have been laid down in one year. The closest he comes is:

// Fourth, the geologic column is not sorted be ecological zones. The Silurian Interlake, Devonian Prairie, Pennsylvanian Minnelusa and Jurassic Morisson formations are continental deposits. Oceanic deposits sandwich these beds. The ocean came and went many times. //

As he is, as said, abusing the words above and below, and pretending things are above at places where they don't exist or below at places where they don't, since he is basically treating ND as one "place", this amounts to nothing. Or here:

// Here is how I know the Williston Basin sediments couldn't be deposited in a single year. 15,000 feet divided by 365 days equals 41 feet per day. Assuming that a burrow is only 1 foot long and that the creature could not survive the burial by an additional foot of sediment, the creature doing the burrowing must accomplish his work in less than 40 minutes. That doesn't sound all that bad, until it is realized that if the poor critter ever stops to rest, even for a half an hour, he will be buried too deeply to escape. //

Here is a part reply from CMI:

// The organisms most capable of disturbing the sediment during the time constraints inherent in rapid Flood deposition are those that can burrow through or across centimetres to tens of centimetres of sediment in a matter of seconds to minutes. There are many such organisms, and space limitations permit mention of only a few of them. Among annelid worms, such rates have been measured for Sipunculus,45 Ophiodromus,46 Nephtys and Arenicola. 47 Such rates hold for certain mollusks, including numerous kinds of bivalves,48–50 certain razor clams,51 the pelecypod Neotrigonia52 and several different kinds of gastropods.53 They also hold for many crustaceans, including the amphipod Parahaustorius,54 the isopod Tylos55 and various crabs.56–58 //

The paper is really a scientific paper that contains multiple references for the relevant claims about checkable facts.

Another part of the reply is with me, without reference, but from what I have gathered on Flood geology elsewhere : sediments were folded over each other either during the Flood or during later landslides.

Scenario A overall being thus : 1) sediments during the Flood covered worms of the, 2) the worms burrowed up quickly (as per reference), 3) more sediment settled on them, they continued burrowing quickly through the mud, 4) this solidified before the burrows could be squeezed flat, 5) the depth in Williston Basin represents a much larger original surface, since folding occurred just afterwards.

Scenario B is, burrows solidified by the pre-Flood seas over the 2242 years up to the Flood, and pieces of that were then crushed to smaller bits and assembled by Flood currents in the water depth now known as Williston, or it was assembled by folding as in scenario A.

Scenario C is, geologists of the petrol company were dishonest or sloppy with diagnosing presence of solidified burrows all along the depth of 15 000 feet.

Scenario D (which you might check), Glenn Morton misunderstood or was sloppy about that citation, but it is less likely, since he is a geologian.

"As said, it was years since I read it, and I did not find any such proof back then. You read him more recently.” - YOU posted this link, The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota, YOU are claiming it is a reference of something TODAY.

Yes, I am claiming it as evidence he is talking of layers all over North Dakota and presenting each as present everywhere in it.

"How about learning to parse instead of citing a half sentence?” Well, sorry, I’m not a blogger, I’m just commenting against direct quotes from you one Quora, so if that causes you to have to go back over what you said, boo hoo.

Didn't go back, I denied the limits of the quote as faithfully reproducing what I said. Namely, as the quote was a response to your words, I had to go back to that context to actually understand my words. I then did go back, and after that answer your question when it became understandable. My quoted words were posted hours or days before I saw your response.

" I claim that strata lower than Younger Dryas strata are the material evidence of a Flood, except some for an Ice age between the Flood and Younger Dryas. If you had paid any attention to the discussion of historic science, it so happens, it can't be checked against achievements. You have material pieces of evidence. You have stories that compete about fitting the material evidence best. My claim is, the layers lower than Ice Age and Younger Dryas are material evidence left from the Flood.” - Let me restate this so an average person can understand: So HGL is claiming that some sedimentary rock formations are evidence of a global flood, but this “can’t be checked” despite the fact that there are innumerable references for geological science that directly contradict this “uncheckable” bit of his claim.

I never said anything of what you "restated" as can't be checked. I said the methodology for historic claims of non-textual evidence is often such that it cannot be checked against achievements. And this is the precise problem with the "innumerable references", meaning that they are what cannot be checked by actual achievements. Since historic science.

"My point is, Jurassic and Permian remains are material evidence of the Flood. “ - nope, it (they are/is) no such thing, all the scientifically verified evidence from geological science point to an earth 4–4.5Billion years old, and the evidence supporting this claim also support mechanisms that have been verified with evidence in keeping with scientific theories of geology, plate tectonics etc.

"All the scientifically verified evidence" is a very big claim, you would have to back that up. A theory about the past is perhaps verified as possible by consistence with theories about the past, but it is not verified as the real past. The 4.5 billion claim comes from one little piece of evidence, namely meteorites with U-Pb dates that old, and it cannot be verified there was no Pb present from scratch.

“Proof?” - Your word, not mine, not a scientific term at all.

I was asking you for it. I am well aware it's out of fashion after Popper. Probably because preceding decades Mitchelson and Morley, and Airey actually tried to prove Heliocentrism by filling in the chinks of what could be verified, and failed. The outcomes contradicted their heliocentric predictions.

"If you are suggesting there is citable evidence of something here, then 1. Please cite it, and 2. Please clarify what claim this citation supports?"

"You proceed to quote verbatim a bunch of stuff from Wikipedia that mostly contradicts your claim that there was a global flood within the last 10000 years, so not sure what that “proves” for you, but for me, ‘meh’."

It would contradict it, if carbon dates 40 000 BP were solid undisputable facts. It would contribute nothing if carbon dates were meaningless. In fact I pose a middle ground. Any sample can be contaminated by more radioactivity, and any sample decays according to half life, including the atmospheric one. This imposes limits on how quickly the pmC (percent modern carbon) can change. This means, carbon dates do provide a relative, but not an absolute chronology.

This makes it significant if lots of things disappear at the same carbon date or even start appearing at the same carbon date. So, events carbon dated 40 000 BP map each other as much as to make for instance the Flood (of which we have an at least purported historic account with several parallels, where the historicity is tampered with but not disappeared) likely. Making carbon dated 40 000 BP = 2957 BC.

"At the academia I am from, no one was required to cite for "bonis" being dative/ablative plural of all three genders of I-II declinsion adjective "bonus". I was however required to cite Maius having a side form Madius in the Middle Ages, and found the citation in Habel-Gröbel.” -Congratulations! Did that earn you a PhD (perhaps in Human Biology like Dr. Bergman?)

No, it did earn me a footnote in Swedish academia, more importantly also an actual insight in how actual academics do use, sometimes overuse references, as the one writing the paper already had one for the spelling Magius for Maius. Both Madius and Magius indicate the pronunciation of ddj, as in Italian Maggio, instead of Classic yod sound in Maius. So, he could have been fine with what he already had, but wanted one more reference even more directly.

"Now, for Neanderthals I know (Pääbo, El Sidrón, look it up) that the mitochondria and the Y-chromosomes are not found in modern man. Flood is among other things a genetic bottleneck and if a daughter in law of Noah had a Neanderthal father and a Cro Magnon mother, she would have handed on neither. Though to be fair, I may have overdone the case as some Neanderthal / Sapiens hybrid in Italy seems to have had Neanderthal like mitochondriae.” - I think you over-estimate your knowledge of genetics….

I think you owe me an argument on where mine would have been swayed by a mistake about genetics, before making that kind of resumé.

"Sounds like initiation and metadiscussion, not my cup of tea.” - Evidence for claims, not your cup of tea?

Pretending to ask for them at a ridiculous rate, displaying a total disrespect for my right to arrive at own syntheses, and to depend on commonly known facts and to wait with references till you find one important, no that is not my cup of tea. You gave a fairly low credibility statement about platypi without a reference, it was unimpoortant for the argument, since either way the people back then could have used methods like those of modern zoologists, so I don't see why I would want to chase evidence for your claims.

"Like the fact that the earth revolves around the sun e.g."Is supposed to ... how do you check that? “ - Lol, Jeez, NASA, they just sent men to the moon and the voyager probes to the outer Solar system and beyond, that’s the APPLICATION of helio centrism, , but you don’t have to wait for them to figure it out in THEORY, Galileo did it way back, does that name evoke anything with you...

Voyager probes have been sent thanks to an application of available astronomic knowledge, with whatever mistakes in it could be irrelevant for the result, and whether Heliocentrism is in the knowledge part or the mistakes part is another question. Sending men to the Moon (at least to MIR, if moontruthers should be right) has still less to do with Heliocentrism. Here is a checkup I did when it came to Voyager:

Apparent Annual Zig Zag Question about Geo/Helio and Space Crafts

“ I am in fact claiming the 5000 BP {blah-di-blah} Genesis 14 c. 1935 BC.” Claiming with no evidence - I add.

I gave the evidence for 5000 BP here : real date like after Genesis 14 (since that carbon dates to 3500 BC, as per evacuated temple material on reed mats from En Geddi = Asason Tamar). And as per Roman martyrology for Christmas day, 2015 BC birth of Abraham => Genesis 14 c. 1935 BC.

It was not one statement without evidence, but at lowest resolution two statements, the statement contradicting your previous one and my evidence for it in quick resumé. You read to quickly or you are too biassed against me to take in what I say.

"That the people in the pre-Flood world or early post-Flood one would reduce to goat herders is your claim “ - Nope, it is a supposition {I have not made any claims, remember?}, but if you have evidence they were otherwise employed, go ahead and cite the evidence, can’t hurt your claim to the global flood, though it also wouldn’t be evidence for that claim …

I remember your claiming not to make any claims, hypocritically. You don't see yourself as making a "claim" when you are answering what you consider as a "claim", even if the one is in fact as much a claim as the other. All answers are not simply asking for proof, and those that aren't may need some proof themselves.

{A lot of stuff ... }"No, you didn't, but AronRa did, citing some Nelson or sn. I took this as an example.” Why are you ascribing statements by others to me in this debate?

I wasn't ascribing statements of them to you, I was taking an example for what the burden of proof would be, and when a counterclaim puts a burden on proof on someone else. I was deliberately taking a statement of someone else, that you so far had no stake in.

“I'll be happy to take them one by one ..." - Go ahead - “You may mean there is a palaeontological record, that is something else.” - and I also mean there is a geological record, and astro-physics, and chemistry and on and on, there are oodles of evidence based science which you deny.

But, this is your problem, there is not a shred of evidence of a historical record. As my studies include Medieval Latin, I might be somewhat (even without a PhD) knowledgeable on what normally constitutes that.

You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence (verifiable and testable against known facts) that there ever was a global flood.

Verification : Flood story has lots of parallels, not limited to places in obvious cultural contact with ANE. Like independent witness accounts.

"On the contrary, lots collapsed. Hence lots of sediments.” - Citation for evidence to this claim?

I was not making a claim, I was correcting your supposition of what my claim was in the first place. My evidence - there are lots of sediment. Do I need any citation for that? I already gave one or two. On Kayenta and on Karoo. Explanations are usually evidenced by what is explained.

"the flatter and less deep pre-Flood lands and depths, the water we now have would have been adequate.” - Citation? Evidence? Or maybe this is your ‘common sense’ emerging again?

In fact, Jonathan Sarfati made a calculation on that, or someone else on CMI. Whether waters would or would not cover things depends on calculations, though obviously there is a common sense to it too : the smoother a globe surface you have, the easier it is covered in water. Here is the quote:

// That is why the oceans are so deep, and why there are folded mountain ranges. Indeed, if the entire earth’s surface were levelled by smoothing out the topography of not only the land surface but also the rock surface on the ocean floor, the waters of the ocean would cover Earth’s surface to a depth of 2.7 kilometres (1.7 miles). //

“” - quotes from the Bible not considered evidence’ " They should, they are prima facie evidence of history, same as other stories from old days - even before being admitted as Word of God.” - Your ‘common sense’ may tell you that but The Bible is a collection of myths and fables and fiction and half truths and verifiably false content, so anything within it can’t be tested and so fails test #1 to be considered evidence of anything.

// The Bible is a collection of myths and fables and fiction and half truths and verifiably false content, so anything within it can’t be tested //

Myths - not in the cosmic myths sense with no human observers. Legends - and "myths" in that sense ... are not definable as fictions or as fables. As to half truths, historic sources are always only giving part of the truth, and if you mean "part truth, part lie" you would like to demonstrate the "lie" part.

// verifiably false content //

Ah, that is a counter claim, meaning you have a burden of evidence.

// so anything within it can’t be tested //

History usually can't be tested. It's sources can be believed or not. Archaeology is rarely able to validate or invalidate an event. Never totally. You might still archaeologically prove there was a battle at Waterloo, or you might not, but you could not archaeologically see who won or who lost.

"But the problem “ is a problem for you and your blog - for me, I’m just responding to comments in a Quora answer, not a problem at all.

Netiquette. When I came on the web 20 years ago, and a few months, I quickly learned that on a forum (including obviously by extension quora) you keep discussion of one aspect under one subthread or divide it according to aspects, you don't switch it from one thread to another or one subthread to another.

{quoting accurately} " I have consistently done so” - great, carry on.

“some in Atheist community seem to have consistently given me the opposite reputation (if not, why the demand? It would be obvious, right? I am not the one making a truncated quote like "involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated” without citing the initial "So, if your argument" making the following hypothetical).” - I don’t know who you are suggesting is attacking your reputation this way, it wasn’t me, my “demand” is simply a standard request for use of my name and statements - those comments you cite are not from me.

I had to hack this out quickly (I do actually have a day job - so can’t dedicate all my time to debunking wild claims), sorry for any formatting errors. In re-reading I see that you have a problem with your reputation. Do note, I have not made any claims or ad-hominem attacks on you, but I’d just point out again that you have a habit of inserting ‘if you said’ type of quotes, this could very easily lead you to post erroneous quotes in your blog which would annoy most anyone victim of such misquotes, just some friendly advice but you should try to curb that, it may benefit your reputation you value so highly.

When I state sth with "if you said" it is not a quote. On my blogs, my words are presented as mine, yours as yours, and included quotes from other one's previous statement are in italics. In the case "if you said", the you was generic. I could as well have said "if someone said".

I have c. 9000 articles on my blogs. Most of them not depending on someone else's copyright, as this one does on yours, for instance, but over the years I have been consistently cold shouldered by either editors or people who'd have acted as intermediates with them, and then changed their mind. As a result, I am still unpaid for my work and still on the street, giving me a job 24/24 (like 3 am, not getting up and shouting at the people who pass by and deliberately, sometimes, wake me up, or like 5:45 am realising it is too late to get to sleep again, as it is on some places, and still too early to get a cup of coffee from the bakery. You BET I have some rational reasons to apprehend about my reputation.

Here is an exchange I had with Robert Honan:

... on Child Abuse and Enemies of Catholicism (and Why Some of Them Want Me Locked Up)

It includes these words by him:

I see nothing dirty with removing bigots motivated by primitive superstition from the gene pool. I'm also ethical enough to not repost other people's comments in a discussion out of context. If you want to link to my comments here and respond on your silly little blog, go right ahead. Too bad you're the typical forum bully who can't help but refight the debate in a forum where you can edit my comments to your pleasure. Either post my comments word-for-word with everyone else's comments quoted word-for-word, or don't post them at all! Perhaps I should repost this discussion to my blog, and correct your posts to openly reflect your support for child rape?

Unless you pretend I made it up, clearly credible evidence some hate me ....

Friday, May 28, 2021

Marc and Alex between them

Incredulity on Literal Adam and Eve, a Tracing Problem (Quora) · Tracing Efforts Continue : Given that Trent Session V treats Adam as an individual man, when did modernist Catholics start treating him as just an allegory? · Continuing Sci Debate with Marc Robidoux · Marc and Alex between them · My answer to Marc Robidoux' long comment · Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment

May be updated when I get time to answer them, but is now first published with their thing only:

Marc Robidoux
Tue, May 25
“it is not hearsay.“ As you have not provided a single bit or citation for any verifiable evidence for your claim that there was ever a global flood, it is hearsay defined as ‘an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: ‘

“Exactly. Your considering my evidence from debates as "hearsay" is not evidence of evidence from my debates being hearsay. For instance”, - I am not making any claim so I have no need to present evidence. YOU, on the other hand, claim there was a global flood, and provide no evidence to support this at all.

"citing his screen name” - does not make someone un-anonymous. What is his real name? Is he actually a real person? What are his credentials to be making the claims he makes? - Anonymous.

"So, what kind of evidence do you want? I have more than one.” Oh, do tell.

"Glenn Morton is claiming it” - and provides over 50 points of reference to the evidence backing his claim.

"Are you asking me to prove it could?” - I’m asking you to provide a shred of verifiable evidence that counters the loads of evidence that show it does no such thing.

"Arguments are what evaluates evidence as proof or non-proof” - Science is not about “proof”, it is about evidence, and if you provide an argument without evidence, that is not counter-evidence to arguments made under verifiable evidence.

""But if you volunteer to dispute them” - I do indeed dispute them, but the burden of evidence is on you, as it is YOUR claim that there was ever a global flood.

"In fact, it didn't include one when I read it years ago”. - - Oh gee, well sorry for not having read something you posted yesterday as it existed years ago when you read it...

"A citation is neither a good nor a bad argument” - correct, however if you make an argument and base it on citable evidence, you can be reasonably sure that this evidence has been verified by other experts in the process of peer review.

"Which exact reference did he give for a year long flood” - He provides 50+ references which refute the notion that year long flood could possibly produce the observed layered strata. Again “proof” is not a scientific pursuit. Evidence is the goal, and all evidence shows that the strata were laid down over millions of years. You claim it was all done in a single global flood, but provide no evidence for your claim.

"As said, it was years since I read it, and I did not find any such proof back then. You read him more recently.” - YOU posted this link, The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota, YOU are claiming it is a reference of something TODAY.

"How about learning to parse instead of citing a half sentence?” Well, sorry, I’m not a blogger, I’m just commenting against direct quotes from you one Quora, so if that causes you to have to go back over what you said, boo hoo.

" I claim that strata lower than Younger Dryas strata are the material evidence of a Flood, except some for an Ice age between the Flood and Younger Dryas. If you had paid any attention to the discussion of historic science, it so happens, it can't be checked against achievements. You have material pieces of evidence. You have stories that compete about fitting the material evidence best. My claim is, the layers lower than Ice Age and Younger Dryas are material evidence left from the Flood.” - Let me restate this so an average person can understand: So HGL is claiming that some sedimentary rock formations are evidence of a global flood, but this “can’t be checked” despite the fact that there are innumerable references for geological science that directly contradict this “uncheckable” bit of his claim.

"My point is, Jurassic and Permian remains are material evidence of the Flood. “ - nope, it (they are/is) no such thing, all the scientifically verified evidence from geological science point to an earth 4–4.5Billion years old, and the evidence supporting this claim also support mechanisms that have been verified with evidence in keeping with scientific theories of geology, plate tectonics etc.

“Proof?” - Your word, not mine, not a scientific term at all.

"If you are suggesting there is citable evidence of something here, then 1. Please cite it, and 2. Please clarify what claim this citation supports?"

You proceed to quote verbatim a bunch of stuff from Wikipedia that mostly contradicts your claim that there was a global flood within the last 10000 years, so not sure what that “proves” for you, but for me, ‘meh’.

"At the academia I am from, no one was required to cite for "bonis" being dative/ablative plural of all three genders of I-II declinsion adjective "bonus". I was however required to cite Maius having a side form Madius in the Middle Ages, and found the citation in Habel-Gröbel.” -Congratulations! Did that earn you a PhD (perhaps in Human Biology like Dr. Bergman?)

"Now, for Neanderthals I know (Pääbo, El Sidrón, look it up) that the mitochondria and the Y-chromosomes are not found in modern man. Flood is among other things a genetic bottleneck and if a daughter in law of Noah had a Neanderthal father and a Cro Magnon mother, she would have handed on neither. Though to be fair, I may have overdone the case as some Neanderthal / Sapiens hybrid in Italy seems to have had Neanderthal like mitochondriae.” - I think you over-estimate your knowledge of genetics….

"Sounds like initiation and metadiscussion, not my cup of tea.” - Evidence for claims, not your cup of tea?

"Like the fact that the earth revolves around the sun e.g."Is supposed to ... how do you check that? “ - Lol, Jeez, NASA, they just sent men to the moon and the voyager probes to the outer Solar system and beyond, that’s the APPLICATION of helio centrism, , but you don’t have to wait for them to figure it out in THEORY, Galileo did it way back, does that name evoke anything with you...

“ I am in fact claiming the 5000 BP {blah-di-blah} Genesis 14 c. 1935 BC.” Claiming with no evidence - I add.

"That the people in the pre-Flood world or early post-Flood one would reduce to goat herders is your claim “ - Nope, it is a supposition {I have not made any claims, remember?}, but if you have evidence they were otherwise employed, go ahead and cite the evidence, can’t hurt your claim to the global flood, though it also wouldn’t be evidence for that claim …

{A lot of stuff ... }"No, you didn't, but AronRa did, citing some Nelson or sn. I took this as an example.” Why are you ascribing statements by others to me in this debate?

“I'll be happy to take them one by one ..." - Go ahead - “You may mean there is a palaeontological record, that is something else.” - and I also mean there is a geological record, and astro-physics, and chemistry and on and on, there are oodles of evidence based science which you deny.

You have yet to provide a single shred of evidence (verifiable and testable against known facts) that there ever was a global flood.

"On the contrary, lots collapsed. Hence lots of sediments.” - Citation for evidence to this claim?

"the flatter and less deep pre-Flood lands and depths, the water we now have would have been adequate.” - Citation? Evidence? Or maybe this is your ‘common sense’ emerging again?

“” - quotes from the Bible not considered evidence’ " They should, they are prima facie evidence of history, same as other stories from old days - even before being admitted as Word of God.” - Your ‘common sense’ may tell you that but The Bible is a collection of myths and fables and fiction and half truths and verifiably false content, so anything within it can’t be tested and so fails test #1 to be considered evidence of anything.

"But the problem “ is a problem for you and your blog - for me, I’m just responding to comments in a Quora answer, not a problem at all.

{quoting accurately} " I have consistently done so” - great, carry on.

“some in Atheist community seem to have consistently given me the opposite reputation (if not, why the demand? It would be obvious, right? I am not the one making a truncated quote like "involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated” without citing the initial "So, if your argument" making the following hypothetical).” - I don’t know who you are suggesting is attacking your reputation this way, it wasn’t me, my “demand” is simply a standard request for use of my name and statements - those comments you cite are not from me.

I had to hack this out quickly (I do actually have a day job - so can’t dedicate all my time to debunking wild claims), sorry for any formatting errors. In re-reading I see that you have a problem with your reputation. Do note, I have not made any claims or ad-hominem attacks on you, but I’d just point out again that you have a habit of inserting ‘if you said’ type of quotes, this could very easily lead you to post erroneous quotes in your blog which would annoy most anyone victim of such misquotes, just some friendly advice but you should try to curb that, it may benefit your reputation you value so highly.

Alex Pismenny
Tue, May 25
I share your concern that the simple literal faith is eclipsed by the intellectualization of biblical inerrancy into some high calculus. In that sense I miss the Orthodox lack of equivocation.

Marc Robidoux
Wed, May 26
Do you have any concern for those whose faith is so literal that they don’t believe in the heliocentric reality of our solar system? I thought The RCC officially gave up such delusions way back in the days of Galileo. Having avowed Catholics today disputing it seems not the best for the RCC’s reputation, I was thinking until recently that settled matters such as that we’re off limits for Catholics until you clarified that Genesis 1 & 2 are fine for literal interpretation. Yes, ok, beliefs are beliefs, no evidence or lack thereof will change that, but man, here I am in Catholic Apologetics having to defend heliocentrism? My nominally catholic friends and family will be flabbergasted.

Alex Pismenny
Thu, May 27
Yes. I do: I think they are robbing themselves of the real and full spectrum of the Faith, as Benedict XVI explained in his document. Especially if they, in Protestant style, use the Bible to fight off reality.

What I find admirable though is a simple intuitive faith that is not worried about proofs. That is because in the end, we believe in a miracle — at least one, and events of 2000 years ago will never have proofs beyond dispute.

Marc Robidoux
Thu, May 27
LOL, so you must find it equally admirable how atheists believe in scientific theories and laws without proof. As I am always pointing out to theists all over the place, evidence .ne. proof, science has no need for proof, proof is for booze and maths basically. Believing in absence of evidence is one thing, but I really can’t say there is anything admirable about denying evidence, such as being anti-vacc, which has detrimental effects on fellow humans. Also not admirable to deny demonstrable facts, no noble reason to do that, it’s shake-your-head incredible, the certifiable wingnuttery of creationism that is taught as science in some places, ugh. Forming an entire cohort of citizens who believe dinos and humans co-existed, just like in the Flintstones. Here I was thinking that was just for Protestant fringes…

Alex Pismenny
Thu, May 27
The difference is that a scientist (theist or Atheist) took upon himself to follow certain rules known as scientific method; lawyers and cops have somewhat similar rules. A Christian has belief in one central historical fact, the Resurrection of Christ, and from that and from plain logic follows the rest of his beliefs. We Christians understand that a miracle cannot follow scientific method by definition, so when a naïve Atheist says something like “dead people stay dead, it’s science, so your faith is wrong” we laugh.

At the same time I agree that no one should “deny demonstrable facts”, — that is equally silly.

Marc Robidoux
Thu, May 27
Ah yes, there it emerges again, the capitalized ‘A’ misspelling for atheist, strange that. It’s almost like you think atheists are a defined organized group who all believe the same things for which they have no evidence, or get together in congregations, or diligently march to such congregations on set days, or have revivals, or go on pilgrimage, or indoctrinate their children through rites of passage, or bow to a guy with a funny hat or to a pastor or an ayatollah, or confess to men in boxes, or worry about heaven or hell or angels or demons, or condemn (or even put to death) others who don’t follow their delusions, or talk to imaginary spirits or put any stock into activities scientifically shown to be less effective than placebos or have any need for a whole field named “apologetics” or any such things. Yet you persist, so there must be a reason. Is it because when I cross your thoughts, you think of cultural decay perhaps?

And yet, through our disagreements, we have found yet another point of agreement with our common aversion to denial of demonstrable facts, yay, well done!

Turning to un-demonstrable facts though:

The central ‘fact’ you quote here as central to Christianity, is identically parallel and akin to the central ‘fact’ of Islam, namely that Angel Gabriel delivered the ideas in the Quran to Muhammad. There is an equal amount of evidence in support of both these ‘facts’.

My scruples, as an atheist, don’t allow me to laugh at people who believe such ‘facts’. Hell, who am I to question or laugh at anyone's deeply held beliefs, no matter how irrational or deluded they may be? This atheist would be more likely to say things like “there’s plenty of evidence that dead people stay dead, but you’re totally entitled to believe whatever natural laws were suspended once or many times to counter known reality. You can also justify your beliefs with whatever means you see fit, just don’t expect me to be convinced by non-evidence” - Would you (the royal ‘you’ I mean here) laugh at that?

{Meme insertion withheld - out of respect for your sensitivities}

Alex Pismenny
Thu, May 27
I capitalize Atheism because it is a belief system just like Catholicism or Islam.

Speaking of Islam, the difference is that there were no witnesses of Archangel Gabriel delivering anything to Mohammed. It is an empty assertion by Mohammed. There were witnesses of the Resurrection and they left testimonies, first oral and later written down.

Marc Robidoux
Thu, May 27
What exactly and precisely is this belief you believe atheists believe anyway? You keep saying this but can’t seem to pinpoint it, please clarify.

Ah right, ‘no witnesses’ is the issue, unlike for Christianity where anonymous witnesses for which there are no verified or verifiable evidence of their existence were the witnesses, ahh ok. Much higher level of evidence on your scale, I understand.

Once again {There’s a Meme for this but insertion withheld - out of respect for your sensitivities}

Alex Pismenny
Thu, May 27
Atheism is the belief that God does not exist. No reasonable evidence has ever been provided for this belief.

in Paris TZ, not for them.

Marc Robidoux
Fri, May 28
It’s so nice that your delusion of grandeur includes a deep knowledge of everyone's thoughts, so deep that you know definition of what others think and believe.

As I am an atheist, I think I am qualified to speak for my own thoughts (though other atheists may think differently, we’re not like anything I described above after alll…) to say you are flat wrong, at least about me. My atheism is simply a rejection of the existence of any god. As you can’t even define this ‘God’ you think I ‘believe doesn’t exist’, you’re nitpicking with hubris in the extreme with your claim to know what I think.

If anyone ever presented any shred of evidence for a deity, I’d be lined up to ask pointed questions of this entity, like ‘why did you deceive everyone by remaining as non-existent as possible until now?’

You also have to ignore the dictionary definition: -atheism is a rejection of the belief that any deities exist. ... In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. -

It’s kind of like if I was constantly haranguing you about what a Catholic is. ‘You don’t believe the flood story is literally true? You’re not a Catholic!’ e.g. How would I know what a Catholic is supposed to be? Another thing atheists don’t do is go on missions to convert anyone to atheism against their will, or fly aircraft into buildings to terrorize non atheists, you need belief for that.

You’re still walking around a meme field btw, you should give me credit for my withholding fire…

Vulgate Only? Pints w Aquinas hearing Dr. John Bergsma

The Douay-Rheims Only Controversy? w/ Dr. John Bergsma
27 mai 2021 | Pints With Aquinas

0:38 I just read up Genesis 11:2 in New Jerusalem Bible or Revised such and in Douay Rheims.

"Now, as people moved eastwards they found a valley in the land of Shinar where they settled."
Genesis, 11 - Bíblia Católica Online
Leia mais em:

And when they removed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and dwelt in it.
Douay-Rheims Bible Book of Genesis Chapter 11

Can I comment under this comment, or is it deleted? [I could comment]

Now, eastward and from the east contradict.

miqqedem means from the east.

And the reason for the change is a supposition about the story : that the Ark landed in the vicinity of Mt Ararat and Babel is supposed to be around Classic Babylon.

39°42.113′N 44°17.899′E for Ararat
30°48′57″N 45°59′46″E for Eridu.

Obviously Eridu is further east than Ararat. So, eastward would make sense.

Now, make another little supposition instead. Mountains of Armenia includes Mountains of Turkish Armenia, which includes Mount Judi near Cizre. The Babel we will see about is also known as Göbekli Tepe.

37°22′10″N 42°20′39″E for Mount Judi
37°13′23″N 38°55′21″E for Göbekli Tepe.

Obviously Mount Judi is further east than Göbekli Tepe, so "from the east" makes sense. This is also what miqqedem means.

Two other observations. If you go from Ararat to Eridu, you will find the plain before crossing the Tigris into Mesopotamia. The plain surrounds Mesopotamia. It would make sense with "they found a plain, namely Shinar". If you go from Judi to Göbekli Tepe region, you cross the Tigris immediately, so you are already inside Sennaar when you find the plain around Harran (on Turkish-Syrian border today) as within this larger land. So, "they found a plain in the land of Sennaar," makes sense. Göbekli Tepe is midway of the Western half of the Northern limit of this plain. If Göbekli Tepe had another purpose than everyday dwelling and they dwelt a bit further South in the plain, the following words "and dwelt in it" also make perfect sense.

And, with Judi to GT, the E-W axis preponderates over the N-S, with A-E, N-S vastly preponderates over E-W.

Now, what does not make sense with Göbekli Tepe, on the face of it, and I have admitted as much, is, verse 3.

Bricks and mortar have so far not been found in Göbekli Tepe.

I can make a supposition on the meaning and consider etymological Hebrew senses, namely "they made whites and burnt them with burning and used thickening for thickening"* and argue, it describes stamped earth around skeleta of burned chalk, of which the presence of such burned chalk inside the stamped earth could be tested.

I may be right, I may be wrong, but I am not authorised to replace verse 3 as it stands with the actual text "and made stamped earth with burnt chalk skeleta" even though this is a possible way of building and one that is used, for instance in stables in Scandinavia (stöphus).

Just as, even if I am right about verse 4 ... well, let's check the two versions on it.

'Come,' they said, 'let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top reaching heaven. Let us make a name for ourselves, so that we do not get scattered all over the world.

And they said: Come, let us make a city and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven: and let us make our name famous before we be scattered abroad into all lands.

The Hebrew has: "and a tower and the top [is] in the heavens"

It is neutral between the two, but the use of New Jerusalem "with" suggests that the tower still stands under the top while it is in heaven, while the Douay Rheims at least allows that the top reaches heaven after discarding the tower - in other words that this describes the project of a three step rocket.

Even if I am right, with my supposition on content, that doesn't give me any right to change the text.

* I am not a Hebraist, but explanations adding up to this were given by one who was.

2:28 Not a Hebraist, but:

masculine singular third person הוּא hu he / it
feminine singular third person הִיא / הִוא hi / hiw she / it

Strong resemblance in spelling for he and she, right?

Pronoun Personal (Bibl. Hebrew)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Evidence for God

Normally, when there is no evidence, people don't believe in that thing, so why is God different?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
none/ apprx Masters Latin & Greek, Lund University
Answered April 12
Normally, where there is no evidence, people don’t believe in that thing, so what makes you think there is no evidence for God?

Nev Anderson
May 10
The complete lack of evidence for god is what makes people recognise that there is no evidence for god.

What christians assert is “evidence” for god, is either
- passages in the book specifically contrived to force belief in its god, a book that has more lies, errors, contradictions and fallacies, than it has printed pages
- evidence of things that exist, that christians label “god did this”, despite there being no indicative link to any god activity, and there being simple, natural explanations, supported by abundant evidence.
- I have a feeling, which is merely peer pressure taking effect.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
May 10
As for “I have a feeling” I would never use that as an argument in discussion with a stranger.

Even with a familiar person, I am not sure I would consider it as evidence for God. After all, Ulysses seems to have had a feeling of being with Athena, and while I think it could be supernatural of one kind or another, I would neither call a guardian angel nor a demon Pallas Athena.

The two other ones are more interesting. Bible first.

First, nearly all Bible books were written when most people were believing in God or in gods anyway. Even NT books were written when Epicurean deniers of gods were a luxurious minority, as were their Hebrew near homologues, the Sadducees.

Second, if you consider it a book packed with lies, I would ask you how you determine any ancient book is, as far as historical facts are concerned, a book packed with truth.

Nature second.

I suppose you dismiss the geocentric evidence for God and angels by pretending geocentrism is an optic illusion in a heliocentric solar system in an acentric universe (or one where the centre cannot be ascertained). Is a bit “cart before the horse” since you cannot actually “prove” heliocentrism is “necessarily true” except by assuming neither God nor angels exist.

A bit more interesting would be, how do you deal with …

  • we have language, we are supposed to have developed from animals who had no such thing;
  • we have minds, we are supposed to be made up of only matter and energy in contrived combinations, without anything like a spiritual substance accounting for our thoughts, what about these?

Nev Anderson
Sun May 23
So many do use “I have a feeling” or a direct equivalent, that you do not is then, not relevant.
It is not ever evidence of god,
it is merely evidence of an indoctrination into a belief in god,
as those who do not believe, do not have such feelings.

The bible was indeed written/compiled in a time when god belief was ubiquitous. But then there was a time when everyone believed the sun orbited the Earth. Majority does not guarantee correctness.

Geocentricism relates to gravitational attraction between masses,
that the ignorant misattribute all causality to some imaginary, magical phantasm, does not make it true.

Animals have forms of vocal communication,
as Homo sapiens, we evolved to have a greater dependence upon sophisticated interaction and communication.
That our vocal chord structure allowed this, is what allowed us to be what we are, attain the position we hold.

Animals also have minds.
They are the result of incremental evolution,
where every increase in sensory perception and cognitive response was advantageous with regard to survival.
Natural Selection rewards advantage with survival.
Survivors breed and pass on those advantages via DNA,
whilst the dead pass nothing on to nonexistent offspring.

Attempts to attribute causality to a god, never proves a god.
Merely proves the dishonesty that is a necessary requirement for any religion in perpetrating its superstitions, lies and fallacies.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sun May 23
"But then there was a time when everyone believed the sun orbited the Earth."

As our senses show.

"Geocentricism relates to gravitational attraction between masses, that the ignorant misattribute all causality to some imaginary, magical phantasm, does not make it true."

That a self appointed élite misattribute God's movement of Heaven or angels moving celestial bodies to some imagined scenario of just gravitation does not make it true.

"Animals have forms of vocal communication, as Homo sapiens, we evolved to have a greater dependence upon sophisticated interaction and communication."

Where do I start ...

a chimp has a one vowel or one consonant or repeat pattern sound for things like "hi" or "let's get out of here" or "let's eat";

a man has a system where each message may be subdivided into many words, as "let's get out of here";

subdivides into morphemes "let" "us" "get" "out" "of" "here" and where each morpheme is likelier than not to consist of many phonemes ("us" being reduced to "'s" is only exception in example) in a specific order;

these systems are very far from anything like a continuity with each other, they are on the contrary at at least two radical breaks;

and they correspond to two very different setups of brain, of hyoid bone, of ear bones, for which no continuum has been found in supposed intermediates.

"Animals also have minds. They are the result of incremental evolution, where every increase in sensory perception and cognitive response was advantageous with regard to survival."

Matter doesn't have a mind, whether animals have one or not.

Minds that can categorise for curiosity are not incrementally evolved from such that can only estimate for practical purposes, and minds are not incrementally evolved from "biologic computers" if any animal brain ever was such.

"Natural Selection rewards advantage with survival."

You'd need to get to an advantage first, before it can do that.

Attempts to restrict causality to factors studied by natural sciences does not prove that, but simply the dishonesty needed to perpetuate the falsehoods of evolutionism, materialism and a few more.

Nev Anderson
Tue May 25
As I stated, animals have forms of vocal communication, that they do not speak human languages, or have the nuance that we developed is irrelevant, they have vocal communication.

That chimpanzees had no requirement to develop sophisticated vocal communication, is a product of the environment they lived in, and their level of success within it.

Our ancestors were forced to leave that environment,
as increased volcanic activity caused widespread deforestation.
Faced with a completely difference environment, the Savannah, we needed to communicate with nuance in order to survive.

That chimpanzees are not Homo sapiens, does not prove your god.
In fact the DNA similarities go a long way to disproving your god assertions. A god for which there has never been a shred of evidence to indicate its existence.

The misattribution of causality to a magical phantasm is how ALL primitive cultures came to invent their gods.
You are hanging on to the exact same thinking.

Matter doesn’t have a mind. That is one thing you have managed to get correct.

Introducing "biologic computers" in order to refute it,
indicates the level of your honesty in discussion.

At the end of the day,
there is no evidence for any aspect of your religion,
your god, or any of the asinine claims made for it.

Whereas Evolution has such a wealth of evidence that merely to read through that which exists today, would take over 10,000 Years (Ten Thousand Years).
By which time it would have grown exponentially,
as more evidence is added every day.

10,000 years of reading about incremental advantages arising from reproduction with genetic variation, subjected to survival selection via Natural Selection.

Your religious need to deny reality, does not make reality go away.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Tue May 25
On your first account: claiming that an evolution happened because it would have been useful if starting doesn't show it could get started.

Second one:

"The misattribution of causality to a magical phantasm is how ALL primitive cultures came to invent their gods."


Why is it a misattribution?


"Whereas Evolution has such a wealth of evidence that merely to read through that which exists today, would take over 10,000 Years (Ten Thousand Years). By which time it would have grown exponentially, as more evidence is added every day."

You are pretending all new evidence supports evolution because it so happens, new evidence is usually first presented by evolutionists, as they have more resources than creation scientists, and also, you ignore the presentations of creation science and of scholastic philosophy that do exist.

Nev Anderson
Thu May 27
Except that is NOT what I said.

I replied to a specific nonsensical assertion that our vocalisation ability is due to your phantasm.
What I did NOT do was offer a treatise on Evolution, for it was not a requirement.

Evolution is an unavoidable consequence of reproduction with variation, in an environment of Natural Selection predicated upon genetic advantage.
Evolution is simply the reality of biodiversity on Earth.
This is why a massive majority of christian denominations accept it as a fact.

The mindless attribution of causality to an imaginary entity, which is not only Not at all evident,
not only All claims made for it are also Not evident,
every element of evidence uncovered
acts to indicate its Non Existence,
and show that the religious assertions around it,
are completely fallacious.

Once Everything was attributed to your phantasm.
Now we know that nothing is attributable to it.
That your religion continues to lie about this does not ever alter reality.

There is no pretence in science,
that is why it works.
Near everything around you is shaped, influenced or a direct product of scientific discovery and advancement.

Were all scientific advancements to vanish overnight,
the entire developed world would collapse,
its populations dead in months.

There would be no

Medical Services,
Food Production,

Panic would give way to anarchy
and few would survive.

However, should your god vanish,

Nobody would notice:

The begging with clasped hands would continue,
the clergy would continue to take your money,
The sick would still turn to science,
technology would still support their lives/ incomes.
Nothing would change

Further it is utterly dishonest to attribute what YOU wanted me to say as if it was what I said.

There was no mention of ALL evidence, as not ALL evidence relates to Evolution. However ALL evidence relating to biological diversity does in fact add to the accumulation of evidence for Evolution.
None of it serves to evidence creationism without being distorted, edited and/or subjected to paltering by creationists.

Creationism is predicated upon a literal interpretation of a bronze age superstition, one that is relegated to a metaphor by the vast majority of christians.
There is no evidence for it at all.

“Evolutionist” is a childish term effected by creationists, in an attempt to fool themselves into believing that Evolution is a religion. It isn’t.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Thu, May 27
I asserted nothing about the “our vocalisation ability is due to your phantasm.” Learn to read. However, that too is due to God, but not what I was directly arguing from by itself alone. Pick up the thread where I left it with specifics, or leave it off.

Human language is way beyond just vocalising sounds.

“Evolution is an unavoidable consequence of reproduction with variation, in an environment of Natural Selection predicated upon genetic advantage.”

No, microbes to man evolution is not that. If it had happened, it would have been a very paradoxical, rather miraculous consequence, not an unavoidable one.

The unavoidable consequence, given a microbe, would be that microbe remaining a microbe and becoming a slightly better one. For as long as the mutations don’t make it so much of a worse one it dies out. A microbe even becoming pluricellular, or a monkey like communicator becoming human like is not happening by incremental changes.

"Evolution is simply the reality of biodiversity on Earth."

No, it is one explanation of this biodiversity. Not the biodiversity itself.

"This is why a massive majority of christian denominations accept it as a fact."

The real reason is the massive majority of believers in the countries under your radar have been submitted forcefully to compulsory school entailing praise of scientists and their evolution and denigration of creation story. Just as you and I have, with the difference, since I became a Christian, I have (mostly) resisted that.

"The mindless attribution ... not only Not at all evident, ... every element of evidence uncovered acts to indicate its Non Existence,"

You have so far not cited one single element uncovered acting to indicate God's supposed non-existence. Big words, little argument.

"Once Everything was attributed to your phantasm. Now we know that nothing is attributable to it."

Give me exactly ONE item previously (back in your somewhat ahistorical "once") attributed to God of which we now are supposed to KNOW He is not the cause?

"There is no pretence in science, that is why it works. Near everything around you is shaped, influenced or a direct product of scientific discovery and advancement."

I am well aware of them, including those very useful ones that were made back in theistic days. Have you pumped water from a well and then attached the bucket to a hook attached to the wall with a screw before turning the bucket around with a string to take a shower? Well, exactly everything in that picture would have been present in 1400 AD or the following decades. You prefer a shower of modern type? Well, it can have its uses, but it happens that it involves your dependance on a water company and an electricity company, which the shower just described doesn't. But of course, in 1400, you would arguably rather have taken a few buckets of water and filled a cauldron and having heated that over the fire taken a bath.

Have you ever eaten bread that was baked, from flour that was ground, from wheat that was grown by sowing in tilled earth? Do you suggest this was unknown when Darwin and Engels started outlining your view of man's place in nature? Have you ever eaten ham from porcs that were fed on acorns dropping from oaks where they roamed? What does that owe to Newton? Do you think your tomato salad was more full of pesticides before Francis Bacon of Verulam, or Bertrand Russell, outlined anti-scholastic philosophies of science?

"Were all scientific advancements to vanish overnight, the entire developed world would collapse, its populations dead in months."

Let me see your little outline. Of supposed necessities.

"Power," - Electrical, I suppose you mean? Bc one lived very well before that one.

"Water," - Oh, you think the company bottling your sparkling water synthesised the H2O?

"Sanitation," - Depends on your standards, but a rough and ready sanitation is easily available in not too populated areas.

"Refrigeration," - Food can be fresh, dry, salted, dried - refrigerated in cellars.

"Medicine," - Come on. St. Luke was a physician well before the advances you speak of.

"Medical Services," - Considering some of the things they do, that may be an advantage.

"Fuel," - As in, no one knew naphtha (petroleum) before the advances you speak of? As in dried wood has ceased to work? And in India where they use dried dung, this has suddenly ceased to burn?

"Transport," - Local independence is a good thing, for one thing it protects some old people against Covid.

"Food," - Tell me all about how Lawrence Krauss discovered that one. We were all starving to death before he invented that, right?

"Food Production," - Not sure what part of the production you mean?

"Communication," - I'll admit internet was developed by some people most of whom would have been Heliocentric and Evolutionist. Normal snail mail was developed in near modern conditions (a single big corporation serving particulars and not just the state, and this for a small contribution) in the Holy Roman Empire surrounding the persons Emperor Rudolf II and Leonhard I. von Taxis. The latter died in 1612, when everyone in Europe was a Theist (few and unknown exceptions).

"Infrastructure." - Not sure which part of it you mean. Roads were around since Romans and Babylonians were Polytheists, for instance. Do you feel a need to bow down to Venus cloaca every time you flush the toilet into the sewers?

"Panic would give way to anarchy and few would survive."

You pretend. As for "should your god vanish" - either He is there and cannot vanish, or He wasn't in the first place. Your hypothesis is an impossibility on both views.

"However ALL evidence relating to biological diversity does in fact add to the accumulation of evidence for Evolution."

That was the precise position I did attribute to you. And again, you are not giving examples, you are using big words with little evidence for them.

"None of it serves to evidence creationism without being distorted, edited and/or subjected to paltering by creationists."

I can as easily say, with more reason, none of it serves to evidence microbes to man evolution without being distorted or subjected to paltering by evolutionists. Editing by itself won't turn a piece of evidence against its normal argument.

"Creationism is predicated upon a literal interpretation of a bronze age superstition, one that is relegated to a metaphor by the vast majority of christians."

Bronze age history. And that vast majority (in the countries you know best) are since more than a century under pressure from basically atheist monopoly or preeminince in education, most countries.

"“Evolutionist” is a childish term effected by creationists, in an attempt to fool themselves into believing that Evolution is a religion. It isn’t."

It is a useful term to describe those who have the evolutionist position. If you call it a religion or a philosophy doesn't really matter. Microbes to man evolution is, either way, certainly NOT evidenced by immediate empirical data or by theories really absolutely needed for any technology we have, whatever its use or uselessness.

after posting, I gave a comment and this happened.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Thu May 27
Evidence for God [by the way, I post this in response to the exact comment where you swayed away from specifics on supposed language evolution, if you want to argue it, the specifics are on my previous to that one.]

Nev Anderson
Fri May 28
You distorted what I stated.
That is dishonest.
The end.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sat May 29
I distorted nothing. Every word is as you wrote it and as it still is in the comments, unless you changed some after it.

Nev Anderson
Sun, May 30
Patently not so.
You made assertions that distorted what I actually wrote, applying in its place, whatever best suited your agenda.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sun, May 30
Oh, you mean like reminding you that “everything you see around you” includes tons of useful things invented by geocentric young earth creationists or even idolaters?

Just because you had not counted on that doesn’t mean that it isn’t grammatically included in “everything you see around you”!

Nev Anderson
Mon, May 31
I do not see much that was the result of creationist efforts.
All that may have been has been overridden by contemporary discoveries.
The efforts of creationists are at best a tiny fraction of what you see around you. If that.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Tue, June 1st
The oldest things are the most common ones. Modern farming owes sth to modern science, but that doesn’t override the principles discovered - very arguably - by creationists.

Nev Anderson
Wed, June 3
When creationists discovered facts it was because they had murdered everyone who did not believe in their god.

There was NOBODY but creationists alive in the West.

That barbarous mindset is not something to brag about.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Wed, June 3
W o u l d you really very much m i n d … to give the historical details of this supposed mass murder?

Nev Anderson
Sat, June 5
Check the church documentation of its history.
I am tired of theists who are so extremely dishonest that they deny their own history.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sat, June 5
I am tired of atheists who have a superficial and incorrect grasp on histories of Church and of Christian States AND who take any attempt of correcting it as dishonesty.

Nev Anderson
Sun, June 6
Most Atheists were once theists, most of them christians.

That christians now reside in religious echo chambers, where past history can be ignored, does not validate their opinions. It does however make very loud statements about the value that their religion places upon honesty and integrity.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sun, June 6
You just argued Atheism a religious thing, since it has a religious echo chamber about history.

Many Atheists who once were Christians were back then Protestant ones, meaning they already had a distorted view of history.

Credits to an honest and well informed Atheist called Tim O’Neill:

About History for Atheists

Nev Anderson
Mon, June 7
Telling transparent lies about what I stated is the height of dishonesty.
Which is very much in line with religious adherence.

This discussion serves no purpose, it bores me.
I will leave you to your god delusion and all the distortions of reality required to maintain your belief.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mon, June 7
Thanks, you started boring me too, it’s days since I asked you to back up your accusation with details, none came, just blank reproaches about myself censoring reality.

I am NOT censoring out the reality of your deflecting from answering my question.

Nev Anderson
Wed, 9 June
They were provided, you ignored them.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Wed, 9 June
Read the post again.

Nev Anderson
Thur, 10 of June
I will let you do that.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Thur, 10 of June
I’ll let our readers do it.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Wed, June 3
Plus, when evolution believers discovered internet, it’s after evolution believers had infiltrated schools and helped enforce the barbarous school compulsion laws in many countries plus de fact school compulsion in many more countries.

That barbarous mindset which you started bragging about, is nothing to brag about!

Nev Anderson
Sat, June 5
Atheists are the ones who constructed the internet.

Making nonsensical, fallacious assertions does the opposite to validating your belief.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sat, June 5
Whether the Evolutionists were as you say Atheists or they were (in part) syncretists between Christianity and Evolutionism, they were certainly victims of de facto in practise school compulsion along with Atheist / Evolutionist infiltration of public schools.

There is nothing nonsensical or fallacious about this. You are an Atheist and Evolutionist in denial of your own history.

Nev Anderson
Sun, June 6
There is no such thing as an evolutionist.

Teaching of facts, science and reality in school is unrelated to Atheism.

Teaching of facts is what schools were designed to do.
That your religion is desperate to censor the teaching of facts is something YOU should be ashamed of, yet seemingly you aren’t.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sun, June 6
Teach facts - facts undisputed among any diversity of parties … ok, Latin declinsion of rosa is “rosa, rosae, rosae, rosam, rosa, rosa” in the singular and two plus two make four.

God is Three Persons versus Allah is just one person is disputed between Catholics and Muslims.

Dinos lived within Biblical timescale vs dinos died out 65 million years ago is disputed between Creationists and Evolutionists.

Schools were not made so a teacher thinks a thing is fact gives him the right to override parents who think otherwise. At least not back when they were any good, which for many of them was quite a while ago.

AND forgetting this is what I call Barbaric.

Nev Anderson
Mon, June 7
Where there is diversity, there will be a lunatic to dispute every fact. There are among us Flat Earthers.

All gods are imaginary entities, which is why the only consistency with them is a complete and utter lack of any evidence for their existence.

Parents very much should be overridden, especially if they are religious fundamentalists.
The only thing religion has been consistent in over thousands of years, is being absolutely wrong with every assertion made.

Creationists are on equal footing with Flat Earthers.
Both live in a world where all fact and evidence contra to their delusion is automatically dismissed.
Were they allowed to shape humanity, we would still be riding horses and burning oil for light.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mon, June 7
“Parents very much should be overridden, especially if they are religious fundamentalists.”

Thanks for showing off your Hitlerian and Leninist barbarity. Oh, Jules-Ferryan too.

“Both live in a world where all fact and evidence contra to their delusion is automatically dismissed.”

I’d say that about Evolutionists. Except I prefer not dismissing them so easily and actually dealing with their arguments.

“Were they allowed to shape humanity, we would still be riding horses and burning oil for light.”

Oh, how awful to give no big revenues to Exxon for car drives or to electricity companies for late reading!

Nev Anderson
Wed, 9 June
When any aspect of your religion is found to represent reality, then you may have grounds for objection.

Until then it is merely railing at the sky.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Wed, 9 June
If that is where you think the stakes are, why don’t you argue about specifics?

Nev Anderson
Thur, 10 of June
It does not behoove me to argue anything.
Rather it behooves religions to provide evidence for the existence of their gods.

However, even with the passing of thousands of years no religion has ever presented any evidence of any god,
at any time.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Thur, 10 of June
Oh, several times over, including me above in the thread, but you ignored that.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Continuing Sci Debate with Marc Robidoux

Incredulity on Literal Adam and Eve, a Tracing Problem (Quora) · Tracing Efforts Continue : Given that Trent Session V treats Adam as an individual man, when did modernist Catholics start treating him as just an allegory? · Continuing Sci Debate with Marc Robidoux · Marc and Alex between them · My answer to Marc Robidoux' long comment · Answering Pismenny, More Than One Comment

I ij c
continuing after one answer on my part on May 23 in response to Marc Robidoux

Marc Robidoux
May 23
“Oh, they do have a peer review, where claims are reviewed by YEC experts in all the relevant fields”

Do they ever publish in secular independent journals where all experts can verify these claims? Of course not. But YEC “experts in all relevant fields” can certainly review scientific evidence as part of the peer review process. Oh, they’re not actually experts in those relevant fields? Experts like the PhD in Human Biology - Dr Bergman I suppose?

“YECs provide a post-publishing review” - Reference? Oh it is reviewed among YECs alone, never to actual scientific journals?

“He gives the dates given by labs, vastly lower than the pretended millions of years, then adds we know this is too high an age too, but thanks to the labs for proving the other age is too high.” Citation please? Oh you have none?

“Historic science cannot quite well be checked by achievements in technology.” - Really? How about the theory of evolution? A theory made historically and confirmed by evidence. The big bang? Same thing. Theory of relativity? Same thing. Gravitation? Germ theory of disease? And on and on.

Oh so you’r anti-vacs as well? What a surprise. Seen any cases of smallpox lately? Why don’t you go down to your local cemetery and look for children graves, and check the dates- I’ll bet you the vast majority were pre-vacc, measles, rubella, smallpox, polio and other horrible diseases eradicated by vaccines.

Duke of Ed died from the vaccine? (Here’s a hint on this one, he was 99 yrs old, but if you had a citation ? Oh you have none?

Wrt your “ I was referring to a common sense objection.“, There is nothing sensible about an objection to evidence without counter evidence. Maybe you should look at actual references instead of relying on your ’common sense’.

Wrt that Sahel Sunda BS you persist in holding against all evidence that only some animals, mostly marsupials and duck billed platipi, crossed your purported land bridge, but not animals who are much more mobile like tigers and big cats, no they stayed back in Indonesia. But the platypus made it all the way down to south eastern Australia, and is the sole living representative of its family and genus, though a number of related species appear in the fossil record all in that geographic region, so it’s not like they evolved en-route. You probably deny that with ‘common sense’ as well. Totally non-sensical.

How do you account for the age of the universe, ~13.772±0.040 billion years? Common sense? Are you on the ‘varying speed of light’ bandwagon as well?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
May 23
"Do they ever publish in secular independent journals where all experts can verify these claims? Of course not."

In fact, post-publishing peer review can be done by all experts from their own publications. Will they be published if atheist? I don't know. I don’t know if any even tried to. I do know creationist post-publishing peer reviews will not be published by [N]ature. Tried to post one small paper in Nature Genetics.

"Reference? Oh it is reviewed among YECs alone, never to actual scientific journals?"

Showing your bias where "actual scientific" = evolutionist. For the pre-publishing vetting peer review, you are right. As you spoke of the post-publishing review as more important, as said, no one is stopping you from taking a subscription on Creation Magazine.

"Citation please? Oh you have none?"

Indeed, how could you guess the youtube account had been closed (after Biden victory?)?

I used it as a reference in this post, while available:

Carbon Dates, Armitage and a Volcano of Hawaii

And had to correct it by "Look up other videos on his channel." But the channel is, as said, closed. [But not this one, edit : What was unexpectedly found in dinosaur bones, coal and ...]

"Really? How about the theory of evolution? A theory made historically and confirmed by evidence."

No, evolution, big one, is a theory about history of life and it is not checkable by achievements. You can't point to any machine or progress for veterinarians as evidence cats and dogs evolved (or didn't evolve) from Miacis cognitus.

"The big bang? Same thing."

Similarily uncheckable by any actual progress in what we are able to do. Similarily about history of the universe and not about how it works right now.

"Theory of relativity? Same thing. Gravitation? Germ theory of disease? And on and on."

While I'd dispute Relativity, these are not historic science, but science or non-science, about what is going on now and every day. Btw, germ theory is only about some types of disease, humours is not refuted by it, since endocrinological and cancerous diseases are nothing like germs.

"Oh so you’r anti-vacs as well? What a surprise. Seen any cases of smallpox lately?"

When smallpox was eradicated, the tissue used to indirectly cultivate viruses was not yet human fetal cells. It was usually bovine liver cells.

"Duke of Ed died from the vaccine?"

I was careful not to say so.

"(Here’s a hint on this one, he was 99 yrs old"

A good hint about some dying from Covid as well.

"but if you had a citation ? Oh you have none?"

For him, no. For Norway, yes:

Norsk studie om Astras vaccin: ”Skyhöga” nivåer av antikroppar

"There is nothing sensible about an objection to evidence without counter evidence."

Well, unless the evidence is too poor. I gave C14 as evidence a lab test about the half life is not enough and you have given no counter evidence against possibility of some Pb being there from actual scratch.

"Wrt that Sahel Sunda BS you persist in holding against all evidence that only some animals, mostly marsupials and duck billed platipi, crossed your purported land bridge, but not animals who are much more mobile like tigers and big cats, no they stayed back in Indonesia."

These more agile animals were also better suited to actually survive in for instance Indonesia or further inland. You also forgot my reference to the men who, after Flood and Ark, went to Oz, and who may have taken marsupials along for a mercy mission or because koalas are cuddly.

"How do you account for the age of the universe, ~13.772±0.040 billion years? Common sense? Are you on the ‘varying speed of light’ bandwagon as well?"

Nope, I'm geocentric, giving as immediate corrollary that "parallax" is not necessarily any such thing and does not prove distances.

I i b
continuing after one answer on my part on May 23 in response to Alex Pismenny. Marc Robidoux is repeating some from above, but look at what he's leaving out:

Marc Robidoux
May 23
“ The geologists simply are at loggerheads“ - Citation? Even from the “one” you spoke to? I do recall pointing out that there is 0-nada evidence for a global flood, ever. Deluge for 40 days covers the earth in water…right! You’ve never been to Scotland have you? It rains for 60+ straight days there sometimes.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
May 24
The one I spoke to = Howard F, on this debate:

Same Debate Uncensored, One Step Further

Perhaps the direct claim of Pelycosaur under Dinosaur was an earlier stage of same debate.

Other reference:

The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota

Discussed by me here:

Glenn Morton caught abusing words other people were taught as very small children

Btw, you are bluffing when you BOTH want a reference for global flood AND give a pretended argument against it. Unless you admit these are two different levels of argument.

60+ straight days in Scotland are not 24/24, the rain is local, not global, and the Bible doesn’t say the rain was the sole source of the Flood water.

Did you get tired of my other debate, did you find yourself loosing it?

Marc Robidoux
May 24
Let’s get a few things straight here:

  • 1) Debate, and argumentation, by you, with or by an anonymous ‘Howard F’ or anyone, is not evidence of anything.
  • 2) Quoting yourself as a citation is i) not evidence, ii) bad form. You may well be an expert in something, but if you can’t point to a single bit of evidence from independent sources (I note, being published in a peer reviewed source would be an example of this), you are tilting at windmills. If there was actually any evidence that you had a brilliant finding in paleontology or carbon dating chemistry or whatever, you should be publishing that and maybe you’d even get a Nobel prize for demonstrating that all the science is wrong, and you, Hans-Georg Lundahl, the brilliant (Insert specialty) refuted all known evidence to show the Bible is 100% accurate and true.
  • 3) You should read what you post, this The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota is actually a refutation of any purported evidence contained in sedimentary deposits for any biblical catastrophe like a worldwide flood. I quote directly from it here : ‘the data shows that there is no strata which can be identified as the flood strata and there is no way to have the whole column be deposited in a single year. Thus, if we are to believe in a Flood, it must have been local in extent.’
  • 4) I am not bluffing. I am requesting that you provide evidence for any claim you make. If you claim there was a global flood, where’s the evidence? I am also engaged in a discussion with you, so I may make arguments of my own (such as ‘how did they carry the platipi without getting stung?’), and I have a bucket load of arguments to make against the claim there ever was a global flood. Unfortunately for you, the maker of the claim is the one that has the burden of proof (must show the evidence) and has to also refute counter arguments (venomous platipi e.g.).
  • 5) “ 60+ straight days in Scotland are not 24/24, ……, and the Bible doesn’t say the rain was the sole source of the Flood water.“ - Clearly, you have never been to Scotland. And now, you’re introducing another argument, that there was another source of water than rain for the biblical flood. Do tell, do you have a reference or citation to back that up? I wonder what that other source could possibly be?
  • 6) I’m not sure what you are referring to when you say “ my other debate“. I’m not loosing it, but in any case, see point 1. as to the value of your debates in a quest for evidence.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
May 25
  • 1) "Debate, and argumentation, by you, with or by an anonymous ‘Howard F’ or anyone, is not evidence of anything."

    You asked for a reference, not for evidence. It is evidence someone considered a pelycosaur in one end of ND as lying "under" a dino in the other end of it.

  • 2) "Quoting yourself as a citation is i) not evidence, ii) bad form."

    In this case, the quote involved evidence of what someone else had said. In a debate. In other cases, it may involve a piece of math or logic I am to lazy to repeat, and the math and logic, not the "citation" are the evidence I am giving.

  • 3) "You should read what you post, this The Entire Geologic Column in North Dakota is actually a refutation of any purported evidence contained in sedimentary deposits for any biblical catastrophe like a worldwide flood. I quote directly from it here : ‘the data shows that there is no strata which can be identified as the flood strata and there is no way to have the whole column be deposited in a single year. Thus, if we are to believe in a Flood, it must have been local in extent.’ "

    I agree with no stratum being THE Flood stratum, but disagree with whole column (or most of it) not being deposited in a year. Quoting a conclusion from a source is not evidence, unless the source also provides a good argument, which that citation of yours doesn't give.

  • 4) "I am not bluffing. I am requesting that you provide evidence for any claim you make. If you claim there was a global flood, where’s the evidence?"

    For one thing, the strata (all / most of the column any place on earth, nearly).

    For another, the dying off of Neanderthals and Denisovans at same carbon date, 40 000 BP (Gorham cave is carbon dated more recently, but has no organic remains of Neanderthals, though it has Mousterian tools : the 28 000 BP date is from charcoal in the entrance). With a partial survival of genome compatible with half breeds among Noah's daughters in law.

    Note, this is evidence, it is however not citation. I think you know academic citations will support what I said about Gorham cave on Gibraltar. And if there is any such claim - relating to a specific discovery, not a general observation - if I don't give a citation, and you don't believe it, do shout out for one.

    "I am also engaged in a discussion with you, so I may make arguments of my own (such as ‘how did they carry the platipi without getting stung?’), and I have a bucket load of arguments to make against the claim there ever was a global flood. Unfortunately for you, the maker of the claim is the one that has the burden of proof (must show the evidence) and has to also refute counter arguments (venomous platipi e.g.)."

    Venomous platypi would actually be your burden of proof. But I'll believe you (though you could have made it up to make a point about "need" for citations), and answer : same way that zoologists today avoid getting stung - if true.

    So, if your argument against a global Flood involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated, you need to cite it. It would probably involve taking mountain heights like at present, which we dispute, and also involve minimising the part from subterranean waters. Plus omit that heat generated over a level of water would have a way of radiating outward into space.

  • 5) //“ 60+ straight days in Scotland are not 24/24, ……, and the Bible doesn’t say the rain was the sole source of the Flood water.“ - Clearly, you have never been to Scotland. And now, you’re introducing another argument, that there was another source of water than rain for the biblical flood. Do tell, do you have a reference or citation to back that up? I wonder what that other source could possibly be? //

    I have been to Scotland. While there was rain, it was not 24/24 all the days in a row when I was there, and those were fewer than 60. The other source is this : all the fountains of the great deep were broken up,.

    In the six hundredth year of the life of Noe, in the second month, in the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the flood gates of heaven were opened: [12] And the rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

  • 6) "I’m not sure what you are referring to when you say “ my other debate“. I’m not loosing it, but in any case, see point 1. as to the value of your debates in a quest for evidence."

    Not the point. I find it neater to present the debates we are having sorted after the subthreads, and not each subthread getting cluttered by arguments from the other one. Oh, yes, this is getting to my blog too. Here is first instalment, you’ll have to scroll down a bit before you come to Pismenny’s answer:

    Tracing Efforts Continue : Given that Trent Session V treats Adam as an individual man, when did modernist Catholics start treating him as just an allegory?

Marc Robidoux
May 25
Apparently, I missed a point when making things clear previously:

0. Evidence: evidence can be defined as - verifiable facts accepted as knowledge of a claim, typically repeatable by testing by uninterested parties (given sufficient training/understanding). When I ask for a reference or a citation for a claim, I mean a reference or citation of evidence for that claim. The purpose of peer reviews are to have experts examine evidence and confirm that the evidence is actually evidence. If you need an explicit example of this, see this dialog:

HGL"The geologists simply are at loggerheads” - MR ‘Citation?’ - I am asking for a citation for the claim that "geologists are at loggerheads.”.

To paraphrase a quote from you that “miracles are miracles” - evidence is evidence.

“evidence of what someone else had said. In a debate.“ - The common term for this is ‘hearsay’, and it is not evidence.

"someone considered a ‘xyz’ ’” is not evidence of ‘xyz', (and to top it all off, it’s anonymous as well, kind of like all the gospels btw).

"Quoting a conclusion from a source is not evidence” - you’re right, such as when you say “I disagree with whole column.” - That is not evidence, and see my original point # 5 regarding who has the burden of (evidence is more correct than proof). YOU are claiming there was a global flood, YOU have a burden of providing evidence for your claims. Arguments, in and of themselves, are not evidence, and it is not my job to provide evidence against your claims. The citation YOU provided, for which I quoted the conclusion, is a counter argument to your claim, and is backed by over 50 references which you would have to refute if your evidence contradicts it.

“For one thing, the strata (all / most of the column any place on earth, nearly).” - Is this a claim? Citation (of evidence) please?

You are really not being clear at all when you say

“For one thing, the strata (all / most of the column any place on earth, nearly).For another, the dying off of Neanderthals and Denisovans at same carbon date, 40 000 BP (Gorham cave is carbon dated more recently, but has no organic remains of Neanderthals, though it has Mousterian tools : the 28 000 BP date is from charcoal in the entrance). With a partial survival of genome compatible with half breeds among Noah's daughters in law. Note, this is evidence, it is however not citation. I think you know academic citations will support what I said about Gorham cave on Gibraltar. And if there is any such claim - relating to a specific discovery, not a general observation - if I don't give a citation, and you don't believe it, do shout out for one.”

If you are suggesting there is citable evidence of something here, then 1. Please cite it, and 2. Please clarify what claim this citation supports?

Frankly, whether or not you believe platipi are venomous or not is really up to you to check. This is simply a fact. Like the fact that the earth revolves around the sun e.g. Now you are claiming your purported men (Middle East goat herders from 5000 years ago) carried the platipi using modern methods and technology? You’re a real hoot.

"involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated” - Huh? I made no such claim.

You made the claim there was a global flood, I simply have many counter-arguments that reasonably intelligent people can use to see the absurdity of your claim, such as the existence of a historical record dating back millions of years for the family and genus of platipi in the extreme southern end of Australia.

"all the fountains of the great deep were broken up,.” - Oh so it came from groundwater? And none of the earth collapsed under the weight of dirt? And you believe the groundwater was sufficient to cover the earth in enough water to circumvent the earth? Do you realize the sum total of all water, oceanic, atmospheric and groundwater, looks like this in comparison to the earth?

- Do note that quotes from the Bible, are not considered evidence.

“ I find it neater to present the debates we are having sorted after the subthreads,”

Well sorry that I’m not operating in the most efficient manner for you, but if you make a claim in one subthread comment I will reply to that comment, that’s what happened here with your claim that "The geologists simply are at loggerheads”

“Oh, yes, this is getting to my blog too”. - I consider Quora as a public domain, so you may quote me in your blog, I ask that you do so integrally and in context.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
May 25
"The common term for this is ‘hearsay’, and it is not evidence."

No. It is not hearsay. It is a test of what someone else had to offer against my evidence.

// "someone considered a ‘xyz’ ’” is not evidence of ‘xyz' //

Exactly. Your considering my evidence from debates as "hearsay" is not evidence of evidence from my debates being hearsay. For instance.

"(and to top it all off, it’s anonymous as well, kind of like all the gospels btw)."

It's generic. Someone = in this case you. Considered = which you did. xyz = in this case that evidence from my debates is not evidence. Even of the state of argument my opponents have had to offer me. As to Howard F being “anonymous”, I am citing his screen name as given.

" you’re right, such as when you say “I disagree with whole column.” - That is not evidence,"

So, what kind of evidence do you want? I have more than one.

"and see my original point # 5 regarding who has the burden of (evidence is more correct than proof). YOU are claiming there was a global flood,"

And Glenn Morton is claiming it could not have laid down all the layers. Glenn Morton. Not me. His onus probandi to prove it couldn't.

Are you asking me to prove it could? Well, the mathematic formula would be "little water at low speeds for a long time" equates to "much water at high speeds for a short time". That's prima facie evidence, you contest that if you like, the ball is yours.

"Arguments, in and of themselves, are not evidence,"

Arguments are what evaluates evidence as proof or non-proof.

"and it is not my job to provide evidence against your claims."

But if you volunteer to dispute them as not just unfounded (that's one thing, inviting me to prove) but as impossible - that is another thing, you are claiming sth that you will have to prove.

"The citation YOU provided, for which I quoted the conclusion, is a counter argument to your claim,"

In fact, it didn't include one when I read it years ago, and you are not showing what I would have missed back then.

A citation is neither a good nor a bad argument, unless the source is infallible, and that only to those accepting its infallibility. A citation contains an argument.

"and is backed by over 50 references which you would have to refute if your evidence contradicts it."

Which exact reference did he give for a year long flood not being able to lay down the layers? As said, it was years since I read it, and I did not find any such proof back then. You read him more recently.

// “For one thing, the strata (all / most of the column any place on earth, nearly).” - Is this a claim? //

How about learning to parse instead of citing a half sentence? I'll have to look up the complete sentence:

You: If you claim there was a global flood, where’s the evidence?"
Me: For one thing, the strata (all / most of the column any place on earth, nearly).

Yes, this is a claim. I claim that strata lower than Younger Dryas strata are the material evidence of a Flood, except some for an Ice age between the Flood and Younger Dryas. If you had paid any attention to the discussion of historic science, it so happens, it can't be checked against achievements. You have material pieces of evidence. You have stories that compete about fitting the material evidence best. My claim is, the layers lower than Ice Age and Younger Dryas are material evidence left from the Flood.

"Citation (of evidence) please?"

You don't cite for your interpretation, you interpret. Do you want a citation for Permian existing in Karoo or Jurassic in Kayenta in Arizona?

Tapinocephalus atherstonei - Palaeocritti - a guide to prehistoric animals

Horizon: Lower to Upper Tapinocephalus assemblage zone, Lower Beaufort beds, Middle Permian (Capitanian).
Type locality: Beaufort West, Karoo basin, South Africa.

Capitanian exists in Karoo.

Kayentatherium wellesi - Palaeocritti - a guide to prehistoric animals

Horizon: Kayenta Formation. Lower Jurassic (Late Sinemurian-Early Plienbaschian).
Locality: San Bernale locality, Many Farms, Arizona.

Jurassic exists in Kayenta formation.

My point is, Jurassic and Permian remains are material evidence of the Flood. OK, some might be so of land slides after the Flood too.

Proof? The proof is in the discussion. You try to show why it can't be, I try to show why it can.

"If you are suggesting there is citable evidence of something here, then 1. Please cite it, and 2. Please clarify what claim this citation supports?"

Neanderthal remains from index by wikipedia

  • Archaic (430 ka) Miguelón
  • Intermediate (250–130 ka) Saccopastore skulls Ehringsdorf 9 Altamura 1
  • Typical (130–50 ka) La Ferrassie 1 (site) La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 (site) La Quina 5 and 18 Krijn Scladina Saccopastore 1 and 2 Altamura man Mt. Circeo 1 Krapina remains Shanidar 1-4 Teshik-Tash 1 Kebara 2 (site)Tabun C1 Amud 1 and 7 (site) OR-1
  • In radiocarbon range (50–40 ka) Neanderthal 1 (typesite) Spy 1 and 2 Engis 2 Sidrón remains Gibraltar 1 and 2 Saint-Césaire 1 Le Moustier Fontéchevade Mezmaiskaya 1

// The original find was done in a time where the palaeontological dating was still in its infancy, and no stratigraphic information was supplied with the skull, making dating at best guesswork. Another specimen from a different locale on Gibraltar (Gibraltar 2) has however been dated to between 30 thousand to 50 thousand years old.[6] The skull is that of an adult woman, also with typical Neanderthal features.[7] While the skull was one of the first to be found, it was also possibly from one of the last surviving Neanderthal populations.[4]

Until the late twentieth century, it was believed that the last Neanderthals disappeared about 35,000 years ago. However, studies have suggested that Neanderthals survived in southern Iberia and Gibraltar to less than 30,000 years before the present. Radiocarbon dating performed on charcoal in Gorham's Cave in Gibraltar in 2006 suggests that Neanderthals lived there 24,000 to 28,000 years ago, well after the arrival of Homo sapiens in Europe 40,000 years ago.//

Gibraltar 1 - Wikipedia

// At the end of the 20th century, it was believed that the Neanderthals disappeared c. 35,000 years ago. In 2006, radiocarbon dating of charcoal from Gorham's Cave, Gibraltar, suggested that Neanderthals survived in southern Spain and Gibraltar at least to 28,000 BP, well after the arrival of Homo sapiens in Europe c. 45,000 years ago. More recently, new decontaminated radiocarbon dating (from the same Oxford laboratory that published the late date in 2006) suggests Neanderthals had vacated Gibraltar by 42,000 BP, earlier than elsewhere in Europe. //

Gibraltar 2 - Wikipedia

Now, what is this supporting? That Neanderthal actual remains (as opposed to charcoal) are from before one specific carbon date. 40 000 BP. You could do exactly the same thing for Denisovans, I won't here unless you challenge me.

At the academia I am from, no one was required to cite for "bonis" being dative/ablative plural of all three genders of I-II declinsion adjective "bonus". I was however required to cite Maius having a side form Madius in the Middle Ages, and found the citation in Habel-Gröbel.

Now, for Neanderthals I know (Pääbo, El Sidrón, look it up) that the mitochondria and the Y-chromosomes are not found in modern man. Flood is among other things a genetic bottleneck and if a daughter in law of Noah had a Neanderthal father and a Cro Magnon mother, she would have handed on neither. Though to be fair, I may have overdone the case as some Neanderthal / Sapiens hybrid in Italy seems to have had Neanderthal like mitochondriae.

Denisovans also being represented by very small portions of the genome of only some men, I take this to be a parallel.

Early post-Flood dates for more Denisovan types would be a parallel to the Italian, and we have that in Red Deer Cave people:

// The fossils exhibit a mix of archaic and modern features and are tentatively thought to represent a late survival of an archaic human species, or of a hybrid population of Denisovan hominin and modern human descent, or alternatively just "robust early modern humans, probably with affinities to modern Melanesians". //

Red Deer Cave people - Wikipedia

citing for this exact passage:

Cave Fossil Find: New Human Species or "Nothing Extraordinary"?

"Frankly, whether or not you believe platipi are venomous or not is really up to you to check."

Sounds like initiation and metadiscussion, not my cup of tea.

"Like the fact that the earth revolves around the sun e.g."

Is supposed to ... how do you check that? References to NASA who are wed to this ideology? Or is there an argument you are trying to make?

"Now you are claiming your purported men (Middle East goat herders from 5000 years ago) carried the platipi using modern methods and technology? You’re a real hoot."

I am in fact claiming the 5000 BP carbon dated people are much more recent - real date like after Genesis 14 (since that carbon dates to 3500 BC, as per evacuated temple material on reed mats from En Geddi = Asason Tamar). And as per Roman martyrology for Christmas day, 2015 BC birth of Abraham => Genesis 14 c. 1935 BC.

That the people in the pre-Flood world or early post-Flood one would reduce to goat herders is your claim - to back up or leave.

// "involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated” - Huh? I made no such claim. //

How about citing the particle "if" that begins the statement? No, you didn't, but AronRa did, citing some Nelson or sn. I took this as an example.

"I simply have many counter-arguments that reasonably intelligent people can use to see the absurdity of your claim,"

I'll be happy to take them one by one ...

"such as the existence of a historical record dating back millions of years"

No, there is not. Not even on your view. You may mean there is a palaeontological record, that is something else. It involves the interpretation of the material evidence involving a fossil platypus. And you may want to cite why you think it reaches back millions of years (hint : they were not recorded by any chroniclers, hence not historical), and as I did that challenge, you might challenge my carbon date interpretations, here is a piece of maths for you:

New Tables

" Oh so it came from groundwater? And none of the earth collapsed under the weight of dirt?"

On the contrary, lots collapsed. Hence lots of sediments.

"And you believe the groundwater was sufficient to cover the earth in enough water to circumvent the earth? Do you realize the sum total of all water, oceanic, atmospheric and groundwater, looks like this in comparison to the earth?"

I take it your picture is giving modern (post-Flood) contours of heights and depths of earth. We are aware, with these the waters could not have covered all the high mountains. However, the flatter and less deep pre-Flood lands and depths, the water we now have would have been adequate.

"Do note that quotes from the Bible, are not considered evidence."

They should, they are prima facie evidence of history, same as other stories from old days - even before being admitted as Word of God.

// Well sorry that I’m not operating in the most efficient manner for you, but if you make a claim in one subthread comment I will reply to that comment, that’s what happened here with your claim that "The geologists simply are at loggerheads” //

But the problem is you transferred discussions from the other subthread too.

// “Oh, yes, this is getting to my blog too”. - I consider Quora as a public domain, so you may quote me in your blog, I ask that you do so integrally and in context. //

As long as you don't require every image. I have consistently done so, even if some in Atheist community seem to have consistently given me the opposite reputation (if not, why the demand? It would be obvious, right? I am not the one making a truncated quote like "involves a calculation of what heat would have been generated” without citing the initial "So, if your argument" making the following hypothetical).

before looking, I don't think a platypus has any part of the body able to sting anyone, it's not a snake, it's not an insect. My comment on men transporting platypi same way as zoologists would now would therefore hold, very easily, without special equipment. It is a peaceful and shy creature, it has a beak like that of a duck and lays eggs but is a mammal with fur, and its tail looks like that of a beaver. I don't see any part of the body where a sting could fit as coming from. I am not sure if it has teeth even, spontaneously I'd think not, and bad teeth being venomous is more like komodo dragon than any mammal I know of.