Sunday, November 22, 2015

... on The Principle and parallel examples of Media Power

Video Commented on:
"Thoughtcrime: The Conspiracy to Stop The Principle"
The Principle Movie

2:20 "this is the power of media today" ...

Reminds me of a Pro-Palestinian priest, who considers he identified the Beast as Zionism. "Mouth like that of a lion" stood for power of .... media.

However, I wonder if Heliocentrism isn't more into this power than Zionism. It is easier to hear an alternative view on Palestinian question (which I think is right, one should hear even more ones - like Palestinians being Israelites of 2000 years Christian and 1400 / 1300 years Muslim confession, but still mainly descending from "Judah and Ephraim" - Isaiah 11, Acts 8 - and Galilee too). I mean of course Zionism as what it purportedly stands for, the narrow sense of the word.

"this is the power of media today" - I guess you have heard the one about Middle Ages being when they died around 35 or 40 - if they were lucky?

Here is part 8 of some English statistic research I did:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : Medieval and Early Modern Lifespans, Again: Berkeleys and Related

And part 10 of a French research I made:

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica : La Lettre A d'une Encyclopédie

I suppose you know what Minimum, Maximum, MEDIAN, LOWER QUARTILE, and HIGHER QUARTILE mean?

Well, point is, Median in very many of these researches go to 60 or more.

And where it is lower, it is usually Kings. The James Deans of their time, but non-rebels WITH a cause.

8:15 Krauss on Universe ... have you heard sth like "nothing, literally nothing, zero, had quantum fluctuations into plus and minus ...." Does that sound like a sensible grasp on what "nothing" and "numbers" mean?

May I presume you answer "no"?

Does that sound like his believing too literally that "zero is just a number on the number line, between an infinity of positives and an infinity of negatives"? I volunteer to answer yes.

Would Medievals have agreed on that one?

No, absolutely NO WAY, outside perhaps the quip of a "sophista" - someone engaged in constructing and refuting "sophistici elenchi" - logical fallacies. The kind of intellectual exercise which now comes mainly as humour.

"This stove will save half your costs of fuel" - "Great, I'll buy two and save all of it!"

9:19 Did I hear him correct?

He mentioned Harvard and Yale?

Harvard is where Iannis Romanides, an Orthodox priest, ended up accepting "bright" ideas like "natural law is not accessible to man in his fallen state", "religion, any religion except Orthodoxy practised as hesychasm, is a psychophysic illness", not to mention his anto-Roman or rather anti-Latin stance. He considered Greek was the language of Rome except for some unimportant plebeians who spoke Latin, and that only Franks made Latin an important language AND that Franks oppressed the Roman population in Gaul AND that the French Revolution was Romans taking back their own against Frankish oppressors ... in other words, I am not a great fan of Harvard.

17:30 "Giordano Bruno was burned in the streets of Rome, for daring to question the place of Earth in the Cosmos" ...

ONLY .... ? Let's listen to good old Wickipeejuh :

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "in 1600 there was no official Catholic position on the Copernican system, and it was certainly not a heresy. When [...] Bruno [...] was burned at the stake as a heretic, it had nothing to do with his writings in support of Copernican cosmology."[58] Similarly, the Catholic Encyclopedia (1908) asserts that

"Bruno was not condemned for his defence of the Copernican system of astronomy, nor for his doctrine of the plurality of inhabited worlds, but for his theological errors, among which were the following: that Christ was not God but merely an unusually skillful magician, that the Holy Ghost is the soul of the world, that the Devil will be saved, etc."[59]

Note 58 : Sheila Rabin, "Nicolaus Copernicus" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (online, accessed 19 November 2005).
Note 59: "Giordano Bruno". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.

The Wickipeejuh : Giordano Bruno
a linea : Theological heresy

Here is the other Catholic Encyclopedia:

Thus, his system of thought is an incoherent materialistic pantheism. God and the world are one; matter and spirit, body and soul, are two phases of the same substance; the universe is infinite; beyond the visible world there is aninfinity of other worlds, each of which is inhabited; this terrestrial globe has a soul; in fact, each and every part of it, mineral as well as plant and animal, is animated; all matter is made up of the same elements (no distinction between terrestrial and celestial matter); all souls are akin (transmigration is, therefore, not impossible). This unitary point of view is Bruno's justification of "natural magic." No doubt, the attempt to establish a scientific continuity among all the phenomena of nature is an important manifestation of the modern spirit, and interesting, especially on account of its appearance at the moment when the medieval point of view was being abandoned. And one can readily understand howBruno's effort to establish a unitary concept of nature commanded the admiration of such men as Spinoza, Jacobi, andHegel. On the other hand, the exaggerations, the limitations, and the positive errors of his scientific system; his intolerance of even those who were working for the reforms to which he was devoted; the false analogies, fantastic allegories, and sophistical reasonings into which his emotional fervour often betrayed him have justified, in the eyes of many, Bayle's characterization of him as "the knight-errant of philosophy." His attitude of mind towards religious truthwas that of a rationalist. Personally, he failed to feel any of the vital significance of Christianity as a religious system. It was not a Roman Inquisitor, but a Protestant divine, who said of him that he was "a man of great capacity, with infiniteknowledge, but not a trace of religion."

And unfortunately for the painful duties of St Robert Bellarmine, he was that, not as an unbpatised Chinese Mandarin, but as a Baptised and confirmed Catholic and a Dominican. Even a priest.

New Advent > Catholic Encyclopedia > B > Giordano Bruno

Let's link to first reference too:

Wikisource : Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 : Giordano Bruno
by by William Turner

[Updated later with content of an extra comment.]

18:04 To answer you, one thing it WOULD mean or rather DOES mean, as per my view so far of state of evidence, barring only perhaps delays and hastenings in the progress of Voyager 1 to distances further away (measured by sending an identifiable signal and measuring time when it gets back = 2 times the distance in light time, if radio signals travel as fast as light) ... sth you previously denied Rick DeLano : parallax is no measure of stellar distance, the cosmologic distance ladder breaks down at first step and the other steps too, and "distant starlight paradox" is no longer a problem for YEC - paradoxically so many YECs refuse the solution because a Catholic like me came up with it. Or Catholics like you and Sungenis.

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