Thursday, February 23, 2017

... against First Twelve Minutes of "Hiding the Antichrist. Part 1"

Hiding The Antichrist - Part1

[Obviously, with a name of the channel like "" you can expect some degree of fanaticism or of loose associations being presented as certain connections.]

9:25 "Roman-Catholic theologians, priests and intellectuals all identified the Papacy as 'the Antichrist'"

Yea, next thing you will be telling me that Protestant theologians, clergymen and intellectuals all identify Martin Luther as the False Prophet?

Or, are you referring to Roman Catholics such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and a few more, who were indeed born in Roman Catholic families and some at least trained in early ecclesiastic carreers as Roman Catholics, but who did not remain so?

My patron Saint John's words about Gnostics and Ebionites comes to mind. They were in the Roman Catholic Church, but not of it.

Counting them as Roman Catholics is like counting Father Ronald Knox or Cardinal Newman as Protestants.

9:31 Michael of Cesena seems to have accused one particular Pope of heresy.

Not papacy as such of being Antichrist.

[For more of the story, see - which will no doubt fuel some comments about wiki being for idiots. Anyone writing a wiki article on Michael of Cesena has heard the name. Anyone who has heard the name and is not like the channel "" relying on bad 19th C Evangelical scholarship is likely to be accurate about what he is saying on Michael of Cesena : his name is not one of the Dunning Kruger magnets.]

"the Pope is Antichrist" attributed Michael of Cesena.

There is a problem here. Not said in what of his writings.

Plus you give St Bernard of Clairvaux' portrait as if it were Michael of Cesena's.

Since Michael of Cesena was a Franciscan, he wore what is technically back then often known as grey, but we call it brown.

The portrait of St Bernard wears white - not unlike the order he belonged to, Cistercians.

10:03 Petrarca originated concept of Papal "Dark Ages"?

He originated concept of Dark Ages, in which one wrote ecclesie instead of ecclesiae - he was a grammar Nazi and proud of his good Latin!

"The Pope is the Antichrist" Attributed Francesco Petrarch.

ALSO not specifying which of his writings.

Dante, presented as [author of] Divine Comedy, Dolce Stil Novo.

This sounds as if he had written two works with those titles. And as if Italian spelled new with nov- + ending for m or f, sg or pl. It is actually nuov- with endings -o, -a in sg and -i, -e in plural.

He belonged to a movement called Dolce Stil Nuovo - both in Divine Comedy and especially in his earlier poetic work, La Vita Nuova.

He also wrote two Latin prose works (at least) which did not belong to Dolce Stil Nuovo. De Monarchia and De Vulgari Eloquentia.

"The Pope is the Antichrist" Attributed Dante.

But is it from De Monarchia or from De Vulgari Eloquentia?

I am very certain it is not from La Vita Nuova, which exclusively discusses his love at a distance for sn called Beatrice.

As for Divine Comedy, it is not in Inferno and it is not in Purgatorio either - I read them in Dorothy Sayers' translation. Would it be Paradiso?

Paradiso is best known for the kind of Mariology which people like you consider Mariolatry.

Or, did you perhaps dig up Dante as one co-source for the statement from some 19th C Protestant from Cambridge? Or Harvard?

Would you also want to dig up things like "Christians worship three gods" from Muslim sources?

Btw, congratulations for at least getting the right portrait THIS time, with Dante, unlike Michael of Cesena presented with portrait of St Bernhard of Clairvaux!

Girolamo Savonarola?

No, he wrote and said and did other things which were questionably Catholic, but he did not claim Popes as such are Antichrist.

11:14 Same statement attributed to William of Occam.

Again, not any reference to where in his writings.

I am reminded of sn who would say "The Bible says 'there is no god'" while not being precise about Psalm 13(14):1.

11:29 Matthew of Janow?

He did NOT condemn veneration of relics or of images as idolatry, he denounced some abuses, and after his proposal of removing them had been condemned by the synod of Prague, he submitted to the decision of the synod:

Matthew of Janow (d. 1394 in Prague) was a fourteenth-century Bohemian ecclesiastical writer.

He was the son of Václav of Janow, a Bohemian knight, and began his studies at the University of Prague, before leaving to complete them in Paris. He graduated nine years later. For this he is known as Magister Parisiensis ("Parisian Master").

In 1381, he was appointed canon and confessor in the Prague cathedral, offices he would hold until his death. Between 1388 and 1392, he wrote several essays, which were later collected and entitled Regulae Veteris et Novi Testamenti ("Principles of the Old and the New Testaments"). This work has never been published in its entirety, nor can it befound complete in any one manuscript. Some parts were falsely thought to be the work of Jan Huss and published with his writings.

Janow thought that the evils facing the church in his day were due to the contemporary Papal Schism, the large number of papal exemptions and reservations, and the excessive importance attached by some Christians to accidental external practices. He advocated the removal of saints and their relics from the churches, because of the abuses he witnessed involving their veneration. He also took the view that it was all but necessary for the laity to receive Communion every day. At the Synod of Prague in 1389 such encouragement of daily Communion was prohibited, and the veneration of images defended. Janow retracted his views and swore repeatedly that he had unfailing loyalty towards the Catholic Church; therefore, he was not punished. Still, because of his previous claims, there are some who considered him to be a forerunner of Jan Huss.

11:38 Same statement again attributed to sn, this time Matthew of Janow.

Check what the wiki has to say about his submission:

"At the Synod of Prague in 1389 such encouragement of daily Communion was prohibited, and the veneration of images defended. Janow retracted his views and swore repeatedly that he had unfailing loyalty towards the Catholic Church; therefore, he was not punished."

Note that all Popes since St Pius X have agreed with his encouragement of daily communion.

Or at least part of it.

They have not said that daily communion was strictly necessary for salvation.

11:59 Martin Bucer stating The Pope is the Antichrist.

Now, this is still not attributed, but it is at least credible, consider what we know of him.

He was joint disciple of Luther and Zwingli (that is disciple of neither but eclectic between both). He was teacher of John Calvin.

HERE we are speaking of people as "Roman Catholic" as Cardinal Newman was Protestant.

While he stated it, he was obviously no longer a Catholic.

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