Monday, December 21, 2020

Types of Inquisition and Reasons for a Conversion

Wasn’t the Protestant inquisition worse than the Catholic, and cruelest?

Answer requested by
Carlos Lopez

Hans-Georg Lundahl
just now
Catholic convert, reading many Catechisms
The English Inquisition, both Catholic and Protestant, was worse than the one in Spain, the one in France after Albigensian Crusade, the one run from Rome.

Earlier inquisition had been in the hands of bishops, but they had not condemned anyone to death, even indirectly. After Albigensian crusade, inquisitors could condemn (indirectly!) to death, but were usually specialists, not taking Inquisition as one of their duties, and these specialists were also bound by certain rules for how to try suspects.

The English Inquisition from 1401 was giving back the powers to the normal diocesan bishop and giving him free hands in an act of parliament called “de comburendo heretico”. This was the system under which St. Joan of Arc was tried.

It lasted to after Reformation, including Anglican Inquisition against Baptists or Anabaptists. Last heretics burned were so in 1612.

If by Protestant Inquisition you mean persecution of Catholics, it was arguably even crueller, but I would not call it Inquisition, since Catholics were not charged with a religious crime, but with the crime of disobeying the Christian ruler of the country and therefore committing acts of rebellion or treason. This system - the Penal laws - was crueller than the English Inquisition, whether Catholic or Protestant.

What prompted your decision to convert to Roman Catholicism?

Answer requested by
Jessica Foley

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Catholic convert, reading many Catechisms
I already hated the Russian Revolution and its ensuing persecution of Christians.

I learned how Swedish and English Reformations were so very like the Russian Revolution, setting up totalitarian régimes that persecuted Catholics.

Subsidiary : I reflected once more on Luther’s attitude in Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen.

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