Thursday, December 12, 2024

A Fair Warning to Slave Hunters

Question: Can you provide examples of figurative and literal language? Why is it important to understand the difference between the two?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
amateur linguist
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Figurative: You are pulling my leg, right?

“Why is it important to understand …” seems to involve telling me I should try to understand, as if I didn’t.

Pulling my leg is figurative, because I don’t think myself or think someone who is sane and knows English would understand it that you were holding two hands around my leg and pulling it in your direction.

Literal: you deserve death penalty, prison, a big punch or some other hurt.

Just because you and I don’t agree what things in the Bible are figurative and what are literal doesn’t mean that you get to lecture me.

People like you need to get out of my life!

And, no, I literally mean you deserve death penalty, as Moses said so in Exodus 21:16.

PS. Case in point:

Back in Saying No to the Antichrist, I'm adding two micro-dialogues with a certain, very anonymous (nearly as anonymous as the one posing the question on quora) but he needs a handle on youtube and it's "pineapplepenumbra". Both of them are solidly in the realm of an ad hominem, precisely as the implication of above question that I'm somehow unable to distinguish between figurative and literal language. And in both cases, at least the first, he gives no follow up when I answer him.

It's as if certain people were acting on the theory that I have suffered some kind of ... loss? repression? whatever? ... of normal knowledge, and that this explains my "weird stuff" like being Young Earth Creationist. Could it be I were unable to distinguish from literal history sth that someone put into the first 11 chapters of Genesis as a v e r y prolonged figure of speech? Could it be that I had lost my mind and hadn't noticed? Could it be that I was acting unusually ignorant for someone who did university studies? Well, none of the three, all three coming in to me today, functioned. Someone is likely to try other things. And other things. What three things will come in tomorrow? How many things are being delayed for me behind my back while they try? See why I consider this as slave hunt./HGL

PPS, in case you haven't realised, this kind of approach is very different from debate. It's calculated to cut up my experience into short, unpleasant snippets.

I like actual debates. However, I'm getting fewer, because I have arguably scared some debaters away from trying me on./HGL

PPPS, I had half hope "pineapplepenumbra" would add a comment, in response, nope./HGL

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