Monday, December 16, 2024

Qua or Quia, Just One Letter ...

Conservative Church Monikers Honestly Explained
Ready to Harvest | 15 Dec. 2024

some 3:25 subscribe to the confessions because 3:27 they agree with the Bible while others 3:29 subscribe to the confessions insofar 3:32 as they agree with the Bible

As an ex-Lutheran, I find this funny.

I heard about this controversy dating back to the 17th. C only after I actually converted to Catholicism.

If you subscribe to the Confession because it agrees with the Bible, how is that not ecclesial infallibility?

If you subscribe to the Confession insofar as it agrees with the Bible, how is the Bible totally perspicuous?

Metal Auditor
Confessionalism isn’t ecclesiastical infallibility because scriptures are still the basis and judge of the confession. A confession is just a church saying, “here is a summary of the important teachings of scripture as we understand them.” It’s the same with any extra-biblical theology text. If I read a theology book and say, “I believe this is an accurate interpretation of scripture,” I am affirming the book but not suggesting that its author is an infallible ecclesiastical authority.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@Metal_Auditor You know what?

I don't think you ever were a Lutheran and knew "because it agrees with Scripture" from the inside.

You make it clear that you are just personally ascribing to x, y and z insofar as they agree with Scripture and until you find out otherwise. Or as long as you don't find out otherwise.

But that is a position that doesn't really make the case for Biblical clarity.

Many, I think most, 17th C. Lutherans thought the Bible crystal clear, and that it clearly upheld the Formulas of Lutheran Confession, to a T, and condemned both Catholicism and Calvinism. Both denied transsubstantiation and affirmed Real Presence of the Body of Christ Itself, not just Its spiritual effects or the "Church is the body of Christ" ...

I also think the Bible is crystal clear in affirming the Real Presence, but very far from denying Transsubstantiation, and actually also affirms the Sacrifice of the Mass. That makes the Infallible Magisterium of Trent possible. Unless you set out to ignore how the Church has so far interpreted the Bible, it generally is very clear.

[The video also featured several types of Traditionalist Catholic, so I added]

9:30 Conclavist here.

There have been valid Popes after 1958, beginning again with the emergency conclave of 1990, electing Pope Michael I.

I'm under Pope Michael II.

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