Sunday, December 1, 2024

Holy Koolaid Made an Appeal To Some Anti-Trump — My Answer as Pro-Trump

How to Save Democracy
Holy Koolaid | 30 Nov. 2024

3:20 The one item that really doesn't chime with me is deportation.

I saw a study, it is not feasible logistically. He may attempt it, but hardly go through with it.

Some things he can do is like give abortion less place and homeschooling and religious free schools more place in the USA. And those items, I like.

17:24 An actually fundamentally ignorant view of what abortion is, is more like yours.

Killed in abortion 2022, 73 million.
Died, all (other) causes of death 2022, 67.1 million.

20:27 Of the ones you named, Alex O'Connor is better than you, the other ones you named are worse.

I have been fighting longer than you and on an opposite team.

I cannot be both Christian and Nationalist as a Swede, but I'm close to those who are both in Poland or generally the Vysehrad countries.

And I have been fighting with less resources.

One thing you have above Forrest Valkai is, he isn't doing deep dives into demographics before Babel or Sodom, so, you inspired me.

Here is part of that, and for my part, God bless Trump:

Creation vs. Evolution: Flood to End of Babel, Demographics

(But perhaps not all of his policies).

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