Saturday, March 15, 2014

... on Honesty of Numberphile / Cambridge University, Mathematics

1) ... on Honesty of Numberphile / Cambridge University, Mathematics, 2) ... on Coastlines and Fractals being No Challenge to Thomistic Concept of Mathematics

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Numberphile : Pi me a River - Numberphile
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Hans-Georg Lundahl
Has no one found other data?

Reminds me of a problem I have.

Now, if Earth rotates around Sun and Mars rotates around Sun, while Sun has a relatively stable position, different orbits, different "years" (if you consider a Martian year as not an oxymoron) ... you should be able to predict how the parallax of a near star like Alpha Centauri differs on Mars as opposed to from Earth.

If alpha Centauri is however as near or as far as Sirius, in a more or less footballskin like sphere of fixed stars (with some thickness, but not at all as much as to overawe the distance between us and nearest stars), moved by an angel, as a pen is moved by a hand, and same being true of planets and Tycho being right and Kepler wrong about most basic geoemtry of universe, then observing its parallax from Mars would give another value. Or shape. Or .... you know.

Thing is, according to NASA we have already put astronomic equipment on Mars, one has already been checking "how do the constellations look from Mars", but as to my question, whether for parallax or even for aberration, I have heard no answer since 2011 when I posed this question.

HGL's FB Writings : Creationism and Geocentrism are sometimes used as metaphors for obsolete because disproven, incorrect, science
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Wake me on Tau Day....
if you were to try and get an average of all the rivers in the world, you'd have to discard any rivers near modern human settlements. so many rivers have been straightened or diverted by man...
Danijel Drnic
Squaring the circle .. headbands equal to the square of the same rubber cubes.
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Wake me on Tau Day....
if you were to try and get an average of all the rivers in the world, you'd have to discard any rivers near modern human settlements. so many rivers have been straightened or diverted by man...
Danijel Drnic
Squaring the circle .. headbands equal to the square of the same rubber cubes.
Johann Blake
Rivers and Pi

This is a rather unusual puzzle concerning nature. What does the mathematical value of Pi (3.14) have to do with rivers?

Apparently, if you take the length of a river and divide it by the the direct distance from the start of the river to its end (as the crow flies) - a value known as "sinuosity" - the value will be close to 3.14. Presumably, if you took all the rivers of the world and calculated there sinuosities and averaged them all out, the value would be 3.14.

Nobody has actually done enough tests to see whether this is true, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be. Virtually everything in nature either has Pi thrown into it or or is based on fractals. Just more evidence of "Creation by Design".
Other debate
lower down, visible even now, partly:
Did the Bible really say Pi = 3.0, or is that verse supposed to be a simple approximation?

If people are protesting evolution and the theory of relativity, why aren't they protesting Pi=3.14?
It is a passage where the author describes how Solomon's temple was built and it says:" Now he made the sea of cast metal ten cubits from brim to brim, circular in form, and its height was five cubits, and thirty cubits in circumference." While I believe that the author simply didn't care for exact measurements, I also believe there were some extra-zealous people who would take it as a fact (and enforce it). One more thing: Bible rarely mentions fractions of a cubit (i.e 1/3 of a cubit, 1/2, 1/4) so you can guess authors didn't care for the "scientific" approach. If the lenght of measurement rope was, let's say, 31.4 cubits, they would just round that down to a closest cubit. Mind also they didn't really care for standards (ie exactly how long a cubit is) so a cubit for one mason (or metal worker) could be different from another one.

Long story short, it is probably just an approximation so don't fret over it. There's more than enough really nonsensical (is that even a word?) and illogical stuff in the book we should be asking questions about (both from scientific and philosophical point of view)
Gamer Phile
because pi has been proved and most people believe that then they did not have the knowledge that pi = ~3.1415. But people still don't believe the fact of evolution for some reason or another.
Can you guess
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Hans-Georg Lundahl
The verse in question might be saying neither, since dealing with different parts of same circular object. You know rims and such.

Ten cubits across at the rim. Thirty cubits around a bit lower down - where object was more slender. A bit difficult to measure "across" further down than at rim.

1 comment:

Hans Georg Lundahl said...

Now the one where I answer about π in Solomon's Temple is visible without logging in but my parallel problem about lacking data to Numberphile's about river sinuosity has not become visible.