Monday, December 15, 2014

Remember the Buddhist Aussie?

1) Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : ... Debate against a Blasphemous Hegelian Bengali. Part one, Education of Jesus Christ. And education in general, 2) Debate against a Blasphemous Bengali Hegelian : Part two, His evil ideology of Progress, 3) ... with the Bengali and "deadlock", on Jesus and on Apocryphon called Gospel of Thomas, 4) HGL's F.B. writings : Debates on "Gospel of Barnabas" and Fifth Sourate, at the end with a Muslim, 5) Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Remember the Buddhist Aussie?

+I'mtheway Soareyou If you're going to criticize people don't blanket the entire group and say ALL Christians do this or ALL Christians believe that, that is pure ignorance and you clearly haven't received the message from your own scriptures that you claim the west hasn't received....

Hans-Georg Lundahl
+DukeValefor not quite : insofar as Christians not believing certain things do not qualify as Christians.

I'mtheway Soareyou
+DukeValefor like what? 

+DukeValefor I have no doubt in my mind that there are plenty of things that im ignorant too, if I wasn't then I guess I would be some kind of enlightened being, but im not. so maybe you can open my eyes more, and show me the error of my ways? I've been waiting for you to expose the folly of my comments, and set me on the path of truth. my perspective comes from 25yrs of Christian slavery, and hundreds of religious debates with Christians. so if my comments are foolish, I would appreciate your insight. 

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Ha, that is why you avoided debating me!

Well, welcome to that from me!

No one should be forced into unwanted debates as far as my debating is concerned.

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl who are you talking to? you know your meant to tag the person your talking to 

+Hans-Georg Lundahl I assume it was me. I didn't see your conversation , I don't know why. so I was not avoiding you at all.

+Hans-Georg Lundahl I just read some of your comments to these guys. im assuming that they don't know much about your wicked little cult, and you know sweet F.A about there perspective. as far as I can see your just being a religious hypocrite, trying to pull a splinter from there eyes, and ignoring the plank in your own eye. claiming your religion to be superior because of the so called word of god, thinking its some kind of literal document that god wrought. your fruitless fear mongering church has nothing too offer the world anymore, you've had 1800yrs and all you have done is pump fear, hatred an judgment, an condemnation on anyone that you can get your hands on. the history of your cult is enough to make anyone sick! I suggest you stick to your own religious delusion , and stop spreading your self righteous poppycock! and if you don't like what I said, go and pray to the flesh and blood of your popes, or one of your fake man made saints, maybe they can do something about it. Ha to you too.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I do not know what F. A. is, though I have a not so fine idea.

As to the rest, where do you get your crap from? Public schools you attended in Oz?

Still swearing by the Holy Word of Your Teachers?

"im assuming that they don't know much about your wicked little cult"

Thank you for basically telling Hindoos and Buddhists and some more in their faces that they are ignorant about Christianity!

If they believe you, they might ask me. If they don't believe you, they'll find you rude.

"as far as I can see your just being a religious hypocrite, trying to pull a splinter from there eyes, and ignoring the plank in your own eye."

On what exact issue, namely?

"claiming your religion to be superior because of the so called word of god, thinking its some kind of literal document that god wrought."

I was not saying "superior" as in a relative scale of exellences. I was and am saying the only right one. And yes, that mean's it is some kind of literal document that God wrought. That day when He said to Eleven Apostles He would never leave them before going up. That day He wrought a literal document called the Catholic Church. He completed it ten days later on Pentecost. It then completed the NT and took a stand for the Septuagint version of OT before the last one of the Eleven had ceased to breathe on Earth. That too is a literal document God wrought, through His Church.

Did you not notice these men too believe in literal documents, one of them being the Jagganath Temple?

I believe some of their documents were wrought by men erroneously thinking to speak or write or make art for the divine, and some by the devil and his minions. To take an example which need not hurt Hindoos:

  • Hesiod got his revelation about the beginning of Cosmos and of gods from the Nine Muses.

  • When Hesiod met them he heard them singing hymns to all the gods ... first Zeus, last "Kronos Ankylometes", Saturn of the crooked mind.

  • When they began to speak to him, they told him they could speak truth but also lies.

  • They raised no dead men from the grave, they cured no lame or blind, they made no prophecy literally fulfilled a century later or more, nor were they a specific fulfilment of Bible prophecy. In a general way they fulfilled an implicit prophecy by Moses against false prophets.

As we are talking about fulfilled prophecies, I cannot leave out Napoleon, oh sorry Apollyon, wait, was it Apollo of Delphi.

His prophecies were sometimes fulfilled by not being very specific (had not told Croesus which big Empire he would destroy) and sometimes by being self-fulfilling which would not have been fulfilled if ignored (Oedipus story).

When Saint Paul cast out sibyllic demons from a sibyl, he started to end Apollo's fear mongering.

"your fruitless fear mongering church"

Fruitful and hope mongering if you want to be somewhat realistic in summing up. That said, it is occasionally fear mongering too. Fear of Hell, fear of Purgatory, those fears in the hearts of masters very clearly helped to free their slaves over years adding up to centuries until none were left BACK IN EUROPE. Might have never gotten introduced or gotten sooner abolished same way in colonies, if it hadn't been for secularism and renaissance.

"has nothing too offer the world anymore,"

Never had, except enmity. Soul has three enemies: devil, world and proper flesh. So having something to offer the world never meant accomodating it or living up to its aspirations.

"you've had 1800yrs and all you have done is pump fear, hatred an judgment, an condemnation on anyone that you can get your hands on."

Where did you get that crap from?

"the history of your cult is enough to make anyone sick!"

Ah, yes, I remember ... Australia is a Protestant country with a LONG history of English anti-Catholicism (let's recall the potato famine for one) behind the settlers before they even came.

And it has like so many other Protestant countries a secularised élite (can recall a video in which a school board got the heat for even allowing a Creationist to speak!) so you don't even appreciate what Prots used to appreciate any more.

"I suggest you stick to your own religious delusion , and stop spreading your self righteous poppycock!"

My religion, whether delusory or true, does not tell me to stop spreading it.

"if you don't like what I said, go and pray to the flesh and blood of your popes"

Not what we usually do. Pope Michael would hardly allow me to pray to his flesh and blood.

Not sure if his greater rival Bergoglio isn't allowing a change in that, but Pope Michael doesn't.

"or one of your fake man made saints"

Fake man made saints don't usually get divine miracles performed in their honour. God doesn't honour fakes.

"maybe they can do something about it."

The saints can pray to God and God is almighty. By the way, they already are praying to God.

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl typical Christian full of words and nothing else. your in a cult sunshine, and your words are empty religious dribble. you clearly have no understanding apart from your own religious dogma of death! there is no hell and god never asked for a human blood sacrifice, ever! your in barbaric religion. and all you can preach is death for the soul. and I have no religion so don't pull your dumb crap on me.

+Hans-Georg Lundahl I just had a better look at you 147 lines [the length of previous in youtube comments that are narrow] of religious dribble. talk about wishy washy religious dogma, so week its funny! you need to wake up and realise your in a empty shell of a religion. you have been brainwashed by an evil cult, that is only interested in power. you better get out for your own sake

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"and I have no religion so don't pull your dumb crap on me."

What shall I say to you, +I'mtheway Soareyou?

"your in a cult sunshine, and your words are empty religious dribble"

Yes, I think the words you found fitting for me fit you somewhat better.

And +Naimul Haq - do you recall when you asked me if I didn't feel at all (honestly, honestly) manipulated by the state?

No, I feel this Australian guy, if not manipulated directly by the state as such (though not far from), is at least manipulated in the extreme by the kind of élite who are not officially in charge of our states, but at least very much in unofficial but real control of them.

If US is less Atheist/Buddhist, or Republican states, it is perhaps not due to being less Masonic, but to the Freemasonry there being more conservative and bound up with certain strands of the Protestant élite. But in many Protestant countries, Protestants have ceaed to be the élite and left that job to the kind of irreligious secularist masons of commies who produce people like this Aussie.

For myself I am a Swede. My country is VERY secularised and was before VERY Protestant. In Sweden Catholics, if at all surviving, have not been manipulated by the state since 1527 or even less since 1593.

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl pope leo 1513-21 " how well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us" LOL

+Hans-Georg Lundahl your obsessed with Protestants lol you just cant handle that people can wake up to the crap that your cult has done. sounds like you never will. I feel very sorry for spiritually blind people like yourself.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"I just had a better look at you 147 lines of religious dribble. talk about wishy washy religious dogma, so week its funny!"

What do you mean weak? What do you mean wishy washy?

"you need to wake up and realise your in a empty shell of a religion."

What do you mean "empty shell of"?

"you have been brainwashed by an evil cult, that is only interested in power."

Oh, which one now? Pentecostals who didn't keep me longer than for a week in a camp, or Salvation Army who lost me when getting my mother in undeserved trouble? How have I been brainwashed by them?

Or Catholic Church (or Vatican II-(per)version of it) who actively tried to and succeeded in post-poning my conversion for years?

Is that what you call brainwashing?

Or diverse brands of Trad each eager to call me a Modernist or a Jew? Each eagerly suspecting me? Fine brainwashing they have done, yeah!

"you better get out for your own sake"

Trying to get out of the clutches of Freemasonry, who are acting as if trying to save me from Catholic brainwashers. Any tips?

"pope leo 1513-21 " how well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us" LOL"

Protestant fable.

Taught you by not even Christian teachers, I presume? On Tektonics they have started to see that story through. It comes from a Prot called (as in nicknamed) Bilious Bale.

"your obsessed with Protestants lol you just cant handle that people can wake up to the crap that your cult has done."

Yeah, right, tell me how the Swedish Reformation was caused by Catholic evils before it .... c'mon?

We had no Lollards who were persecuted 1401 to Reformation according to a decree by an English Parliament. We had no Waldensians. Thank God! So, whom were we being mean to? Rich lords who were "fooled" into giving donations for prayers for their souls?

MUCH of their progeniture "woke up" in 1527 and decided to loot the Church along with the King.

Thank you very much for telling me about my Swedish history on top of my personal history.

Calling me spiritually blind is like what my Protestant father does

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl lol your funny as mate. do everyone a favour and yourself and stop trolling on vids that you know nothing about. your simplistic dogma washed mind cant handle it obviously, you just look foolish and ridiculously religious! 

Hans-Georg Lundahl
You said "you just look foolish and ridiculously religious!"?

What about you looking foolish and ridiculously antireligious?

I think both sides of "Orientals", they the real Orientals, who are religious, and you the Occidental (or extreme-extreme-Oriental) sham Oriental, who are irreligious ridiculous from time to time.

But when you repeat anti-Catholic hate speech which has contributed to Penal Laws and to Anglo-Irish landlord murders by starvation of their own tenants during potato famine, I find you less amusing.

Like I also feel a bit too disgusted when anyone says Mohammed established a rule and only killed Jews and Christians if they "rebelled" against him.

Some non-religious, that is non-believers, really are objective when it comes to moral stances between religions. I count my late grandpa among those rare ones. He was very eminently NOT religious, but considered that of all religions there were, he preferred Catholicism.

Perhaps because John XXIII was doing an irreligious thing which did please an irreligious man? Possible. If so, I lost him so early I cannot really tell. I do know he never spoke out against religion in my presence and not against the Catholic one more than any other.

I also know he gave me a book on Evolution and I read it and I recall it. Some things have changed since, like back then Dimetrodon was just another dinosaur rather than grandparent or granduncle of mammals. Or Tiktaalik has been found - and debunked by CMI, when it comes to land living animals' ancestry.

I did not become a Christian because I forgot the book. I did not forget it, I just don't believe it any more, and I have answers to every question it would have raised about my Christian faith.

I became a Catholic because that is where Protestants got the Bible from - and because it didn't work for me to consider Albigensians burnt on the stake as "Christian martyrs".

Pa and ma are good at medicine, but spent less time than I studying Church history.

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl you're religion is nothing but a blight an humanity!! its responsible for tens of millions of murders, solely responsible for the dark ages, and nothing but oppression of most of the western world, up until only 50 odd years ago. the bible and your cult have nothing in common. your cult has misinterpreted the bible and used it as a tool for fear, power and control. and has tried to brainwash the world with the fear of hell, and the ceremonial worship of what you people think is gods human blood sacrifice! Catholicism is nothing but an evil oppression on humanity!!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
You are a liar, at least to yourself.

You learnt these things about the Catholic Church from Protestants, you are not Protestant yourself, you think the Protestants are wrong, and why should they all of a sudden be right when it comes to Church history?

You come with a lot of fat accusations, how do you substantiate them?

I'mtheway Soareyou
+Hans-Georg Lundahl lol pearls before swine mate. im not going to waist [waste] my mind on you anymore. enjoy your ignorance.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
No, no; we are not in a private conversation.

I can be swine to you if you like, but our audience is not - not to you, I hope, not to me, certainly not.

You came out as accusing the Catholic Church for murdering - at least indirectly by instigation and other responsibilities for others' actions - millions.

What category? Unborn babies?

Aborigines of Australia? C'mon, was the Catholic really that mighty on Ulimaroa when you started doing it? Wasn't Anglican and other Protestant confessions and especially their being diluted into non-belief in Scriptures and belief in Darwin MUCH more prevalent when you did it?

Or were you speaking of some other category?

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