Monday, February 3, 2025

Will Hallow Be Banned? Protestant and Communist Malfeasance, If So.

Biggest Catholic Prayer App In The World BANNED
Return To Tradition | 3 Febr. 2025

I'm in France.

I know some things about France. Catholics are no longer an absolute majority, only a relative majority and even that only among those whose religion is recognised as one. 51 % are Secularists, which is not recognised as a religion, or technically, 51 % are Nones, but many of them would be Secularists. 29 % are Catholics.

Now, it so happens, Protestantism has a kind of deal with Secularism in countries where it is a minority.

Some Protestants are concerned that Hypnosis is occultism, simply as such, i e simply because it induces the alpha state or in some cases the theta state. They would take that as unauthorised access to the spiritual world, comparable to unauthorised communication with the dead, and therefore likely to get someone abused by demons.

They also have a very longstanding opposition to the Rosary. Not so much the Anglicans and Lutherans of Northern Europe, you will even find Lutheran "rosaries" without the Hail Mary, but with meditations on Jesus' life, and probably repetitive prayers.

Now, many of the Protestants I speak of would connect the two.

And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speaking they may be heard
[Matthew 6:7]

This is the Douay in the online revision. The Latin is even clearer, it is about making speeches:

Orantes autem, nolite multum loqui, sicut ethnici, putant enim quod in multiloquio suo exaudiantur
[Matthew 6:7]

Multiloquium is pretty obviously about heaping together different phrases and never getting to the point. Not about repeating a short prayer, even to the point of a slight alpha state. St. Thomas actually considers a deeper hypnotic state desireable, he considers that a "consequent passion" (if you would call the hypnotic state a passion, I don't know, but it is comparable in some ways) makes the deliberate act more laudable if good or more reprehensible if bad. When discussing the humanity of "idiots" (i e people with Down's syndrome or similar) he said that they could continue praying without noticing a hand put in front of them, so, deep prayer. Probably he had tested while among the Benedictines in his teens. Now, the point is, the idea that repetitive prayer is good and alpha state at least in prayer is good, is a Catholic idea. It is not shared by Protestants.

Some Waldensians may be wary of it, because of so many not just Albigensians, but also Waldensians (though fewer) returning to the Church when praying the Rosary with St. Dominic. Calvin may have had a personal reason to be wary, if he had been homosexually abused while in a hypnotic state. One John Calvin (or Jean Cauvin) was branded in Noyon, where Calvin is from, in 1534, a year in which he could have been there at least for a visit. It could have been another guy, but ... if the person had been consenting very deliberately to sodomy, he would have been executed, not just branded. So, that person had presumably consented under circumstances lowering the ability to consent to things not foreseen before enterting in such state. One of the states being of course the hypnotic. John Calvin, the Reformer, unlike Luther, took away Confession totally, not just the general obligation. Confession is somewhat akin to hypnotherapy. John Calvin also went after Gregorian Chant and the Rosary, again things that involve a likelihood of alpha state, and when it comes to the Rosary, or repetitive prayers, he even inserted it in the Bible. Luther mistranslated Luke 1:28 and a verse of Romans 3. Calvin mistranslated Matthew 6:7. Here are the consecutive English versions that mention "repetitions", namely:

Also when ye pray, use no vain repetitions as the Heathen: for they think to be heard for their much babbling. 1599 Geneva Bible.
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Authorised King James

Bible Gateway leaves out earlier edition of Geneva Bible in NT published 1557 and the Bishops' Bible 1568.

The Geneva Bible was obviously a translation from Calvin / Beza in Geneva who had written theirs in French.

Now, Secularism places other religions instead of Catholicism or other traditional supernatural things. One of them is Progress, one of them is Medicine. Chinese and Protestants both have a dispropoprtionate influence in the Medical field over here.

So Chinese Communists and Calvinists target the alpha state and infiltrate medicine, Medicine then influences legislation, like we saw during the Covid Mandates.

On top of that, some in the Russian and Ukrainian, generally East European, expat communities in France would be perfectly able to repeat a Putin like blunder in going after Alex Jones (a Catholic in Chicago) in the purpose of going after Alex Jones (a Protestant and Conspiracy Theorist of Dallas). They would be perfectly able to make a spin on this and imagine that conspiracy theories to the level they would want to treat as pathologic paranoia are spread by the alpha state in the Rosary on the app.

They would also be perfectly able to base this on case studies about me, while my poverty has been used so I can continue to be an easy target for observers, while you guys have thought I shouldn't earn money of my writings anyway, so you don't owe me anything (except perhaps prayers, and there is a likelihood you would pray for the wrong things).

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