Genesis and Science I · Genesis and Science II · III - Genesis and the Church
- Q answered by Pismenny
- How does the Catholic Church reconcile Genesis with modern science?
- Alex Pismenny
- Catholic Christian.
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- We have no problem doing that.
Modern science gives us the mechanics of the creation of the universe .
The Bible gives us the meaning of these mechanical phenomena.
For science, it is important that the Universe developed gradually, from light and matter to the formation of stars and planets, and then to the animal life and Man.
For the Bible, it is important that the same physical dynamics were also loved by God and created by God.
Despite difference in focus, the two accounts match.
- Two main answers
- given below as I and II - if more become important, they may be added.
- I
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- “Modern science gives us the mechanics of the creation of the universe .”
“The Bible gives us the meaning of these mechanical phenomena.”
“For science, it is important that the Universe developed gradually, from light and matter to the formation of stars and planets, and then to the animal life and Man v”
“For the Bible, it is important that the same physical dynamics were also loved by God and created by God.”
“Despite difference in focus, the two accounts match.”
Do you want some details on each “oops”?
- Answered twice
- A and B
- A
- Alex Pismenny
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- Not really.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- One reason why the Novus Ordo sect in 2022 doesn’t seem to me the same thing as the Novus Ordo sect I converted to (intending a Catholic conversion) back in 1988.
There was “you don’t need to be YEC” but there was no “if you are a Fundie, you are not even wrong, that’s how wrong you are” …
- Alex Pismenny
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- As far as I am concerned, Young Earth Creationism is fine. Write your own answer.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- Did.
Shared it too.
Ah, this was not Catholic Apologetics? My bad …
- Alex Pismenny
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- I won't allow Sedevacantism on Catholic Apologetics, correct. Young Earth are welcome
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- Apart from the fact that between last 2nd of August and upcomng conclave in 2023 the Church is actually sede vacante, there was no sedevacantism involved, Pope Michael condemned it too.
- B
- Patrick Crotty
- 19.XII.2022
- Have you actually read and understood the previous posts - or does your prejudice take precedence?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.XII.2022
- There was exactly one previous thing to read - the answer of Pismenny.
When I say “oops” I imply I could answer each by an essay of things I already know about the subject.
If anyone shows prejudice here it is Pismenny who doesn’t want me to explicitate even one of these “ooops”-es.
And you. Who for some reason, maybe akin to Pismenny’s, also decline my offer to explicitate any oops you care for.
If you had something specific other than the answer of Pismenny for me to read “first”, and I commented before Kevin Spencer and even Andrew Terry, please be precise on which thing you meant.
- II
- Andrew Terry
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- How exactly do the two accounts match? Please explain. Thank you!
- Alex Pismenny
- 6.XII.2022
- St. Nicolas of Myra
- For example, astrophysics teach that the universe contains multiple galaxies and the Bible teaches that God created stars. Match.
Science teaches that the world operates according to laws of physics and the Bible says that God loved what he created. Match.
Evolution states that life started from inanimate matter and man evolved from primitive life. The Bible teaches that God made man from mud. Match.
- Answered twice
- C and D
- C
- Andrew Terry
- Dec 7
- Okay, thank you very much.
- D
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.XII.2022
- “astrophysics teach that the universe contains multiple galaxies and the Bible teaches that God created stars.”
Multiple galaxies is not in the Bible and also not observed.
“Science teaches that the world operates according to laws of physics”
More like physical factors operate according to laws of physics. Not that all the world does exclusively so.
“Evolution states that life started from inanimate matter”
By a process that after near a century since Oparin is still not shown possible.
“and man evolved from primitive life.”
With an alleged humanisation that’s impossible by reason of its linguistic implications. I’ve compared evolving human language from ape communications to, not a house gradually becoming another house by consecutive remakes, but gradually becoming a trouser - or a trouser not becoming another trouser, but a house.
“The Bible teaches that God made man from mud.”
Yes, and directly, without certain inbetweens that reason shows as impossible.
- Alex Pismenny
- 19.XII.2022
- Galaxies are observable.
Overall, yes, these are matches: same phenomena explained by different means.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.XII.2022
- Bad matches. Extremely bad with life from inorganic or with man from lower animals.
Objects classified as galaxies - was that what you were asking me about - are certainly observable. 100 years ago or perhaps a little more, Andromeda was classified as a spiral nebula. Within “our galaxy-universe” - and not as “another galaxy like our own, within our even bigger universe” … do you begin to see the problem with calling Heliocentrism or Galaxies “observed”?
How would you set out to prove that the Andromeda “Galaxy” was further away then 1 light day up?
- Alex Pismenny
- 19.XII.2022
- I certainly can't since we are matching Moses' view of the sky without a telescope.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.XII.2022
- Well, how would you set out to prove it with a telescope?
- Alex Pismenny
- 19.XII.2022
- Triangulating on it taking views 6 month apart, I guess, but why is it relevant?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 19.XII.2022
- Triangulating only works if it’s the Earth that’s in different positions six months apart, since if it’s the star, we have a tip instead of a baseline for the triangle.
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