Friday, January 3, 2020

Real Bad Calumnies - Anti-Catholic Ones

Is it true that the Catholic Church preached that non-White people are subhumans without souls until the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
none/ apprx Masters Latin & Greek, Lund University
Answered Dec 28
Answering: "Is it true that the Catholic Church preached that non-White people are subhumans without souls until the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s?"

No, it seems that some Anti-Catholic is collecting calumnies against Catholicism and even including the least realistic ones.

It is true that Catholics preached that Albigensians (who were usually white Europeans) had subhuman behaviour through the choices of heresy and sins allowed by that heresy. It is true that Catholics preached that some Pagans of non-White type had also fallen through choices of their own, and even some ideas it could be indirectly due to the curse on Canaan.

But, it is not true that Catholics preached that non-Whites were soulless or had bodies preventing them from reversing bad choices and making good ones instead. If anyone did that, it was rather Progressive Protestants.

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