Sunday, October 10, 2021

Babel Again

How come so little is written about the Tower of Babel in the Bible if what happened there set the course of history through all the millenniums that followed?

Answer requested by
Marc Bloemers

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Catholic convert, reading many Catechisms
Answered just now
The eleven first chapters of the Bible were probably what was left of pre-Abrahamic history in the oral tradition reaching Abraham.

This means, while the rest of the Bible always had a community to support the transmission of sometimes fairly prolix writing, the first eleven chapters - or all except what Moses later received in a vision on Sinai, about the six days of Creation, was what Abraham had learned by heart when he was small or up to 50, when his great-grand-father Sarug died, the last before himself to worship the true God.

I think there is a reason other than the cause I just outlined. God had a purpose this should be so.

  • 1. Some of the early things cannot be properly understood to now, when pre-historians and archaeologists dig up things (and what these dig up is presented in ways that needs reinterpretation to fit the Biblical history, notably in terms of timeline as to absolute dates);
  • 2. Even so, some of the very sketchy and extremely basic stories include checklists, so you can check if you are on the right track (so far no item on it has betrayed me with Babel = Göbekli Tepe);
  • 3. Some of what we can now understand, what I think I can now understand, involves attempts at modern technology, which had left be described in terms so vague it did not directly provoke the reassumption of it.

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