Saturday, November 30, 2024

In September 2002, I was Palmarian

You actually said I should get updated with the CURRENT teaching of the "Holy RCC". Well, according to Pope Gregory XVII, the Church is NO LONGER Roman, since Rome has lost the Faith. People who speak of CURRENT teaching, as if Catholicism were as shifty as secular science and included guesses because it was in SEARCH of truth - such people cannot be said to have the Faith or to be Catholics.

I was mistaken, a few months later, I was aware that "Gregory XVII" considered the Universe as having (at least) 8 Dimensions. It has 3 Dimensions, see St. Augustine. But I did not realise he had this false tenet when I had accepted him. I was mistaken in the Churhc no longer being Roman, Pope Michael I and II have said otherwise. But I was not mistaken in the Rome having lost the faith.

The person you call "my bishop" has recently succeeded a certain Hubertus Brandenburg (from Germany, and NOT Bavaria or Austria), whom eight months before I became Palmarian (provisorically, at least) I denounced to "Cardinal" Joseph Ratzinger for his ecumenical heresies and blasphemous lies about St Bridget of Sweden. When he "was Bishop of Stockholm" he shielded a certain Pierre Aupy "OP", who had concelebrated "Mass" with Lutheran laymen usurping priestly titles and wages. The Vatican could have checked the facts, it could have condemned him or forced him to recant in both cases - but didn't. What respect do I owe such traitors to Holy Faith? Such intruders into a see once Catholic?

Well, that was kind of my motive for becoming Palmarian. Pierre Aupy should not have concelebrated anything with Lutherans who lack Apostolic Succession.

I was perhaps more bitter and angry (I was after all in Sweden, my country, but one which got more and more on my nerves between 1980 and 2004), but I was not exactly wrong.

I may somewhat regret the tone, but not that I said it. And back then, it was hardly possible for me to say so in much other fashion.

The full dialogue was reflected on this blog not exactly on November 13th 2008, I created the draft that day, but the actual publication was somewhat later:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: ...on accusations by PhoenixCNA
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 6:56 AM

Even apart from the fact that I was met with similar animosity by Novus Ordo Catholics on the forum, though "talking down to" more than vitriol, and that excuses my vitriol, I don't feel bad about what I wrote.

What I said was more important than how I said it. Or whom I was considering to be Pope. I may respect Osnabrück more now than I did then (that's where Hubertus Brandenburg was from), but Austria and Bavaria are still kind of my gold standard in the Germanies.
/Hans Georg Lundahl

Private Schools in France

What does "hors contrat" mean?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Knows French
St. Andrew's Day
If the context is French schools, on the primary and secondary levels, these come in three flavours.

  • State schools.
  • Private schools “sous contrat”
  • Private schools “hors contrat”.

The “contrat” is an agreement between the school and the ministry of education or the local school board, I don’t know which. Probably the ministry, considering how centralised France is. It’s a signed contract.

“Sous contrat” means the school operates UNDER conditions specificied in the contract.

“Hors contrat” means the school operates OUTSIDE such a contract.

The latter schools have more freedom, inside, to teach what they want, to decide what pupils they want to take. But they have fewer privileges. And private schools overall have fewer privileges than state schools, the latter being most privileged.

So, a school “hors contrat” and a school “sous contrat” may both be Catholic. Those that are under a contract may be obliged to take an applicant even if he isn’t Catholic. Those that are outside a contract aren’t obliged to do so. A school under a contract may censor the viewpoint that the Catholic Church was right and the French Government was wrong and did immense wrong in 1905–1906. A school outside the contract is likely to teach that. Some twelve years ago, a priest teaching in a Catholic private school challenged the theory of Evolution. He’s not the best case I’ve seen made for YEC (I’m a YEC myself), but I am glad he had the liberty to do so, and the initiative. I’m pretty certain he taught in a school “hors contrat” or outside the agreement.

The other side is, schools outside contract have perhaps less freedom outside. They are likelier to receive unfriendly visits from the ministry of education, get threatened with being closed down, the Left regularly pretends they should be closed down, they receive no subsidies from the state, but have to pay for everything themselves, so, have to ask parents harder about paying for the education. Those who can’t pay may be exonerated on an individual basis, but the exceptions can’t be too many, or the school would not afford to pay its staff and the costs for the ground and the building. They sometimes also ask for donations (and yes, this allows them to take a few more children or teens from poor familiies, but these will still be a minority).


David Jensen
YEC? Young Earth Creationism?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Yes, exactly.

I think it was in 2012.

Ken Ham on LGBTQ, I Pose a Question

Ken Ham on LGBTQ, I Pose a Question · Genesis 18 and Ezechiel 16 Revisited

Christians Need to STOP Making This Mistake with LGBTQ People
Ken Ham | 29 nov. 2024

Speaking of Genesis, what do you believe about Genesis 38?

I believe contraceptive practises (short of abortion!) are "sodomy lite" ... those who commit them and don't repent will burn a little higher up in Hell, with a little less heat than those who commit sodomy "proper" ...

When I have, in the past, tried to debate gay people (and gay liberals who may themselves be hetero) over the internet, I've often taken the approach of what limiting child birth does to society.

But this is because I am Catholic, I believe contraception is sin against nature and sodomy is sin against nature, both cry out to heaven for vengeance even in this life.

Some distort this, they may be very critical of homosexuality and so on, but are totally blind to the issue of contraception, because they think Onan's displeasing of God was simply not complying with the duty of levirate. Or, perhaps on some versions, not obeying his father. No, Onan's sin was the specific act he did with his wife. The specific act which intended to not make her pregnant.

I think there is a way of bringing this home even to people who don't believe the Bible.

The Western World except US and Japan (I'm not well informed about Commonwealth outside Europe) is decreasing pensions and increasing the wait for them. In 2018 or 19 Russia was doing the same, and it nearly brought Navalny to power. Putin was happy as a day about first Covid 19 and then "special operation" ... if we believe he cherishes remaining in power, which I do believe. The US can be there in 8 or 9 years. Japan allows robots to care for the elderly. Euthanasia is evil, but it is another of the inhuman ways out of an impasse which is already inhumanly turning generations against each other.

And, homosexuality is so to speak the "flag ship" of contraception, by now at least. Except to some "conservative" but not quiverfull Protestants.

Did you know the legalisation of contraception as per "right to privacy", and that being already a given, was the motivation behind Roe v. Wade?

Friday, November 29, 2024

Speaker's Corner vs Islam

Muslims Calling For Segregation In London As Christians Prove Too Much To Handle
Chris At Speaker's Corner | 27 Nov. 2024

Other people with freedom of speech allergia:

Why Russians can't play STALKER 2 legally
NFKRZ | 26 Nov. 2024

I Have a Vast Disagreement with Middle Ages Denigrators

What is another term for the "Middle Ages" that is more accurate than "medieval"?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Studied Latin (language) at Lund University
St. Andrew's Feast after First Vespers
Giving the actual years? Or century?

Giving a subperiod of the Middle Ages? Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, Late Middle Ages?

Because, if you meant “Dark Ages” that’s way LESS accurate.

Middle Ages simply means “in the middle between Antiquity and Renaissance” which is true. It’s inadequate, but it’s true. It’s disparaging, as if it had nothing to offer on its own, but it’s still true.

Dark Ages is untrue. Some tried to reuse it for a specific period where the military balance was in disfavour of Christendom, OK, makes some sense, but it’s not how it’s generally taken. As Dark Ages is usually used, it is complete BS.

If you are intending to harrass me over being more learned and more balanced than you are, which this looks like, GET OUT OF MY LIFE!

I Have a Disagreement with Modern Morality on What Happened Between Cormac McCarthy and Augusta Britt

The sickening truth about Cormac McCarthy
Willow Talks Books | 27 Nov. 2024

5:50 "saw a sixteen year old, when he was forty-two"

What about "saw a marriageable girl, when he was already married"?

Most actual abuse stories (I'm not sure this is one) would fit BOTH ways of describing it. Why priorise the age gap?

Odile Blue
Because grooming a minor is infinitely worse than having an affair?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@odile8701 It is not.

And the thing that may hurt a minor for life is precisely affair rather than lifelong love.

It may hurt some older women for life too.

GrifiN Kay
Seems you forgot the fact that she was already a victim of abuse and trauma!

Taking advantage of an abuse victim, and for selfish reasons, is vile at any age gap, and reprehensible, regardless of the marital status of the abuser.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@GrifiN42 Seems you forgot my point.

If Cormac had been unmarried, she could have married him.

If she had married him, it could have given her more healing than it did even so, on her own testimony.

@GrifiN42 "Taking advantage of an abuse victim ... is vile at any age gap"

Did I catch you right?

No one ever, either older or her age peer, at that point had a right to get into a relationship with her, the only thing you think not abusive against her would be therapy?

I'm sorry, but that kind of ideology is abusing many more people than the worst pedophile rings, I don't mean Cormac, who presumably wasn't in a ring, I don't mean Epstein, I mean things like Satanic ritual abuse.

I give my name for my views. You prefer to hide under a pseudonym, on a channel which features nothing except a logo corresponding to your pseudo, presumably bought and content-erased from an earlier user who started in 2010.

How do I know you aren't involved in abusing abuse victims through therapy and enforced celibacy?

14:58 That aspect is quite another thing.

Perhaps best for any girl I meet that I stick to essays.

"a man 15:03 in his 40s who entered into a physical 15:06 relationship with a 16-year-old girl who 15:08 took her away from home who then stole 15:11 details about her own lived experiences 15:14 turned them into fictional characters in 15:16 multiple books"

And kept killing them. That's the one thing you mention that's true and irks me.

What you don't mention was, he didn't mention not being married. She had no chance of marrying him.

What you mention but which isn't true is "took her away from home" ... she didn't have one at this point. She didn't have a home.

He took her from one adventure to another, possibly brighter one.

"all while being 16:52 married and having a child neither of 16:55 which he disclosed to her until they 16:57 were back home from Mexico"

Ah yes, now you finally get the important stuff.

Again, she didn't have a home, they met at a motel where she was taking showers.

Dialogue starting with daniela's comment to the video:

daniela weber
totally agree, the cruelest aspect of this specific kind of "bond" is that young people often believe themselves to be in control so the abuse will be seen as a romantic choice by the victims of adult men who knew what they were doing. 😓

Hans-Georg Lundahl
There is a way for young people to actually be in control.


Would Augusta Britt have fallen for a married man, if she had had a half and half realistic chance to marry an unmarried one?

daniela weber
@hglundahl sorry, didn't get it.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@danielaweberdani Cormac died in 2023. 42 years prior to that is 1981.

Girls age 16 getting married back then was not one of the most common occurrences. It happened, and still happens. One can easily imagine Augusta wasn't aware of it.

Or, she might have (incorrectly) believed she could marry him.

Either way, if she had had a chance of marrying someone, unmarried, unlike Cormac, and had done it, she'd have been safe from him ...

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


JCITB-TV: Mariah Carey Lost Her Mother & Sister On The Same Day. Satanic Ritual Abuse? #mariahcarey
U.G.L.Yeshua | 28 Aug 2024

Not Really Antediluvian Items, But He Has a Point About Those Guys

"We Were Never Supposed to See The Antediluvians"
Off The Kirb Ministries | 23 Nov. 2024

11:14 Flood, according to Roman Martyrology for Christmas Day, was in 2958 BC.

Jesus is born 2957 after the Flood, and He's also born in 1 BC (there is no "year zero" and the year 1 AD starts with His circumcision).

Note, this is based on a LXX reading of Genesis 11, more particularly an early LXX readering without the Second Cainan.

13:27 "Imagine being mentored by another person who had been mentored by God."

Like Sts. Mark and Linus being mentored by St. Peter? Like Sts.Luke, Tim and Tite mentored by St. Paul? Like St. Polycarp being mentored by St. John the Beloved?

What if that kind of thing were still accessible, wouldn't it do wonders for Bible comprehension .... let's see, have you heard of a thing called Apostolic Tradition?

But as to the things you so far showcased, not only are they all post-Flood, they are even post-Babel.

If you ever get to see a city from pre-Flood Nod, it will probably be a horror, some things, but it will probably also be if there is a rupture in one of the Higher Mountains of Persia or Himalaya.

14:19 No, that's not how the ages go in the Bible.

All mentioned in Genesis 5 had the capacity to live for 900+ years and only two didn't, Henoch was taken up and Lamech died short of 800. However, his son Noah again lived 950 years.

I said "all mentioned in Genesis 5" but I should have excluded Shem, Ham and Japheth. Shem only lived to 600, and his posterity up to Abraham even shorter and shorter. This, Genesis 11, is where life spans get shorter.

I'd say the exact same extra radioactivity that shortened lifespans, the exact same extra radioactivity which helped to speed up the post-Flood Ice Age also helped to increase carbon 14, we now have c. 64 times as much as back at the Flood, and that's why carbon dates from the Flood, actually 5000 years ago, date to c. 39 000 ~ 40 000 BP.

14:54 Indeed. Penal substitution is false about damnation, but true about death.

The sinless Man died. Those who sinned can rise whenever He wants to raise us from the graves.

17:04 Trusting in the Lord usually means also trusting in His promises.

The Church is the Ark, and neither Ocean Waves nor the Gates of Hell will sink Her. He's captain Noah, once more.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Contra Marcionem

Isn't Judaizing a Catholic Heresy?
The Philos Project | 20 Nov. 2024

[Things you see better in the NT if you know the OT, for context]

12:00 Very notably, the sinlessness of Mary.

"Blessed Among Women" was, in a qualified and limited way ("of Israel" / "who live in tents") stated about Jael and Judith because they had, so to speak, "crushed the head" of an enemy of Israel.

That's very certainly what She was puzzled about. She would obviously not enjoy the prospect of killing a man in the future even, She hadn't killed one so far, so, what was it all about.

"and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb" ... oh, Genesis 3:15!!!

She was since Her time in the temple a sufficiently good theologian to know the one way to defeat the Devil was to not sin. If She had crushed his head, it must mean She had never sinned. Yippee!! (But Her statement in the Magnificat is obviously better).

when you're reading any passage of scripture there's things that you should be 24:50 looking for the the first the base levels was called the literal sense literal doesn't just mean like the 24:55 dictionary definition but what did this mean to the author and what was this understood as meaning

I agree on the three spiritual senses.

I would presumably NOT agree to "what did this mean to the author" if one speculates that he for instance didn't mean Genesis 1 to 11 as literal history.

What Pius XII in Humani Generis says about this section of Scripture is basically "it's told like a Reader's Digest version, with some figures of speech" and it absolutely does not mean that it's history reimagined in a very condensed version and stories to make the thematic cohesions that are there in dilution in the real sequence. He is NOT agreeing with [Jonathan] Pageau.

Stating that there were no creatures looking basically like men before Adam, and Adam lived 2000 ~ 3000 years before Abraham, who met an Egyptian pharao, or stating that Joshua adressed Sun and Moon because it's normal that Sun and Moon do turn around Earth, well, that's not like pretending Exodus 20 starts a separate commandment in verse 4 and then pretending this condemns Catholicism, as some would.

25:34 Latin for you:

Litera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria
moralis quid agas, quo tendas anagogia.

I know it by heart.

Gesta = the deeds that were done. Some Medieval history books had this very word in the title. Gesta Danorum (on Denmark from Odin to the Valdemars). Gesta Dei per Francos (on the Crusades). Trope giver probably Gesta Francorum (on the early history of Franks). While a work by Paul the Deacon (who denies the presence of Godan / Odin in Northern lands at this time, on the ground that he was a Greek who lived 1000 years earlier) is usually cited as Historia Langobardorum, it also has an alternative title, Gesta Langobardorum.

No, This Does NOT Mean I'm an Odinist. It Actually Means the Opposite

Is Odin considered a dark wizard in Norse mythology?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
none/ apprx Masters in Latin (language) & Greek (language), Lund University
In Norse religion and mythology, Odin is a fairly complex figure, considered as:

  • creator god (along with two brothers, not solo, and only after killing a monster to get the material)
  • lord of heaven and of fates
  • lord of the brave dead, of the fallen
  • captain of gods against the thursar (who descend from the killed monster), who will be killed in the end times battle
  • and, when he appears on earth, a dark wizard, a dark hunter and an ancestor of kings.

The last of these qualities may in some cases refer to a real human person.

Other answer:

Is Odin considered a dark wizard in Norse mythology?

Harry Frank
Professor Emeritus of Psychology
That’s movieverse rubbish. He was considered a god. Do you consider Jesus Christ a wizard?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Jews do. Some of them at least.

Harry Frank
There is no concept of wizardry in Judaism. In Jewish tradition, Joshua of Nazareth is recognized as an eminent teacher of Talmudic law.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
That’s one version, that of Pinchas Lapide.

There is a different one in Toledoth Yeshu.

I have tried to partially exonerate Judaism by considering the Yeshu it describes (at least prior to the execution narratives) could be in fact Odin rather than Jesus.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Atheist Moron Thinks Apes Invented Language While Becoming Human

I'm sorry if the above title of the post comes off to rude to some (other than "Sir Sic"), but as you will see, I'm just replying in fairly equal terms to his own rudeness:

Theist Moron Thinks God INVENTED Language (Lines Of Evidence)
Sir Sic | 15 Nov. 2024

[Refusing to link, since the video contains blasphemy.]

"its not like we invent new sounds to mean thing all the time or anything"

From description.

Know what? Monkeys don't do that. And feral children who never learned to speak don't do that either.

What was your point again?

[Will anyone comment? Maybe Sir Sic himself? I'm leaving this post unpublished until we may have found out in about a week. Two days before publication, I'm starting to make comments on the actual content beyond the description. As some reviewers eager to find fault with my mental coherence won't watch the video and imagine I stopped it at relevant and given time stamps, and see what I say as a response to what the video just said, I'll describe the things said in the video beyond what I quote in the comment, some. Because some guys will miss what the time stamp means, and go, "wait, his rant changed direction again" totally missing that this is not a monologue, but a dialogue with points in the video, skipping the parts with blasphemies.]

3:21 While some would consider body language 90 % of communication, it's not exactly how you communicate thoughts.

3:40 If you are able to do some communications of the thought type either by illustrations or charades, that's because you have already been able to communicate in "language-language" how these things work.

"well first off as I 3:56 understand it language came largely as a 3:59 way to communicate ideas in a simple 4:01 fashion and developed to be able to 4:03 communicate more complex ideas over time 4:06 so it would have started with danger 4:08 calls and food locations and even 4:10 general sounds of comfort or of distress 4:13 and as what would become humans 4:15 developed into what they are now the 4:17 complexities of language evolved 4:19 alongside them"

This is so unspecific as to be totally useless. Bees certainly communicate food locations (and specify pollen or nectar) without using language. An ape couldn't do that kind of thing.

In order to describe things at a distance, we need to be able of expressing beyond the present. However, in order to do that, we need a repertoir of words, and words are something other than shout-outs of either distress or comfort. And I'm excepting words like "ouch" ...

In fact, in order to be able to express sufficiently varied ideas to even say "thick savourous honey is over across the hill in a tree which is third right from the path" you need to have a vocabulary where 1 sound is NOT = 1 word, but where each 1 word is several sounds. This means, unlike in ape communications, the sounds individually have to be meaningless.

You also need to be able to put notions together, since without that, the other guy would not know what you meant when you said "honey" ... another thing apes don't do. As they only communicate commands or requests for stereotyped actions (sth like traffic signs) and emotions (admittedly a wide range of them, but something like smileys), each communication has ONE moment. Not TWO or MORE.

What you described totally fails to explain the transition from ape to human.

[Reviewed video starts off to "consider the origin of language" on evolutionist terms, and the reviewer breaks off here to surmise that it's going to be a strawman. At 5:20, we have not heard what the Christian is going to say, just that Sir Sic thinks it's going to be a strawman.]

5:20 You have already presented yourself a very idiotic nonsense of how you think language evolved, no need to strawman you.

But the video might be citing more competent Evolution believers than yourself, and you may think it's nonsense because you hadn't learned even that much about your own world view.

8:29 Evolutionists doesn't mean biologists, it's not the name of a scientific field and it's practitioners.

Evolutionists means evolution believers, just like Creationists means people who believe in Genesis. Not meaning Abio- such.

If I am a Creationist now, you may presume I was a Creationist since small childhood, but at age 6 I was actually an Evolutionist.

[Nostalgia outside the video comments:

It was fun reading it, I got it from gramp who was Agnostic and Evolutionist, but the explanations aren't explaining the origin of language or even the appearance of new kinds.]

8:37 No. How "language evolved" from non-human communications is not linguistics.

Linguistics is the study of languages as they exist among actual people, within mankind. You are speaking about "evolutionary linguistics" which most of the time is done by neuro-specialists like Pinker and Tecumseh Fitch. When an actual linguist (like Jean Aitchison) studies the field, it seems she forgets part of what she learned as a linguist. Birds have a two tier system of communication (if as much), but the "double articulation" she knows is typical for human language is actually two connections of three levels.

Video reviewed:
"in fact 9:44 there is a glaring hole in the logic of 9:45 The evolutionary explanation the process 9:48 of language development we observe in 9:50 history just does not fit"

Sir Sic:
"after looking 9:53 into it it looks like the oldest 9:55 language we know of and have like 9:57 records of today is Sumerian and that's 9:59 only about 5,000 years old so in terms 10:02 of human history it is positively 10:05 ancient but in terms of you know 10:07 Evolution and the life of the planet all 10:09 we have in terms of a timeline for 10:11 languages is a fraction of a percent of 10:14 the dates for that so no it kind of 10:17 doesn't because there's not enough 10:18 information to demonstrate that to be 10:20 wrong"

Very fair point. However, this means that what Linguists study in terms of actual languages actually evolving or devolving or whatever is not anything remotely like a study of what you propose to be scientic truth.

Illustrating "the origin of language" from French originating in Latin, is not taking dog breeds as an illustration of cats and dogs having the same ancestor (which is your favourite one of them?), it's much more like taking dog breeds as an illustration of Abiogenesis.

"languages 11:00 themselves evolved separately from human 11:03 evolution"

On the "Sumerian to English" scale, certainly. The "evolution" from Latin to French is compatible with Neanderthals descending from Adam and Eve who lived 7000 years ago. But that's not the point YOU are trying to argue.

[Creationist video tries to make the point of perfecting communication = languages growing closer, Sir Sic pretends that's not how it works]

12:29 On this issue, both are missing a point.

There actually is evidence that people in the Palaeolithic had long distance communications, like trading materials found at one but not the other end of a presumed trade route. There are only two explanations. Either they were all still speaking the one language that God gave Adam and Eve, which is not what we are discussing, or tribes that had common ancestors 10,000 years earlier were learning each other's languages and adapting their own in the process. Bilingual people adapt native languages to languages they have learned, unless they are stopping themselves from doing so.

13:14 At a certain level of cooperation, there actually is a pressure to make language all the same.

That's why Latin replaced so many languages West of the area of Greek and other than Basque and Tamazigh.

15:06 It's more prominent, since isolated pockets of humanity are being brought, not always in nice ways, out of their isolations.

But yes, you have a very fair point, languages are dying out. If an Indian tribe of 200 people need to learn both Spanish and the language of a related Indian tribe of 800 people, well, chances are, they will efface their own language either to Spanish or to the related Indian language or (most likely) to both.

16:09 I think your point about cultures being too big to cooperate (before modernised means) carries a certain point about mankind as it is.

I think the Creationist has a point about mankind as in Evolutionary ideal situations it could have been.

It's a translation of a different point of how mankind would have been in Abraham's time 1000 years (or according to some lots less) after the Flood. And that is absolutely not how I would have countered the pretended Evolutionary origins of language on your world view. Nostratic diverging into Japanese and English with Turkish and Finnish in between is feasible given enough time, it's just that on a Biblical chronology I don't have that much time. But the point for Babel is something very different from the point for Adam and Eve getting language as a gift from God on the moment they were first alive.

17:08 The diagramme of Indo-European (I actually don't think there is all that much time for Baltic and Greek to diverge from a common language on the Biblical chronology, so I prefer the idea of a Sprachbund) is a very far cry from demonstrating (even if it were demonstrated itself) the common origin of all languages.

And obviously, that would NOT demonstrate the common origin of all plants, animals and protids. The issues are separate.

It would also NOT demonstrate the evolutionary origin of human language as such. Those are also separate issues.

18:06 Jean Aitchison, who is in fact an Evolutionist of conviction, as much as a Linguist by profession, like for instance Labov and some other persons she cites but I didn't read independently of her, absolutely does NOT think that languages evolve independently of our will or intentions.

Sound laws are not gene mutations, they are FAR closer to fashion changes in clothing. Gene mutations happen outside our will. Fashion choices, very much less so.

19:22 I would definitely NOT say we know that thunder works in such ways as to exclude demons of thunder.

Angels have power over matter. That includes fallen angels. And if a fallen angel either on a mission from God or by His permission wanted to strike a specific person dead, well, delaying and accelerating the lightning would be just a matter (!) of making the matter in the cloud less or more dense.

The Biblical explanation is not necessary for Latin becoming French of for that matter for diversifying into French and Romanian. But it does explain why we have a diversity on the level as between Chinese and English. Otherwise the diversity would after the Flood (less than 5000 years ago) have kept within a narrower range presumably than between different branches of Indo-European.

And again, Babel is NOT the Biblical explanation for language as such.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Some Are Too Eager to Find Russian Trolls

This answer, I couldn't revert the deletion:

When did the connection between the Vlach-Romanian languages and the already essentially formed Italian language cease? When Bulgaria captured the Vlach-Romanian Urheimat in 842? (South Albania, Northern Macedonia today)?

Here is the answer edit I could not republish:

In 842, there was no extant Italian language.

Italian dialects were not yet regional languages, as later, but also they were not distinct languages from Latin (unlike French which was becoming so through the reform of Ecclesiastic Latin from Tours). They were what Latin in Italy sounded like, and Latin was how they were being spelled.

I would say that the connexion was already broken or at least thinned before the Bulgarians, from the fact that South Albania / North Macedonia were in the Greek half of the Empire.

I have now responded according to you idea that South Albania / North Macedonia is the area where Romanian was being formed. This is I think an idea gaining traction in scholarship these days. On the older theory, namely that it was forming in Dacia, essentially present-day Romania, it was broken more completely even earlier than that, and in either case it is at the very least possible that Romanian had, which Italian hadn’t, ceased to have Latin as the written standard.

Given that between them there was still Dalmatian, this would influence the question.

If Romanian originated in the area you name, it was not far from areas where they spoke Dalmatian. So, Dalmatian could have served as an inbetween.

Here is an answer that remained:

When did the connection between the Vlach-Romanian languages and the already essentially formed Italian language cease? When Bulgaria captured the Vlach-Romanian Urheimat in 842? (South Albania, Northern Macedonia today)?

Answer requested by
Tamás Benesóczky

Dan Miclea
Researcher at NGO Intellectual Property (1992–present)
Thu 21.XI.2024
Question of an ultranationalist Hungarian.

As an extremist he tries to make confusion in the history of the Balkans,

He acts like a Russian troll.


Constantine Cristin
Thu 21.XI.2024
It was a continuous Romance languages link.

The extinct Dalmatian language was the link between Romanian and Italic languages

So many similarities.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Sat 23.XI.2024
The idea of Romanian originating in South Albania and North Macedonia actually supports the Dalmatian connection somewhat better.

Dubrovnik would certainly have been a historic centre of Dalmatian, and Dubrovnik Tirana is less than 400 km, Dubrovnik Skopje less than 500 km (on a road that bends), but Dubrovnik Bucharest is 961 km.

Above comment
by me, for some reason, was deleted.


Sat 23.XI.2024

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I think the question is such need not make him ultranationalist in Hungarian politics, and even less a Russian troll.

Dan Miclea
This troll attacked several times the Romanians.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I don’t think the idea of the first speakers of Romanian getting to Dacia from a place closer to Dubrovnik (which the Tirana~Skopje region is) constitutes an attack on Romanians.

Dan Miclea deleted my response, and added the question "So, are you Russophile troll?" to his comment.

I replied (Lord's Day) by linking here, where the title answers the question adequately.

Other question, still standing:

How many words of Italian origin are there in the Vlach-Rumanian languages that are from the VII-IXth century was it introduced into the Vlach-Rumanian language?

Answer requested by
Tamás Benesóczky

Hans-Georg Lundahl
amateur linguist
Fri 22.XI.2024
I’m sorry, but how do you identify your Romanian words of direct Latin to Romanian descent from those of Italian (borrowed into Romanian) origin?

Or from those borrowed from Dalmatian into either?

I am not a specialist of Romanian philology, never claimed to be one. I have more than once featured Romanian as involved in areal features of the Balkans. But it is fairly common knowledge, not in any way, shape or form reserved to specialists, that Romanian:

  • has nouns with definite articles at the end (like Bulgarian and Albanian)
  • conflates Dative and Genitive (like Modern Greek, perhaps also pronouns in Bulgarian), as far as the declinsion goes.

It is also well known that it’s ancestor language Classic Latin only conflated Dative and Genitive in First and Fifth declinsions, and Greek didn’t do it at all, except contracted nouns, and that neither Slavic languages outside Bulgarian-Macedonian, nor Romance languages outside Vlach-Romanian attach definite articles at the end of nouns.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Javier Perdomo Attacks Magisterial Perspicuity, I Am NOT Attacking Biblical Perspicuity In Response (First 21 Minutes)

The Best Ecclesialist Apologist Can't Understand This Simple Argument (REBUTTING Joe Heschmeyer)
Javier Perdomo | 26 Oct. 2024

13:56 The problem of your reductio is, it attributes "perspicuity of tradition" to the Ecclesialist side.

It also involves the idea that different Ecclesialist communions are all equal, but that is an idea at variance with Ecclesialism. If Ecclesialism is true, and if there is more than one Ecclesialist Church, that means only one of them is the true Church, and others are false Churches with faked traditions.

A bit like a Sola Scriptura adherent would react to a JW Bible.

So, the Ecclesialist argument is not that "all we need is an Ecclesial tradition and a Church," but we need the right Ecclesialist tradition and the right Church.

It's not like a needle in a haystack. You have Roman Catholic, you heave Eastern Orthodox, you have Copts, Armenians, perhaps on the Monophysite side some Syrian communion as well, and you have Assyrians, aka Nestorians. That's why your reductio isn't one of his argument taking issue with "perspicuity of Scripture" (you presumably have a spectrum of denominations and non-denominationals all accepting more or less KJV and NIV, with 66 books, and the song of the three young men not written out in Daniel 3, while you don't have a great agreement between Orthodox and Catholics on whether St. Thomas Aquinas or Palamas represent the Tradition of the Apostles and of the Cappadocian fathers).

15:21 For your second level reductio, it presumes that there is today just one body claiming to be the Catholic Church.

Joe Heschmeyer and I don't appeal to the same Pope in the present. He appeals to "Pope Francis" and I appeal to Pope Michael II. My Catholic Church is much smaller than his, well, so be it for the moment. If I'm right lots of people now on his side will either come to adher to Pope Michael II instead, or become much less Catholic. If I am wrong, arguably the Vatican in Exile will peter out. It hasn't, so far, Michael II is our second Pope.

Then on some levels in the past, it also presumes that essential doctrines cannot be disagreed on other than with different consequences in ritual. But the magisterium could at a point decide "we are not sure which version of the doctrine is correct, but we will do like this so we do right whichever of them be correct" ... for instance, do simple priests have an inherent, though tied up, power to ordain, or do only bishops have a power to ordain? Most of the time, only bishops have ordained, and the one occasion in the 15th C. when Popes seemed to accept an exception, that exception was tied to one single monastery. The possibly invalid priests in that monastery were surrounded before then and after then and outside the monastery by priests who were validly ordained, even on the more strictly episcopalist view of ordination.

16:20 As said, CCC is not a Roman Catholic document.

Possibly all "Popes" from the start of Vatican II, certainly all "Popes" around the papal household preacher Cantalamessa and around CCC, namely Wojtyla, Ratzinger, Bergoglio, are non-Popes.

Michael I and Michael II have not changed the view of the death penalty.

They have also not allowed even spontaneous blessings of people coming together for a blessing while in a same sex relation.

It should be obvious from the very nature of the Ecclesialist argument that, if something is fraudulently claiming to be the papacy but isn't, that something may in fact be a cause of confusion, just as the papacy as such is a cause of clarity.

16:44 I do not think that NFP is a correct thing, unless used to maximise the chance of getting children (the OT involved that kind of NFP).

If it somehow is, it would according to Pius XII be in very extreme circumstances. Imagine for instance, the risk of having to flee, knowing the pregnancy and children already there are a hasard to flight, and a certain couple having real trouble with total abstinence ... or the poverty of some third world countries, where both parents work and can get sacked if they attend to much to children. Simply being poor in the First World, where there are financial aids to be applied for, well, no.

I don't think that the Vatican in Exile has come out on the subject, and as for "Paul VI" Pope Michael I back in the time referred to him as Antichrist or Man of Iniquity, a manifestation of Daniel 7:25. There is no way to appeal to Humanae Vitae for a broader licence. Not sure that they even agree as far as Pius XII went (which was not even in an Encyclical).

17:04 As to liberal Catholics who pretend that "all forms of contraception are OK" I don't think any of them adher to the Vatican in Exile.

They are a prime example of why Bergoglio is not Pope, since he's not excommunicating them.

17:20 Nobody can pretend that a woman working outside the home because she absolutely has to is committing a sin.

It would also be disingenious to pretend a woman were sinning in working in the business owned by her husband. Bakers' wives in France often work in the bakery.

However, Pius XI insisted that a righteous wage is one which allows men working full time for someone else to have their wives at home, rather than for instance also under that someone else or under someone other someone else.

So, an employer employing men, and whose full time employees need to have their wives working too is simply paying them too little.

"the trads and the ... normie Roman Catholics disagree on 17:34 how to interpret the magisterium on all sorts of things if the form of Joe's 17:39 argument holds it would lead to what he considers 17:45 to be surely an absurd conclusion that the Roman 17:50 Catholic view of the Roman Catholic magisterium being clear is not correct"

Where exactly is it stated that the Roman Catholic magisterium is always clear?

The Bible itself says some passages in the Bible are "hard to understand" (I or II Peter about, I would presume, Romans). The Magisterium itself, however, does not say the Magisterium is always clear.

In fact, you find things like Vatican I giving a restatement (hoped to be clearer) of the principle in Trent Session IV. You can find Pius XII in his (actually at least not very clarifying) Humani Generis complaining that a letter from 1947 had been misinterpreted. What he says is not that Genesis 1 to 11 is a highly symbolic or condensed version of the real events, but basically that it is a kind of Reader's Digest version of them. As he was an Old Earth Creationist, this presumably means, he was placing the millions of years before the creation of Adam and from then on sticking to Biblical chronology, precisely as Fr. Fulcran Vigouroux did, very unlike modern Old Earth Creationists. I would say as far as that goes, it is doctrinally nearly innocent, it is just that this is impossible to combine with standard Old Earth versions of Science. It may be noted, in 1950, Neanderthals hadn't been carbon dated, so, one could not know that accepting millions of years would extend the span of mankind to tens or hundreds of thousands of years backward.

So, not only has the Magisterium pointed out that Scripture is not always clear, but also that Magisterium itself is not always clear enough. If Joe Heschmeyer teaches some kind of radical inperspecuity of Scripture and basically perspicuity of the Magisterium, he does not have this from the Magisterium. It's certainly a reception of it. It has certainly had some popularity. But it's not obliging Catholicism.

One method often appealed to by some, especially about the older Magisterium which seem to imply Magisterial definitions of Geocentrism and Young Earth Creationism (arguably because they do so, like acceptance of Roman Martyrology as Universal in 1583, like condemnation of Galileo in 1633) is appealing to the consensus of theologians. Now, if you go over some decades of famous theologians, you will probably not find anyone of them (prior to Pope Michael I) who considered this as Magisterial. However, the consensus of theologians itself is a Magisterial teaching from Tuas libenter, and that one is speaking of consensus of theologians over centuries. Like, centuries of theologians had considered the Blessed Virgin as Sinless from the start (this is also one of the items where Biblical perspicuity is highly in favour of the doctrine), and that kind of "over centuries" is not matched by appealing to consensus of contemporary or near contemporary theologians like a doctor might appeal to a consensus of doctors.

The point of "the Bible is not always clear, so we need a magisterium" is not that the magisterium is always clear, but it is usually able to clarify when need arises. Apart from the fact that this is also Biblical.

"how do 18:34 you know the papacy how do you know the 18:40 papacy is infallible how do you know the papacy is God 18:48 ordained uh and that pause there did reasons come to your mind did you think about maybe appealing to scripture maybe 18:54 a certain chapter in Matthew that that we always appeal to wait a second I thought scriptures weren't 19:00 clear"

Well, the point is fair against a parodic view involving the "inperspicuity of Scripture" ... that may be a Joe Heschmeyer teaching, it's not a Magisterial teaching.

Let me quote Trent Session IV for you.

Furthermore, in order to restrain petulant spirits, It decrees, that no one, relying on his own skill, shall,—in matters of faith, and of morals pertaining to the edification of Christian doctrine, —wresting the sacred Scripture to his own senses, presume to interpret the said sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which holy mother Church,—whose it is to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures,—hath held and doth hold; or even contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers; even though such interpretations were never (intended) to be at any time published. Contraveners shall be made known by their Ordinaries, and be punished with the penalties by law established.

Do we need to follow tradition if it has pronounced itself on the question in an unanimous way? We certainly do.

Do we need to follow the Magisterial teaching which the Church hath held and now holds? We certainly do.

But is this because the Scriptures are imperspicuous or unclear? That's not stated.

Does it say that someone has no right to rely on his talent (with God's help)? That's also not stated. What is stated is, if someone so relying on his own talent comes to conclusions that contradict all Church fathers or contradict Magisterium of past and present, that means he has gone wrong.

20:05 I'm not sure what you mean by Foundationalists.

I am however sure that radical inperspicuity of Scripture is not in St. Thomas Aquinas where I have looked.

Does he say Scripture has many senses? Yes he does. Does he say Scripture can be misinterpreted? Given the number of times he goes out of his way to correct misinterpretations, it would seem so. But he never says that Scripture has no or only very insufficient inherent clarity. In his and Occam's time, there were two positions on what kind of truths a Christian is obliged to hold. Note, to both of them, a Magisterial definition only confirms what is already there, neither of them denies we need to abide by it, neither of them however thinks it can add to the truths a Christian was anyway basically obliged to.

A) Scripture alone (probably St. Thomas' position, but then he uses Scripture as a broad umbrella).
B) Scripture. Tradition. Reliable Chronicles. Private Revelation when sufficiently confirmed before the Church. Logical deductions from the content of these (and this was very certainly Occam's position, and probably not concretely very different other than in terminology from the other one).

20:57 The advantaged position is not perspicuity of magisterium vs inperspicuity of Scripture.

The advantaged position is a possibility of adding perspicuity to one's contemporaries, to whom Scripture can at times become less perspicuous than it used to be.

For instance when Scripture speaks of Tradition and Magisterium, suddenly that became far less perspicuous to John Calvin than it had been to St. Thomas Aquinas. Some guys who didn't participate in that lapse were Popes Paul III to Pius IV.

They also were not contradicting the totality of Church Fathers. They also were not contradicting the Magisterium from St. Thomas' time.

21:15 Wait, you are a Lutheran?

Joe was speaking about Protestantism, I think I have gathered. If you are a Lutheran, you are supposed to believe that Baptists and Calvinists (and therefore logically Anglicans) are wrong.

As an ex-Lutheran, I happen to know this.

You know there was a debate among 17th C. Lutherans ... is the Augsburg Formula obliging quia conforming to Scripture, or qua conforming to Scripture?

In the former case, how is that not adding a Catholic style magisterium to the Bible?

In the latter case, how is that not inperspicuity of Scripture, if you aren't totally sure that the Augsburg Formula is conforming to it?

I happened to learn this fact from a very devout Lutheran in Latin class, when we were discussing the grammatical difference between qua and quia.

So, if you say the Augsburg Formula obliges "insofar as" (qua) it is itself conforming to Scripture, you have not erected it to a Magisterial statement of the Catholic type, but you have also not defended Scriptural perspicuity. If you say the Augsburg Formula obliges "because" (quia) it is itself conforming to Scripture, we can say absolutely the same thing for Trent, but our Magisterium at least has a claim to continue what went on before Luther and Pope Leo, and what came from Christ. Luther was more like claiming to "return" to it, which is against Matthew 28:16—20.

Joe Heschmeyer — Sam Harris : 10—0 (With Some Sidenotes of Mine)

The Lazy Dogmatism of Sam Harris
Shameless Popery Podcast | 21 Nov. 2024

Sam Harris
Religious people can't verify the claims on the afterlife on this side of the grave.
Joe Heschmeyer
Ingeneers can't verify the stability of a bridge before they die, not always.

8:32 Not to mention that Dinosaurs having died out 65 million years ago of alpha Centauri being 4 Light Years away are also claims one will not check this side of the grave.

Above comment
not visible under the video.

Sam Harris
[had appealed to Popper]
Joe Heschmeyer
[describes Popper's Black Swans and mentions "Swedes are nice" as a potentially false universal]

18:00 As a Swede having been bullied in school (largely for not believing what Sam Harris believes) ... I think I have some "black swans" ...

Sam Harris
[wrote a book]
Joe Heschmeyer
[Introduces its critic as a Latvian or Norwegian named Jonas Čeika, pronouncing the latter as Cheeka]

32:29 Jonas Čeika is Lithuanian but based in Norway. And it's prononced Cheyka, not Cheeka.

Shameless Popery Podcast
Thanks! I looked up a pronunciation guide for it, but wasn't sure how reliable it was. (Apparently, not very).

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@shamelesspopery You are welcome!

Sam Harris
[quoted on what he based his view on ethics of]
Joe Heschmeyer
[Notes all subjects are easy to those who haven't studied them.]

38:35 In the case of Creationists, there are lots who do not try to work out the implications of "this Neanderthal is carbon dated to before the world was actually created, which is obviously not how old he is, because there was a lower level of C-14 in the atmosphere back then" ...

Since 2016, I'm the exception. You will find claims like "carbon 14 is being produced faster and faster all the time, that's why we have more and more of it" ... no, that's not how it works. We don't just need the Neanderthal to be within Biblical timeline, but also the carbon date of a Rembrandt to be accurate. Speaking of Rembrandt, there is a story they (other YECs) tend to circle around to prove the fatuity of coming to terms with carbon dating as something accurate. A painting made in a contemporary art class was carbon dated to 10 000 years old.

Thing is, they probably dated a sample with acrylic paint on it, and acrylic paint involves fossil carbon, not carbon straight from the atmosphere.

My own position is, no, if carbon 14 had been all the time produced as fast as now, since the Flood, we'd have half the stable amount, or just 45 %, and carbon dates would be either inflated very close to the present, or, more probably, the dates conferred with historic dates would have given us a shorter halflife. Theoretically, one could have a rise from 80 to 100 pmC between Fall of Troy and the present, but only if the real halflife was 11460 years instead of 5730. If we have a stable halflife, we have had c. 100 pmC since the Fall of Troy, but that means most of the time between Flood and Fall of Troy, we need a much faster production of carbon 14 than we have now. C. 5 times faster on average, and the earlier parts way faster than the later ones. As I believe in Angelic movers, I also believe in angels regulating the production of cosmic radiation from their stars (and that's how they were hitting Sisera's army, as per the Bible), but some YECs want purely naturalistic astro-physics from after the creation and whatever initially caused far star light to arrive to us fast .... and obviously, they are against Geocentrism, usually.

No physics has been used in the making of this comment.

A comment of mine
is invisible.
It involved mathematics being done before it.

38:35 bis. In the case of Evolutionists, including some Theistic Evolutionists in the Catholic Church, who want to imagine before God made Adam into His image, He could have allowed apelike creatures to evolve into something more or less like us, including language.

Those people are not seriously grappling with linguistic basics.

And they are seriously trying to disprove my (non-extant) claim to be a professinal linguist. One quora qualification (on quora you chose what qualifications you answer a question with, ideally one appropriate to the question), one quora qualification of mine is amateur linguist. I can obviously be an amateur linguist and not know how Italian influenced Romanian (or languages ancestral to these influenced) in the time before the Bulgarian invasion. And I can also obviously be an amateur linguist and be more knowledgeable on some basics and on some random stuff that interested me, than someone who is not a linguist at all. Including, but not limited to, Pascal Picq and nearly all Evolutionary Linguists. I said nearly all, because Jean Aitchison is an obvious exception, I highly respect her book on language change, I haven't read much of her book on Evolutionary Linguistics, but the sample chapter attributes "double articulation" to birds, which as linguists normally understand the term, vocal communications having three levels interconnected by two "articulations" is not what birds have.

Language Change: Progress or Decay? is a book by her I read for a failed minor exam.
The Seeds of Speech: Language Origin and Evolution. — that's where I've only read the sample chapter.

Other guys who reason about Evolutionary Linguistics, like Tomasello and Tecumseh Fitch, are not linguists. They are not dealing with the problem of getting double articulation, that is a three-tier system, into place.

Now, on youtube I saw an Atheist who knows even less than they. Sir Sic in his video description said: "its not like we invent new sounds to mean thing all the time or anything" in response to a Theist claim "God invented language" ... well, God gave us language, in a clearly non-Evolutionist way; but as to us inventing new sounds to mean things all the time, that is only true of those of us who actually already learned a language. Feral children who were away from human contact in all of the appropriate time for basic learning of a first language, they simply don't do that. Including those who were with apes and monkeys. Their way of communicating is too different. Now, there is a girl who was saved at age 5 from monkeys, but she had already learned to speak before getting among them. A case like Mowgli is impossible. As to Romulus and Remus, they were obviously saved before the critical age for language learning was over.

You may see how this makes even real people but inheriting only ape communications unable to invent language.

Above comment
not visible under the video.

Sam Harris
[mentious "creatures with consciousness"]
Joe Heschmeyer
[brings up "consciousness" of insects and asks whether swatting mosquitos is licit.]

40:18 I'm very well satisfied that my lice are NOT created in the image of God and I am.

That settles the question.

So you think God is balding with bad breath and knees that hurt?

A comment of mine
is invisible.
It involved my knees not hurting, my lice not yet affecting the hair line, and my breath would have been better if homlessness had been less pushing me to overconsume sugar.

Sam Harris
[Joe Heschmeyer cites even more of his book.]
Joe Heschmeyer
[Proves even better how Sam Harris is a prime example of the Dunning Kruger effect in his approach.]

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

In Case Some People Think I'm What Trent Horn Condemns in the Right

How Being "Based" Can Send you to Hell
The Counsel of Trent | 20 Nov. 2024

2:31 More precisely the older brother of the prodigal son.

4:00 Can brand new converts be a public face of the faith?

First of all, this does not concern me. I converted in 1988. Certainly to the Novus Ordo Church, but I intended it as a conversion to the Catholic Church. In 2006 and 2009, I thought I had gone full circle around all Catholic alternatives to Novus Ordo, so I went to the Orthodox, from August 2006 to Pentecost 2009. But in this time I was technically biritualist, I never abjured Catholicism. So, it would be wrong to treat me even in 2009 as a fresh convert.

But second, yes they can, it happens that new converts immediately become public faces of the faith.

John Henry Newman.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton.
Thomas Merton.

Anyone who pretends I was Pentecostal last week is someone who last week was listening to Pentecostals who were overdoing what we have in common or overdoing their hopes of seeing me "see the light" and quit Catholicism for Pentecostalism. Dito for Jew, Muslim or Communist or Gay Activist.

5:42 Normally, Catholics in Right Wing outlets like Rivarol or Right Wing parishes like St. Nicolas du Chardonnet (they have requiem masses for Francisco Franco, and I have expressed a feeling it's no longer necessary, he's probably already in heaven, yes, he was sometimes somewhat heartless to what he saw as offenders, but that's probably a scar from the war on the Rif, we all have our quirks, St. Lewis was actually burning the lips of people who used the name of God in vain in his presence, perhaps over the top ...), would not support either jubilation over killed migrants or calling race mixing a sin (in St. Nicolas some would call it an imprudence generally speaking, but never universally sinful) or taking the "depends on race" view on abortion, or other things like that.

If nevertheless some of them do so, and I'm found awkward over opposing that kind of thing, which I do and always did (since before my Catholic conversion if not outright all of my life), always in my adult life from my late teens on, it's a thing they have never outright admitted to me.

However, it is also known that I am friendly to that parish (with reservations so grave I've never been to their masses since 2012, except once in 2013) and that paper (the now only pro-life weekly in France), and some very severely overdo how much that kind of thing is typical of these French right wingers. As having been in that parish, I know that being a Nazi there is less easy than being for Pétain and against Hitler (perhaps unless you count Laval in the Hitler category, which I did). But nevertheless, I've seen people who have pretended not just that St. Nicolas du Chardonnet are all Fascist (perhaps nearly arguable, though technically untrue, depending on how you define Fascist), but also, that they are all Nazis, which I know is definitely untrue.

One of my real grievances against St. Nicolas is, they have held to the idea that new converts cannot be public faces of the faith (which doesn't explain why they have boycotted the socially relevant parts of my writings or my musical compositions), and they have counted me as a new convert tout court after having been with the Orthodox, which is especially egregious since the way they view on the bishops and the pope actually works reminds very much of Eastern Orthodox.

But that is something other than wishing people to drown within eye-sight of Lampedusa because Italians don't come to the rescue, if sth like that happened.

Both Hitler and Mussolini came from "the Left" but of very different types. Hitler was a Communist in the Munich Soviet in early 1919. The exact same year Mussolini founded what is best known as Fascism on a much more Syndicalist programme. Chesterton thought of Mussolini as a Syndicalist. And Austro-Fascism is more correctly known as (a specific period of) the Christian Socials in Austria, a group co-founded by Johann Emmanuel Veith, convert from Judaism, friend of St. Clement Maria Hofbauer, and a Young Earth Creationist.

6:44 I am a very firm believer in Mit brennender Sorge.

It just so happens that after National Socialists, those falling most directly under that (and not yet quite under Divini Redemptoris) well before even Italian Fascism would be Scandinavian Social Democracy. In Italy a Gipsy didn't have to fear sterilisation or camps, at least not before the Salò Republic which was a puppet régime, but in Sweden, under democratically elected parliamentarian, chief of the largest party and named PM, Per Albin Hansson, they did have to fear that.

Some have pretended "Pius XI condemned Nazi Eugenics in Mit brennender Sorge" which is only indirectly true, basically the paragraph you quoted, but he condemned Eugenics in a much more direct way in Casti Connubii, before Hitler was in power, but while Carl Gustaf Ekman or his predecessor Arvid Lindman were so, a bit before Per Albin Hansson. While the procedure was legalised in 1934, under Per Albin, it was studied since 1922 in an officially funded institute, basically in tandem with Lenin starting to study it (and it was Stalin of all people who stopped it).

I think your cited paragraph also very much condemns putting public health or feminism or things over the natural law ...

Compared to that, Non abbiamo bisogno can hardly be considered a condemnation of Italian Fascism in all its forms, and by the way, I am for the Pope and not the Duce on those issues. Dollfuss and Schuschnigg, far from giving such concerns, were eager to follow Quadragesimo Anno.

7:33 If you want to show non-white cardinals, I have a not quite white Pope. A Pinoy. Michael II is not purely Spanish. He's arguably perfectly fluent in Tagalog and Pilipino.

Shell Back Beau
The Pope is South American, not Filipino.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@shellbackbeau7021 You mean Antipope Bergoglio.

The Pope is called Michael II, or in the civil registers of the Philippines Rogelio Martinez.

9:36 I would like to know what Fr. Joseph Doherty would have said about the age bans on marriages in principle allowed by the Catholic Church.

In a somewhat more quiet society, one could perhaps imagine that couples one of which was under 18 were not banned from marrying, just (somewhat unreasonably long) asked to wait. However, after a certain age gap (a thing not banned in Catholic moral theology) is there, lots of feminists would mobilise all the paralegal (like psychological or even psychiatric) powers to stop it, so, asking them to wait can mean asking them to wait until their relation is destroyed.

Apart from that, banning teens partly or totally from marrying has obviously involved lots of teen mothers being more easily pushed to abortion.

11:04 Unfortunately, some of the FSSPX priests, perhaps Mgr Lefebvre himself personally discouraged it.

None the less, when a FSSPX priest in 1993 gave me a baptism sub conditione, my godmother had a son who married a black woman, and neither she nor the priest were against that marriage.

13:20 Just in case you wonder, I have never been against the devotion to the Sacred Heart.

I burned a few examples of Anders Arborelius' translation of it in 2001, but that was because of his declinsion of "holy" in the context Holy Ghost, which in Swedish is gendered, masculine adjectives end in -e, and only dialectally do you end all in -a. Or all in -e. The exact same evening, in reparation for either his mistranslation or any guilt or scandal involved in my act, I prayed the Litany, in Latin or German or once in each.

15:11 I have heard some rumour that the encyclical (of a non-Pope) on the Sacred Heart is heterodox. The quotes you have given aren't.

However, the next quote is not wise, but simply ... puritan and idiotic. He confuses AI, internet, algorithms.

If I want nostalgia for when I helped grandma or mother to bake, there certainly are algorithms on youtube which react to my love of that type of content.

The internet is not a kind of AI as usually understood (like ChatGPT or things), and I'm most definitely not dehumanising opponents in debates over the internet. Some may feel dehumanised over being exposed on my blogs, but if they were hiding under screen names, what have they to worry about? Or if they were already known, what right did they have to worry?

Others have imagined if I didn't dehumanise them, I'd already be Anti-Fascist (i e ditching Il Duce, Franco and Dollfuss, along with Hitler), or I would already be an Evangelical Protestant rather than taking refuge behind such inhuman mental constructs of hair brained ideology as (on their view) Apostolic Succession or analysing "Blessed Among Women" in the context of first Jael and Judith, next, given the implication of a very crushing victory over someone, Genesis 3:15. And taking Luke 1 as on that account confirming Ipsa conteret. By the way, I heartily feel much closer to some German FSSPX-ers, like Heinz-Lothar Barth, author of a book taking the title from St. Jerome's translation of Genesis 3:15.

Ipsa conteret. Maria die Schlangenzertreterin: Philologische und theologische Überlegungen zum Protoevangelium (gen 3,15)

Or, if I didn't dehumanise them over the internet, they as the very understanding and (obviously) intellectually superior to me shrinks that they are, would already have been able to convince me to get their therapy. In fact, I'd probably dehumanise them lots more offline, if they showed themselves in the capacity of shrinks. I beat and chased a man over his offering to become financial guardian for me.

Monday, November 18, 2024

Refusing Tyndalo-Mania

Apart from the stray comment on Tyndale, the conversation with Tulsi Gabbard is pretty intelligent.

Why The Left Fears Religious People - Tulsi Gabbard
Chris Williamson | 4 Sept. 2024

7:10 completely decentralised?

No. Secularised. The guy who had the Bible after that was not the poor peasant, it was the rich peasant and any other employer, and the Bible in English or in Swedish or most other Protestant countries would mean, the employees had to go, most of the week, to the employer for interpretation, and on Lord's Day, when they had access to clergy, as they had, in many places, whereever there was Puritanism, the clergyman, in Presbyterian terms the "Teaching Elder" or "Minister" depended on a board of "Ruling Elders" who were typically the most important employers among the employers who were in that Church.

As you said that Tyndale was persecuted for translating the Bible, the Holy Roman Empire gave him pretty good leeway for that, as it was not forbidden there by any means. He had problems in Cologne because he was a heretic, and so he went to Antwerp, where he was apprehended, finally, for heresy, and tried on his theory of justification.

As you said "decentralised" ... Tyndale wasn't even Presbyterian, much less Congregationalist. He believed in Caesaro-Papism. Citing wiki:

A copy of Tyndale's The Obedience of a Christian Man (1528), which some view as arguing for Caesaropapism (the idea that the monarch rather than the Pope should control a country's Church), came into the hands of King Henry VIII, providing a rationale for breaking the Church in England away from the Catholic Church in 1534.

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Jimmy Akin somewhat overdoes the concept of reconstructed dialogue, but not by much

It helps to counter the kind of views I suppose he can be suspected of at least defending in others, about Genesis. However, all of the video, most of my comment, is about the NT.

Reconstructed Dialogue in the Bible | The Jimmy Akin Podcast 008
Jimmy Akin | 4 Nov. 2024

1:27 The equivalent of sthenographers, i e tachygraphers, did exist.

St. Mark took down by arguably tachygraphy what St. Peter spoke when comparing gospels of Sts Matthew and Luke and when adding some from his own memory.

2:36 For teaching occasions, I think there was a technique the disciples could have used.

Taking turns to memorise sentence after sentence. With twelve disciples, each had ample time to rehearse his sentence before it was his turn again. So, things like the Sermon on the Mount, to a lesser degree the Olivet discourse, would have been taken down word for word, basically.

6:58 Obviously, neither St. Peter, source of St. Mark, nor St. Matthew, would have repeated the words of a demon or of demons to learn them by heart.

The demons were not their teachers.

9:55 Obviously, the crowd was also not the teachers of the Apostles, they could well content themselves with a resumé. Probably a very boiled down one.

12:58 It is also notable that the places represent the four corners of the world.

Cape Horn to Jerusalem would pass by Egypt. Anchorage to Jerusalem would pass between Crete and Cyrene (and further away through Tunisia, which isn't mentioned). Kamtchatka to Jerusalem would pass by Persia, at least some, perhaps all of the three kinds of Persians mentioned. Hobart to Jerusalem would pass by Arabia, also mentioned.

16:53 I'd disagree on Olivet Discourse or Discourse of Last Supper involving more reconstruction.

They were teaching occasions, the one because they came asking, so probably came prepared, the other because He had already marked the extreme and unique importance of the occasion, so, they came prepared.

Unlike "the chosen", I do not think they took notes on paper, but obviously, I'd forward the same technique for learning by heart already mentioned.

24:02 The problem with the quote from Dei Verbum is, some find a way to weasel them into this or that or other not being properly an assertion of the hagiographer, presumably usually in combination with it having no (obvious) salvific significance.

Now, it may not have been obviously salvific to Fr. Fulcran Vigouroux that the creation days were actual days, because there was no carbon dating around in his time. He could believe and basically did believe, the fossils proved millions of years by a supposed succession of faunas, but Adam was the first creature that basically looked human and Adam lived as far back as the Syncellus chronology, the longest of the three Catholic chronologies, states. With millions of years, we have an old atmosphere, so we would have to deal with why Neanderthals are dated to 40 000 years ago. And apart from ignoring the issues, I don't see any way around this leading either back to the atmosphere isn't old, there were no millions of years, or to some kind of apostasy. So, while the question was not salvific for Fr. Vigouroux in 1909, it has become so for many since then.

Note also that the verdict involved a freedom for exegetes to discuss. That in itself involves a freedom for exegetes to conclude against the even Biblical licitness of Day-Age, since otherwise it would not be a freedom to discuss. It should not be taken as a definition that Day-Age is absolutely speaking OK as a Biblical exegesis.

Thank you very much for mentioning that short stories in short sentences are easy to remember. That means, the material for Genesis 1 through 11, at least the parts that fell under human observation, very well could be dictated in that form and then memorised in that form, without loss of information. By the way, this is how Fr. George Leo Haydock and others in the Catholic world of theologians, concluded that Moses knew the matter of Genesis 3 and other events. Your mention on the parables not needing much reconstruction is in this sense gold.

Publishing Industry Not In My Favour

What You ACTUALLY Need to Get A Book Deal (Not What You Think)
Alyssa Matesic | 22 Sept. 2024

I'm noting that "no obvious connection" actually involves people who are:

  • at work
  • home makers
  • retired
  • discrete.

It would seem, publishers might tend to think of these people as "more reliable" and "mature" than online influencers. Which reflects in 20.5/1.6 = 12.8 times as many deals, and which is obviously a worrying statistic and prejudice for an online influencer. Who, as he doesn't monetise his blogs, needs a book deal.

[Tried to add, follow up to it]

I'm also noting self published previously is less than twice onliners.

This obviously confirms the kind of prejudice I think I would be dealing with in terms of well established publishers (who have most of the titles, obviously)/

Friday, November 15, 2024

Sharing Ken Ham's Point on Parental Authority

This New Government Regulation Is a BIG Problem (They’re Coming for Your Kids)
Ken Ham | 13 Nov. 2024

"Did Mary Sin?" — God, Angel and Cousin Elisabeth Said No

God when adressing the snake, Genesis 3:15. Angel Gabriel and Elisabeth the wife of Zacharias, Luke 1. Between that for meaning of an expression, do also check Judges 5 and Judith 13. However, Jimy Akin pretended, "this is not formally defined by the Church", so, after link to his video, my answer to that.

Did Mary Sin? | Conversations with TJ (2 of 5)
Jimmy Akin | 30 Oct. 2024

6:52 The one way to argue for Mary's Immaculate conception Biblically is as a maximal version of Her Sinlessness.

Do you know what "blessed among women" means?

In the OT there are exactly TWO women this gets applied to. Jael and Judith. For killing Sisera and Holophernes.

So, exactly whose head was Mary crushing? That's probably why She was confused about the Angel's Greeting.

When She arrived to Elisabeth, She already knew She was Mother of God, or within probability if Elisabeth confirmed it. BUT ... when Elisabeth added "and blessed is the fruit of thy womb" ... Genesis 3:15. As we know, this is when She was basically jumping for joy. Because this identified HER Sisera and Holophernes as Satan.

Now, again, this doesn't mean She was physically beating Satan in a boxing match, as if She were Thor of Marvel fame, no, it meant She had NEVER displeased God. She had NEVER done what Adam and Eve came to do. That's the victory a human person can have over Satan.

Why do I say She had NEVER sinned? Why wouldn't it just be enough if currently She wasn't? Genesis 3:15 says "enmities" and Hebrew uses this plural for complete enmity.

But since slavery is kind of nearly a friendship compared to ranged battle enmity, that also means NO slavery. She had given Satan not one single victory.

He that committeth sin is of the devil: for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God appeared, that he might destroy the works of the devil
[1 John 3:8]

This is something which applies to many men, but not to Her. The second however applies to Her Son ... and to Her.

We can immediately rule out the idea that She was crushing Satan only by being Mother of God. Immediately. The greeting of the Angel very clearly was given before he spoke of Her pregnancy in the future tense. The pregnancy very probably didn't begin before She had given Her "fiat mihi". She was not yet Mother of God when She had already utterly defeated Satan.

You should have asked him "can you be a Bible believing Christian and NOT believe in the Sinlessness of Mary?" (add as many exclamation marks as you like).

[I tried to add:]

In the fencing match of wills, see Satan as the bungler fat prison guard and Her as Zorro.

[I could not document the censorship, as this involves narrowing down the screenshot through Paint, and it was broken ... but censorship occurred. The comment was taken down basically as soon as given.]

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Heschmeyer is Right, But Could Have Cited Me, and Also Been Geocentric

What Simulation Theory Proves About Atheism
Shameless Popery Podcast | 7 Nov. 2024

If you had been willing to acknowledge some kind of intellectual debt to me, you could have made an argument easier than by the Chinese room.

You touched on computers not doing math as a person, even a mathematically challenged person, does math.

You could have stated from some of my blog posts, that a computer no more understands arithmetic than an abacus does so.

You could also have stated that computers are unable to actually do language, also from my blogs. In Swedish, the word "uppståndelse" literally means to "stand up" (as to etymology) but it denotes (by its normal usage) two different things. In commotions people stand up from chairs. In resurrections people stand up from graves. Commotions are statistically more common than resurrections, and you can guess what Bing on FB did to a Swedish fellow Catholic's post about the object of the Feast of Easter.

Equally, in Spanish, "precioso" and "preciosa" originally meant exactly what it means in French or English. Statistically today, it more often translates as "funny" (like a child posing a funny question getting a comment like "eres precioso" ...). There was another occasion a poem about the Blessed Virgin. She was described as preciosa. You can guess what Bing on FB did to that. I think I noted that one on my blogs somewhere too.

As for ChatGPT, that's about the same technology as Poe on Quora. I posed a question for which as yet I have no real answers, I posed it to Sungenis and so far got no answer, namely about an occasion when Baronius is supposed to have said, and become the source of, the words Galileo anonymously cited to Cristina of Tuscany. Now, the problem is, the Poe actually offered a follow up question:

Can you provide sources that support the Baronius attribution?
Can you provide specific quotes from Baronius's writings supporting this?

And these phrases come up from "Annales ecclesiastici":

“The sacred writers had no intention to teach us the nature of the heavens, but rather to lead us to the knowledge of God and our salvation.”
“It is not the office of the Holy Scriptures to teach us the natural sciences, but rather to instruct us in divine truths.”

Which I search and then find only in Galileo's letter. Or a direction to St. Augustine. But not to Baronius.

5:10 A physicalist, obviously does not believe in any God who could perform a Geocentric universe or any angels that could perform Tychonian orbits or parallaxes / aberrations as real proper movements.

Do you have any independent argument for Heliocentrism / Modern Cosmology than:
a) Physicalism
b) Deism, which makes God and beginning of Universe a somewhat notable exception to a Physicalism that otherwise holds?

Please note, appealing to "Earth has the smaller mass compared to the Sun, it therefore makes sense that Earth orbits the Sun" presumes there is no immaterial and mightier than matter beings (God, angels) capable of overriding the raw product of gravity and inertia, both of which have to do with masses and their interaction.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

And Some Would Like to Intimidate Me About Seeking Justice in Court ...

Formerly Catholic Country Forces Monks To Accept A LadyMonk In Monastery*
Return To Tradition | 13 Nov. 2024

If after St. Nicolas du Chardonnet and Novus Ordo parishes have done what they could to isolate me as a writer, to get me mocked as a mental case, ranging from "scrupulosity" to "schizophrenia", I get a chance of suing them, I will NOT consider I'm on the wrong side.

THEY are on the wrong side for listening to shrinks and to carnal prudence about what associations are good and bad carreere moves for their young people.

THEY are on the wrong side for pretending to listen to my person, but systematically failing to listen to my project or to the truth I serve.

There were Church Fathers who did say Earth was not created in six literal days, every single one of them still accepted the chronologies of Genesis 5 and 11 as literally correct timelines between Adam and Abraham, between the very first man and a pharao of Egypt that Abraham met. This should be a no-brainer. But some would pretend there is science against this. Well, as it happens, I offer solution to more than one of the scientific difficulties for young earth, among others (my flagship so to speak) a young earth creationist calibration for C14 (from Flood to Fall of Troy).

These parishes want noone to even look up my solutions, and noone to get past their equivocation like "look, St. Augustine wasn't a six-days creationist" or even lies like "St. Augustine wasn't a young earth creationist" ... they have opted for exposing me to a kind of low key but still tangible at least approximation of psychiatric slavery, and I think that is not too much better than someone who was abused years ago in the McCarrick fashion.


* According to the actual news, this title is clickbait.

Pontificia, Real y Venerable Esclavitud del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna is not a monastery, but "es una hermandad religiosa encargada de la imagen del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna, que es la advocación de Cristo más venerada de Canarias,1 y una de las imágenes más antiguas del archipiélago."

And what is a "hermandad religiosa" or also known as a Cofradía? I switch to English and see : "A confraternity (Spanish: cofradía; Portuguese: confraria) is generally a Christian voluntary association of laypeople created for the purpose of promoting special works of Christian charity or piety, and approved by the Church hierarchy."

Of what? Of laypeople.

Next day:

Did you still not correct the fake news you made?

The confraternity is a confraternity, not a monastery. Now, the venerated image is situated in the Church of a convent.

Normally, given the veneration for the image, the Church where it is would not be in the "clausura" itself.

But the application was for membership in a lay confraternity that visits the image to venerate it. Given the 2021 verdict, it is basically certain that the image and the Church are outside the parts reserved to the conventual brothers.

Given that a lay fraternity is not living like monastics, the parallel would be if a lady were to apply to Knights of Columbus and the US Supreme Court ruled the application could not be refused.

Now, I know that the Knights of Columbus have one duty very much more men-reserved, traditionally, than venerating an image. To physically protect Catholic priests. But a female police officer or life guard with good training in martial arts would qualify.

What you are doing is kind of taking a "class room coeducation" news (very old news including after puberty in most countries, including Spain) and describing it like a "locker room" story.

It Seems My Rivals on CMI Like to Censor Me

My comments under this short disappeared immediately. Well, on refreshing the page, I could still copy them.

[Why Carbon Dating Supports a Young Earth]
How do creationists explain 50,000-year carbon dates?

As a young earth creationist myself (I use the chronology of the Roman Martyrology of Christmas Day, we recite He was born 5199 after Creation, 2957 after the Flood), I think I am doing a better job.

There is no reason why the Flood would immediately change the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12.

Burying lots of carbon (and the Flood did do that) doesn't automatically discriminate against Carbon 14.

It would however do for a more rapid rise on pmC, since that's a ratio and not an absolute quantity. An exactly same amount of carbon 14 added would make a proportionally higher impact as there was less overall carbon in the atmosphere.

Also, we are NOW not experiencing a more rapid production of Carbon 14 than starting some time after the Flood. On the contrary, the production slowed down from Flood (2958 BC) (or from some time after) to Fall of Troy (1180 BC). I consider that at some time between Flood and Babel (Babel being 40 of the years from 350 to 401 after the Flood, Noah's death to Peleg's birth), the production was c. 20 times higher than it is now.

The exact calibration for the year of the Flood would seem to have been "39 000 BP" / "37 000 BC" for back in 2958 BC.

Anything dated older than that is pre-Flood.

You get other calibration points at Babel (if you identify it) and at Genesis 14 (1935 BC dated as "3500 BC" as per archaeology of En Geddi).

We'll see about comments under the full video. But it is significant they gave a highlight to just reaffirm what I already told Baumgardner was wrong with their ideas on the specific topic.

Why Carbon Dating Supports a Young Earth
Creation Ministries International | 30 Oct. 2024

- Mark, would you trust ages derived from this calibration curve? 17:30
- I would with caution, and I say that because even with all those factors taken into consideration, 17:38it is still, there are still assumptions which have to be made, and one of the most important is that the c-12 17:45c-14 ratio is known at time of the death of the creature concerned. 17:52

17:52 That assumption is actually taken care of by the calibration curve.

If you have a curve that says "750 BC dates to 550 BC / 2500 BP" that means, in 750 BC, the carbon ratio was 102.449 pmC.

That's exactly why I don't present my own calibration as a curve, but as:

Real Year BC
carbon ratio, so dated as "carbon year BC"

The two presentations are synonymous. It's just that curves are handier for small wiggles, with many calibration points, my own way is better with a huge carbon 14 rise, and relatively few calibration points.

Also, for the calibration curve I've consulted, the Industrial Revolution is duly taken care of.

1750 AD dates as 1950. 1850 dates as 1850. 1950 dates as 1750.

Carbon ratio went from 102.449 pmC (again) to 97.61 pmC, passing through the 100 pmC in 1850.

- So their diet affected the carbon-14 date reading? 19:55
- That's right, so we get a carbon-14 date couple hundred years earlier than the historical date, 20:00 but there's a very important lesson that emerges out of this and that is that the authority always goes 20:07 to the historical record, not to science. And if you think about it, 20:13 science is about observing things in the present. So we can understand how the universe works, 20:21 but you cannot observe the past. So in a very real sense, 20:27 dealing with historical events is actually outside of the competence of the scientist.

Totally agree, where there is one.

I had a similar case for the 30 dead people in the Mladec cave. On my previous calibration, the man or woman labelled Mladec 2 was dated to 22 years after the Flood. I forgot the age of Mladec 2, but unlike Mladec 1, a teen girl of anatomically like 17, the person could NOT have lived just 22 years after the Flood.

My first solution is this reservoir effect. If reservoir effect along modern fairly stable 100 pmC can give c. 200 extra years, how much will that be if the older carbon is really that much lower initially?

However, since then, I made a mistake when calculating on paper, looked into it, found the mistake palatable, precisely with Mladec in mind. Now Mladec 2 is instead between 2918 BC and 2884 BC, meaning between 40 and 74 years after the Flood in this chronology.

20:52 In the case of the Vikings, the atmospheric ratio was still pretty close to 100 pmC.

It was only an individual ratio, lower through reservoir effect, that wasn't known.

People living in Mladec caves would be drinking water rich in calcium carbonate which was from the Flood, and so would tend to get dated older.

22:15 I tend not to use coal or diamonds.

Bomb effect. I don't think it was nitrogen, but carbon 12, that turned into carbon 14 that place. Hence, the idea of "contamination" cannot be dismissed. It doesn't mean mixing with younger additions of newer atoms, it means the carbon 12 already in them upgrade to carbon 14 in sth like bomb effect.

I didn't like the look of "Doc Reasonable's" comment from 5 hours ago, so I answered ...

Doc Reasonable
The prehistoric settlement of Gobekle Tepe is 12,000 years old, which means it's existed for twice as long as the entire universe according to the creatarded.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
9600 BC is carbon date for the time of Noah's death, 2607 BC, if the carbon ratio in the atmosphere was c. 43 pmC.

8000 BC is carbon date for the time of Peleg's birth, 2556 BC, if the carbon ratio in the atmosphere was c. 51 pmC.

10 000 BC is actually a bit earlier than Göbekli Tepe, but it would be the last few years before 2607.

Back to video:

23:27 extra neutrons turning carbon 12 into carbon 14 might be easier than new atoms.

Skipping some:

31:01 So, you say that in Jesus' time, the magnetic field was 2.5 times stronger, and at the Flood 7 times stronger?

Ceteris paribus, this would mean that just after the Flood, carbon 14 would have been produced c. 1/7 as quickly as now.

That would not work. What we need for right after the Flood (and ensuing century) is not a SLOWER carbon 14 production than now, but a FASTER one. Up to when it reaches c. 100 pmC.

From Flood to Fall of Troy, the medium production of carbon 14 was c. 5 times faster than now. If you don't admit that the Flood was 2958 BC, but more recent, but still admit the archaeology of Troy, that means you need the time between that to be producing carbon 14 even faster than that.

31:20 The non-equilibrium and constant climbing is a claim from the 70's or so.

I think I'd like some methodology before agreeing, mathematically, it doesn't sit well.

Supposing at the fall of Troy the level was not c. 100 pmC, but only 80 pmC, 4/5, this would mean that to get the dates we get for the last 3000 years, we would need a halflife of 11 460 years instead of just 5730 years. It would work. The biggest bulge due to mathematical powers issues would be c. 200 years, less than the biggest bulges we see anyway. But I think there are samples that rule this out.

31:31 So we have more carbon-14 today, and because the sample shows less carbon-14, 31:39 it will appear to be older, if that makes sense.

It does. But not for the last three thousand years. Just for things before the Fall of Troy.

Historically, according to Eratosthenes who calculated the time from Fall of Troy to Alexander, Troy fell 1180 BC.

A pretty probable archaeological level would fit that bill, is dated to 1180 BC.

This means, unless the halflife is actually way longer than 5730 years, carbon hasn't been significantly rising since 3000 years ago.

And this in turn means, it needs to have risen faster before that. Flood to Troy, it would have taken c. 30,000 years to get that carbon rise with today's production, but it took only 1778 years. SO, carbon 14 was produced faster in that time span.

The Bible tells us it was a perfect creation, 31:57 pretty reasonable I think to assume there was no carbon-14 present in the biosphere right at the very beginning.

I would say there was carbon 14 further up, at least, and that since day 4.

Now, with today's production rate, from Creation to Flood in 2242 years, we'd have had c. 10 pmC or more. To think of it, 2242 years = decay to 76.246 %, which in today's levels means it is compensated by 23.754 pmC points. Corresponding for Masoretic Creation to Flood, 1656 years, 81.847 % and therefore 18.153 pmC points.

We only had 1.628 pmC.

1) There could have been more carbon overall, meaning each production unit counted less than it does now. 2 times the carbon = 1/2 count.
2) There could have been a lesser density of Nitrogen, if lots of Oxygen was united to Hydrogen to form water, at the Flood, so, if Nitrogen was just 50 % of the atmosphere instead of 78, that would mean automatically the radiation produces only 64 % of what it does now.
3) It would if so also have been a higher atmosphere, perhaps a bit denser to radiation.

I still think one would have needed a stronger magnetic field or less cosmic radiation before the Flood, or both.

At the Flood, we already had a low C-14 level, it would not have been lowered by burial of carbon.

After the Flood, we get the inverse, from Flood to Fall of Troy being 1778 years, that leaves a decay of 80.648 % and a compensation of 19.352 pmC. However, by the fall of Troy, we did not have 19.352 pmC, we had c. 100 pmC. I e, carbon 14 was on average produced 5 times as fast.

32:42 In 1656 years, the decay is 81.847 %. This means that for a stable level, the production in 1656 years is 100 - 81.847 = 18.153 pmC.

18.153 pmC dates to 14,100 BP, meaning the oldest carbon dates from the Flood would be 14,100 + 4500 in your chronology. 18600 BP.

If it were instead 2242 years, there is a decay of 76.246 %, so the addition in that time would be 100 - 76.246 = 23.754 pmC.

23.754 pmC dates to 11,900 BP, so the oldest dates would be 11,900 + 5000 = 16,900 BP.

33:37 We still have approximately the same amount of carbon-14, because that's coming, remember, 33:42 from outside the earth, the gamma ray's impacting our upper atmosphere, but less carbon-12, 33:47 so that would've led to an increase in the carbon-14 to carbon-12 ratio.

Correct. Over time. But not immediately. AND, we would be dealing with this alone roughly with today's production rate.

Remember, 101 years, the time from Flood to Babel on your chronology, it's a decay of 98.786 %, so a production of 1.214 pmC points.

Again, on your chronology Abraham was born 292 after the Flood, he was around 80 at Genesis 14. So, c. 372 years. The decay of that is 95.6 %, so the today's stable production level would be 4.4 pmC points. Add that to the Flood level, you won't get things dated to just 1565 years older than they are, as we find.

Hence, it is absolutely necessary, between Flood and Genesis 14, as to a lesser degree, after Genesis 14, you had a faster Carbon 14 production than now.

35:13 Kenyon's carbon date for Jericho's occupation cessation: 1550 BC.

That's 79 years more than the actual date, 1471 BC, given an Exodus in 1511 BC. That's one of my calibration points, so, 1470 BC, the carbon ratio was 99.037 pmC.

Genesis 14 was c. 5 years (between 0 and 11 years) after the promise. This was 430 years before the Exodus, and so 470 years before the fall of Jericho.

Take away 5 years, it's 465 years.

Genesis 14, carbon level is 82.753 pmC, making 1935 BC date as 3500 BC.
Fall of Jericho, carbon level is 99.037 pmC, making 1470 BC date as 1550 BC.

Now, what exact production rate do we have between these? 465 years is 94.53 % decay, and therefore in today's production 5.47 pmC added.

82.753 * 94.53 / 100 = 78.226 pmC
78.226 + 5.47 = 83.696 pmC.

If we want 99.037 pmC, check

99.037 - 78.226 = 20.811 pmC.
20.811 / 5.47 = 3.805 faster production than today.

But as an interesting point of philosophy here, 35:54 because we know when those events took place from the historical record, 36:00 so we have an historical anchor point. So that, if you like, is like a calibration point, 36:06 that is if you believe it's historically accurate.

Indeed I do. I agree totally on the philosophical point, where I disagree is on the scientific detail. Also on which Biblical chronology is the correct one. Catholicism traditionally has three Biblical chronologies.

The Vulgate has the same chronology as the Masoretic version, so it is Ussher compatible, and the Haydock Bible (a Catholic precursor to the Scofield Bible) uses Ussher dates.
The Seventh Ecumenical Council mentions Christ incarnate 5500 after Creation, that's a Syncellus date.
The Roman Martyrology for Christmas day says Christ was born 5199 after Creation, that's taken from Historia Scholastica, taken from St. Jerome, same one who also did the Vulgate translation, who took the chronology up to Genesis 11 from Julius Africanus. That's the one I use.

Either way, if you want to compress my findings to suit Ussher dates or similar, you are free to use it that way, but it would be honest to refer back to my work and mark the disagreement.

Meanwhile, that would NOT work in favour of your theory of "carbon production rates are still rising" ... between Genesis 14 and Jericho's fall, they were 3.805 times faster than they are now. It's between Flood and Genesis 14 that you would get a compression of years and even greater production rates.

1935 BC = 82.753 pmC.

Flood in 2957 = 1.628 pmC.
Flood in 2348 = 1.512 pmC

Flood in 2957 BC = 2957-1935 = 1022 years for the rise.
Flood in 2348 BC = 2348-1935 = 413 years for the rise. Sorry, 372, and Genesis 14 wouldn't land on 1935, but on 1976 BC. 1524 extra years to get carbon dates of 3500 BC, and a level of 83.164 pmC.

Either way, if you have 2957 to 1935 to go from 1.628 to 82.753 pmC or if you have 2348 to 1976 to go from 1.512 to 83.164 pmC, you need a faster production than now, not a slower one.

The point of philosophy stands, but you are misapplying it.

So when you start with the Bible as the authority, 36:24 that historical account now gives us a data point with which we could calibrate the carbon dating method. 36:30 If you start with science as the authority, you end up saying, "Aha, the Bible's wrong,"

Guess what. I already did a Biblical calibration. My first try was back in 2016 and my so far latest update was in May this year.

The Bible makes it absolutely clear it was a total devastation of the surface of the Earth, 36:55 and when we look at the geological record and look at the stunning depth of sedimentary rock deposits, 37:01 it's clear confirmation of a global watery catastrophe, exactly consistent with the Bible's record of Noah's flood. 37:09 So if you take that into account, there cannot possibly be anything to do with Egyptian history or artifacts before the flood.

For Egyptian, correct. They are not just above the ground, like pyramids, but even in continuity with clearly post-Flood events, like Abraham's visit to the pharao.

Since Neanderthals are found in caves, they already were off the surface of the earth (either in caves or in rock tombs to which the Flood then added caves) before the Flood. Them being pre-Flood does not contradict the Biblical account.

Nor does a pre-Babel spread of people, since the dispersion may simply have added disunity to an already existing spread.