Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Is This Karl Keating's Son?


The Influence of Aristotle on the Catholic Church and Galileo's Conflict - Brian Keating JRE

Here is my reply:

St. Paul approves the Aristotelian proof of God which is also Prima Via of St. Thomas.

When it comes to other detail, you forget totally that:
  • on other detail, like Moons of Jupiter, Galileo was free to contradict Aristotle from observation
  • while Geocentrism actually is observation.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Against an Incompetent and Biassed View of Old Age in the Middle Ages

Surviving the Middle Ages as an Old Person...
MedievalMadness | 11 Aug. 2023

1:02 You are citing two very disparate types of data from Georges Minoy.

The 5th C. data gives a medium age of death, but you have not clarified what it was based on. Also, it's very probable that the first cause lowering the medium lifespan was child mortality, the second was death of women in child labour or in infections post partum. This has no bearing on how old you could get.

The 9th C. data seems highly well documented, but you are not giving a medium lifespan of people born at the same year, and the low percentage of people over 60 is first of all not all that low, and second, could well be due to having lots of children, so that the younger generations outnumber the older.

It is very probable that between 5th and 9th C. child mortality went down. It is not totally improbable that Georges Minoy even indicated that, and you cite him selectively.

1:17 If serfs, who are clearly common people, could include 11 % people over 60, it stands to reason that living above 50 is not unusual.

The shortness of people is not an indicator of their medium age at death.

1:22 For more privileged Medievals, as in nobility or royalty, I would say there was even a chance of living a shorter life than if they had been common or clergy.

For royalty, I tend to get a 56 year median. For non-royal known people a 65 year median.

For instance some ancestry back to the 4 or 8 ancestors in relation to St. Lewis IX of France, and his wife, and children born of them, I get 55 years. For those dying outside childhood and outside childbirth, the minimum was 20, the lower quartile 39/40 (depending on insecurities of exact age), the median 55, higher quartile 63, maximum 75. Sample size 51 persons.*

Compared to 2 dead in childbirth, one at 18, one at 20, and for children and teens dying, I count it to 17.

Compare that to a sample of men connected to the university of Paris, I think I took in some side issues, and I get a sample size of 117 men, where according to shorter and longer versions of their lifespans I get:

33 — 55 — 65 — 72 — 96
36 — 57 — 65 — 72 — 96.**

* Moyen Âge, Royautés (ten years ago tomorrow)

** Et le Moyen Âge? Hormis royautés (ten years ago, to the day)

Answer to Jews for Jesus

Can Anything Good Come From Nazareth? | Miri's Testimony
SO BE IT! | 3 Febr. 2025

If you want to know where the inn of the Good Samaritan is, where the oil and wine of sacraments are used to heal the wounds of man, you can ask a Palestinian Christian.

In Nazareth, I'm pretty sure some Jews would be aware that they were there first, and they even might have some kind of inkling tghat they have lived there for 2000 years and are some of the earliest populations of Jews for Jesus (or, if you prefer, Galileans for Jesus, or, as the Bible say, men of Galilee). Such Jews might kind of have an ulterior motive to consider a Christian as a bogedet.

10:35 Who we are and our sins are two different things.

God will usually not deliver us from venial sins in this life, but if you confess your mortal sins to a priest and God forgives them and you aren't delivered from them, either you or the priest is doing something very wrong.

I will not name the sin from which I'm pretty much delivered since decades, but it's often committed by people not in a couple and it is not by impotence that I was delivered (though some of the people around me seem to try to be working on that).

God intends to deliver so and so from so and so's sins, not from so and so's character. Or personality.

10:42 And our deal Lord Jesus Christ is not covering up from the outside so the Father doesn't see us, He sees heart and kidneys.

He's clothing us in righteousness, and changing us from inside.

Ephesians 2 verses 8 and 9 is not a valid Bible passage. Ephesians 2, verses 8, 9 and 10 is.

10:30 Just to clarify in case there is some kind of allusion.

I was not kicked out from my family, I'm not in abuse of alcohol or any use of the usually illicit drugs, alcohol is a substance God created and which is clearly licit to use in moderation, as we know from Our Lord's first public miracle. And from the law. And from St. Paul's words to St. Tim. And from Catholic tradition.

I don't believe sharing the faith is primarily sharing my story.

There are so many better stories to share, and I usually sign full length articles with one line each for my own name and the place (often Paris), then two lines for the date: the saint of the day (or one I pick), and the Mathematic description of the day. Like St. Blasius, one line, 3.II.2025, last line of my signature.

There is another reason too. I don't actually know the menue of Patel. But I'm pretty well aware of the menue at a China Food takeaway. If I wanted to recommend it to someone, I obviously might mention they have great sushi, the salmon with avocado one is excellent, but I'd be uncharitable if that was all I said about it, there are actually very good prawn tempuras (yes, tempura is Jap food, but they still have it), they have a thing with beef and cheese which I haven't tasted, they have beef dishes, chicken dishes, and so on ... why should I just stick with my own experience when my receptive capacity is limited?

Speaking of tempura, while the dies quattuor temporum after Epiphany are over, I missed out due to throat-ache, (dear St. Blasius pray for me), Lent is around the corner, and Our Lord didn't say "if you fast" but "when you fast" ...

Will Hallow Be Banned? Protestant and Communist Malfeasance, If So.

Biggest Catholic Prayer App In The World BANNED
Return To Tradition | 3 Febr. 2025

I'm in France.

I know some things about France. Catholics are no longer an absolute majority, only a relative majority and even that only among those whose religion is recognised as one. 51 % are Secularists, which is not recognised as a religion, or technically, 51 % are Nones, but many of them would be Secularists. 29 % are Catholics.

Now, it so happens, Protestantism has a kind of deal with Secularism in countries where it is a minority.

Some Protestants are concerned that Hypnosis is occultism, simply as such, i e simply because it induces the alpha state or in some cases the theta state. They would take that as unauthorised access to the spiritual world, comparable to unauthorised communication with the dead, and therefore likely to get someone abused by demons.

They also have a very longstanding opposition to the Rosary. Not so much the Anglicans and Lutherans of Northern Europe, you will even find Lutheran "rosaries" without the Hail Mary, but with meditations on Jesus' life, and probably repetitive prayers.

Now, many of the Protestants I speak of would connect the two.

And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speaking they may be heard
[Matthew 6:7]

This is the Douay in the online revision. The Latin is even clearer, it is about making speeches:

Orantes autem, nolite multum loqui, sicut ethnici, putant enim quod in multiloquio suo exaudiantur
[Matthew 6:7]

Multiloquium is pretty obviously about heaping together different phrases and never getting to the point. Not about repeating a short prayer, even to the point of a slight alpha state. St. Thomas actually considers a deeper hypnotic state desireable, he considers that a "consequent passion" (if you would call the hypnotic state a passion, I don't know, but it is comparable in some ways) makes the deliberate act more laudable if good or more reprehensible if bad. When discussing the humanity of "idiots" (i e people with Down's syndrome or similar) he said that they could continue praying without noticing a hand put in front of them, so, deep prayer. Probably he had tested while among the Benedictines in his teens. Now, the point is, the idea that repetitive prayer is good and alpha state at least in prayer is good, is a Catholic idea. It is not shared by Protestants.

Some Waldensians may be wary of it, because of so many not just Albigensians, but also Waldensians (though fewer) returning to the Church when praying the Rosary with St. Dominic. Calvin may have had a personal reason to be wary, if he had been homosexually abused while in a hypnotic state. One John Calvin (or Jean Cauvin) was branded in Noyon, where Calvin is from, in 1534, a year in which he could have been there at least for a visit. It could have been another guy, but ... if the person had been consenting very deliberately to sodomy, he would have been executed, not just branded. So, that person had presumably consented under circumstances lowering the ability to consent to things not foreseen before enterting in such state. One of the states being of course the hypnotic. John Calvin, the Reformer, unlike Luther, took away Confession totally, not just the general obligation. Confession is somewhat akin to hypnotherapy. John Calvin also went after Gregorian Chant and the Rosary, again things that involve a likelihood of alpha state, and when it comes to the Rosary, or repetitive prayers, he even inserted it in the Bible. Luther mistranslated Luke 1:28 and a verse of Romans 3. Calvin mistranslated Matthew 6:7. Here are the consecutive English versions that mention "repetitions", namely:

Also when ye pray, use no vain repetitions as the Heathen: for they think to be heard for their much babbling. 1599 Geneva Bible.
But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Authorised King James

Bible Gateway leaves out earlier edition of Geneva Bible in NT published 1557 and the Bishops' Bible 1568.

The Geneva Bible was obviously a translation from Calvin / Beza in Geneva who had written theirs in French.

Now, Secularism places other religions instead of Catholicism or other traditional supernatural things. One of them is Progress, one of them is Medicine. Chinese and Protestants both have a dispropoprtionate influence in the Medical field over here.

So Chinese Communists and Calvinists target the alpha state and infiltrate medicine, Medicine then influences legislation, like we saw during the Covid Mandates.

On top of that, some in the Russian and Ukrainian, generally East European, expat communities in France would be perfectly able to repeat a Putin like blunder in going after Alex Jones (a Catholic in Chicago) in the purpose of going after Alex Jones (a Protestant and Conspiracy Theorist of Dallas). They would be perfectly able to make a spin on this and imagine that conspiracy theories to the level they would want to treat as pathologic paranoia are spread by the alpha state in the Rosary on the app.

They would also be perfectly able to base this on case studies about me, while my poverty has been used so I can continue to be an easy target for observers, while you guys have thought I shouldn't earn money of my writings anyway, so you don't owe me anything (except perhaps prayers, and there is a likelihood you would pray for the wrong things).

Catholic. Fascist. Coherent. Perhaps Even Loving, Certainly More So Than Some Other Guys (Or Less Un-Loving, Less Fake-Loving)

Trump's REVENGE against WOKE church. [click-bait title]
John Mike Keen | 2 Febr. 2025

2:00 When she says that Jesus doesn't want America to be a Christian nation, she's not saying Jesus doesn't at least prefer you are Christian.

She probably, like lots of Protestants in Europe, believes, there is no problem with going to Heaven, even if you aren't Christian.

Some Protestants read Going therefore, teach ye all nations; as if it said (changing from Catholic to JW translation) Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations ... i e just individuals, not nations as a whole.

America has for a long time been promoting "religious freedom" not just as a compromise (Maryland wouldn't be 17th C. Scotland and Massachusetts wouldn't be 17th C. Spain, one of which was a Christian, one of which was a para-Christian nation). But. Also as an ideal that should be imposed on other nations. Like trying to get full liberties for Protestantism and ultimately any religion into a unifying Italy back when the Papal States banned Calvinism, or into Mexico. That woke person is simply repeating that idea consistently.

According to her, Jesus doesn't want religiously monolithic nations. I disagree. You disagree. As a Catholic who thinks the Inquisition was justified (by now it would be useless, error has gone too far), I am consistent. As a Protestant who cheers for Bible Societies getting to the Papal States and thereby preparing the unification of an Italy that wasn't Catholic only or very mainly (though Mussolini restored the "very mainly" and then didn't quite respect it), you are inconsistent.

2:18 When I was a 7 or 8 year old child, before I became a Christian some months before 9, I dreamed of becoming a stage magician, and started learning some things of ventriloquism.

Two things give the illusion it's the puppet that speaks:

  • that the other dialogue partner gives the puppet attention
  • that the ventriloquist keeps his or her lips slightly separated and unmoving

The funny voice partly comes from the stiffness of the ventriloquist, not just labials are replaced by velars, i e P is replaced by K, M by NG, but also non-tense vowels are replaced by tense ones; then she partly goes falsetto to give the impression the puppet is a child. When a woman ventriloquist speaks to a puppet in deep bass, you may begin to ask if the puppet is a demon.

Some people use a puppet to act as a foil for them. But some prefer taking a legitimate adversary, heavily strawmanning him, heavily doing teamwork to give false impressions about him, so you can quote him selectively and use that as a foil. I think that's more diabolical than what she is doing.

2:45 It could also be that the voice from the puppet was prerecorded and she had rehearsed interaction very well.

Or someone was doing the voice from behind somewhere.

The "yeah" are coming so into her own words, I find it hard to believe it's just ventriloquism, but if it is, it is very good ventriloquism.

2:57 You remind me a bit of a Fascist friend at school who said "fighting for peace is like scr...ing for virginity" ...

But there are other ways of fighting for her ideals than just violence. However, I'm afraid some who are on her side have not been content with that.

This morning, the cover I slept in had water on it on one edge. Emptying cold water on the sleeping bag or (in my case) sheets and bed covers of a homeless man is violence, even if it's not fist fighting. Sleep privation is an act of torture or violence.

I'm known over here as a Trump supporter (relatively, in comparison to Kamala, if they were being precise, which some aren't). I'm known as a Fascist (while I self identify, giving Mussolini and Franco good points each and admiring Dollfuss and Schuschnigg), and so, what's my trouble with someone acting Fascist to me? Well, it isn't Fascist, it's a mean spirited version of bourgeois. I admire Franco and Mussolini for abortion bans (well beyond the post-Dobbs US). I don't admire Franco for picking up on and expanding on a decision made under the democratic and Catholic, but alas a bit too bourgeois Gil Robles (QDEP, I think he may need that intercession more than El Caudillo does).

3:24 If you think the woman talks like she's on drugs, you are simply unfamiliar with the accent that prevails in her home state.

It's simply ignorance.

4:00 You cannot accurately love unless you obey the Father, and you cannot obey the Father unless you repent before Jesus.

And you cannot repent before Jesus unless you are a Catholic or going to be one.

And you cannot be a Catholic unless "love" for the currently unrepentant actually is the love to give them the time and (within laws) unrestricted freedom to do their mistakes and repent in their time, if God so moves them.

There is a certain kind of love that's overprotective and overrestrictive. I'm very sure that such was Cain's love for kid brother Abel up to when God showed him at the sacrifice that Abel doesn't need Cain's correction. That's what angered Cain. Read "am I my brother's keeper?" as "didn't you tell me I wasn't my brother's keeper?" ... the good theology on this one is, apart from the words of God to him and going further about his motivation (along the word of God about him), "keeper or killer, are those the only alternatives?"

If I had been Italian, I'd have loved to go on a Hobbit camp organised by kind-of Fascists .... I don't think Casa Pound spills cold water on sleeping bags of homeless.

I don't think I'm the one who's naive about Palestinians, I think some others are ignorant, perhaps wilfully so

EXPOSED! What the media WON'T tell you about Trump's Gaza plan
Israel365 | 2 Febr. 2025

To the title.

I haven't been a huge fan of main-stream media or their values since decades. I was handed a tract when I was in my early twenties. It said Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars, Palestinians are Israelites.

I do not believe the majority of the Ashkenazi genome comes from Khazars, but I do find substantiated from other sources than that tract, non-polemic sources, writing history about other things, that yes, Palestinians are Israelites. [I e, Christian Palestinians have no or very much less Peninsular ancestry]

I'm not the right person to adress with "you know, main-stream media have this agenda, and it has come to you, but I can help you know better" ... I already do know better. And before I did, I was a Zionist who believed Arafat's ancestry was mainly Ishmaelite. No, his physical ancestry is mainly Israelite, Peninsular Arabs are a minor addition to the Palestinian genome, mainly or exclusively for the Muslim Palestinians.

3:49 Had the Arabs accepted that solution, 3:51 the original two-state solution, 3:53 there would be a Palestinian state 3:54 alongside a Jewish state. 3:56 There never would have been a war in 1948 3:59 and not a single Palestinian 4:01 Arab would have been displaced 4:02 from his or her home.

While I have heard the proposal that Arabs left voluntarily, it is object of contradiction, it is studied by historians that many Palestinian villages were in fact targetted to enforced displacement from the first.

5:24 OK, you have an example of:
  • Arab leadership
  • ordering evacuation.

I believe you. But, two things:
  • it was a Muslim order, adressed to Muslim Palestinians only
  • it was in Jerusalem, not the villages.

Still leaves villagers who were displaced so that kibbutzim could be built.

7:42 Speaking of wanting someone to remain refugee.

I left Sweden in 2004. I am in France since 2005, except some days in Monaco and Italy amounting together to less than two weeks or not much more and except for an attempt to visit my mother which was interrupted by news about her death and by shenanigans, I turned back to France while in Germany. Juridically speaking, I'm not a refugee, I am on a Schengen passport, but socially speaking I am.

Some people here have had a very huge interest in me remaining in the street, I have over 13 000 blog posts that could be (for the most part) directly reused as books, as essay collections, sometimes even loose monographies. Among the guys who have an interest in stopping me from remaking my life, I cannot totally exclude Jews from my suspects list, since I have a different view of the Palestinian question, and since I believe the Messiah came two thousand years ago, He founded the Catholic Church, and as a byproduct, the Christian Palestinians (while Muslim Palestinians descend partly from these, partly from Jews), and so, the formal people of God is not the Jews. Any given Jew has a hereditary right and duty to be part of the people of God, he realises that as a Catholic or not at all.

8:23 Whether or not you are right about 1947, you are basically saying Israel has the right to make these people refugees and then Egypt and Jordan have the obligation to take them because they are refugees.

Have you considered Israel giving Gazawi and West Bank Civilians the right of Aliyah?

Note, I say "civilians", not Hamasniks or PLO fighters.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Catholic Unscripted Reflects on J. D. Vance's Response (and I on Their Ones)

'Hillbilly' JD Vance Triumphs over British 'Intellectual'. 100 years of communism -100 million dead
Catholic Unscripted | 1.II.2025

What do you make of the crashes?

Here is a new one:

Breaking Down the Philadelphia Air Ambulance Crash: What Went Wrong?
Captain Steeeve | 1 Febr. 2025

Sabotage or judgment by God?

6:59 We know who's a Nazi and who isn't

Reminds me a bit of a bon mot said by Goering. Replacing "Nazi" with "Jew" ...

21:14 I am NOT against America First.

I'm noting that mass deportations hurt American principles, hurt American confidence in authorities and therefore means America last or even America lost.

23:12 Does Joseph Shore even know that Austen Ivereigh has a wife and children?

Ivereigh is by the way a pro-life activist.

33:36 I'm arguably a man of IQ 100 who thinks he has an IQ of 100.

But when it comes to charity to illegal immigrants. I think there are two alternatives to actual deportation:

1) let them stay if offered couch surfing
2) open up some ghost cities (but also to homeless people who are actually US Americans, as said, one cannot put the foreigner first).

35:00 Mother Theresa also used electroshocks ...

37:31 "Mussolini is unpleasant"

Perhaps in Ethiopia, but I would not say in Italy for the FIRST 16 years of his carreere as PM. Some faux pas, like Pius XI noted in Non abbiamo bisogno.

As to the Salò Republic, as he was in a sense a puppet régime, I like to say "mais qui était le Salò ?"

In Mussolini's Italy, abortion was a crime, and pushing a pregnant mother under 14 to it, she was exonerated, but the one pushing got even longer gaol time. In Franco's Spain, abortion was illegal too. In Hitler's Germany, only most of them were (eugenic abortion was alas legal), but even so there was an effort to combat abortion. And I mean abortion was illegal from conception. And no abortion drugs allowed either.

I'd love to see Trump and Vance follow suite ...

37:55 When it comes to Hitler, one may mention he was, in 1919, a Leninist in two governments of the Munich Soviet.

First under Eisner, then under Levien and Leviné. Only when or after the Soviet was destroyed did he join NSDAP.

41:07 Video over. There is a right wing régime that nearly everyone overlooks, and some people (hopefully out of ignorance) malign.

Hoch Dollfuß!

Accident of Altercation? Or Replacing Prison with Improvised Death Penalty?

Man pardoned by Trump killed by deputy
LiveNOW from FOX | 28 Jan. 2025

It could be somewhere in the middle.

Hysteria about the Capitol trespassing could have made the deputy too edgy and eager to defend himself without need. Or above need.

Three videos involving Evolution : the Trad Catholic, the Protestant Creationist, the Atheist and Evolutionist Ones

For those new to this blog, it has different formats, one that you may not be familiar with is produced like this: a) I hear a video, and from time to time I stop it, to post a comment on what I just heard, making a time stamp for the moment when I stopped the video; b) I make a post with, first, link to the video, then, the comments one by one, in order of time stamps. This format is not an essay format, more like footnotes or endnotes section to someone else's essay. My "footnotes", so to speak, are often too polemic and too long to be what some actual footnoter does. They are not meant to be one coherent thought in relation to the whole video, they are meant to be several coherent thoughts in relation to several moments in the video. My equivalent among videasts is the guy making reaction videos. In an actual video comment, I cannot put a quoted segment into a blockquote, so I put them between two pairs of slashes (// statement //), in that case I usually make it a blockquote here. I mean quotes from for instance wikipedia or other non-Bible source. This is different from quotes from the video, which, unless long, I put in italics and quotation marks, and quotes from the Bible which I put in bold. In some cases people interact with my comments, and such interactions are also mirrored in dialogue sections, were the username of the one "speaking" is given on one line, his comment below it, next line indented. In the comments here, someone used a vulgar and evil screen name, at least apparently such (he could have meant to speak the screen name as done over the distinguishing part of the channel), I have left it as it is.

Some of the Reasons I Reject 'Evolution'
Mere Tradition with Kennedy Hall | 21 janv. 2025

3:38 Actually, mechanics and electromagnetism do tend to have a few constants.

Levers tend to gain in force what they lose in length of movement, I think proportionally. Here I find an exact formuly, which is not likely to change in a century of a millennium from now:

If the distance traveled is greater, then the output force is lessened.

T1 = F1a, T2=F2b

T = Torque.
F = force applied at some distance from fulcrum.
a, b, distance from fulcrum at which the force is applied.

Electricity has actual V = IR (V = voltage across the conductor, I = current through the conductor, R = resistance).

Also not likely to change any time soon.

And biology has some actual science like the laws of Mendel.

Sliglus Amelius
He didn't say anything against hard physics or chemistry , you're arguing a straw man. He specifically stated which sciences have various debates and he didn't mention physics or chemistry or electromagnetism.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@sliglusamelius8578 He painted "science" (all of it) with that broad brush, which I just wanted to notice isn't applicable to actual science.

Evolution (big picture version) is not even science.

11:07 Given the dimensions of the Ark:

  • the Flood had to be global, a local Flood would have been too shallow, the Ark would have floundered
  • and there is definitely not room enough for one couple of each modern Linnean species.

There had to be some elasticity for for instance 17 species of hedgehog (no, NOT counting porcupines!) to come from a single couple on the Ark.

Conversely, errors like Limited Flood and the very related Deep Time, came from the side denying elasticity. That side has also produced racism in the real and abject meaning of the word, like pretending Black People don't descend from Adam or shouldn't be baptised.

16:14 I'd love to have the number of the condemned thesis in Lamentabile Sane ....

Number 2 has a restricted application of this to exegesis, though.

19:35 You are making a great point. I've made it in a piece entitled "What is Expertise? Some Things It is Not."

However, there is a certain Prussian view, to which I obviously do not subscribe, but which says, if you are not an accredited expert actually doing research for a university or teaching for it, you are in that scientific subject a "layman" ... the Prussian culture was making theology more and more convoluted (as you realise if you reflect on them uniting Calvinism with Lutheranism into a Prussian state Church), and non-clergy were not expected to express any conviction about theology.

This then rubs off to other subjects. If you are not an accredited expert, you are a "layman" ... it means you may need basic concepts explained to you in non-terminological terms. For instance.

Prussia and Sweden are pretty much the same on this idea. And if you imagine I could go to Northern Germany or to Sweden and just argue your excellent point and not be shut down, not to say in, you don't know much of Prussian or Swedish culture.

23:11 "you don't have a right to an opinion"

That's the national anthem of Prussian Academia ...

Answering a Major Challenge to Young Earth Creation | How did Adam name all the Animals?
Standing For Truth | 21.I.2025

6:50 Two quibbles so far.

1) Adam wasn't born, he was formed as an adult.
2) I'd say God made Adam's spirit the exact same moment He inserted it into the body.

5:35 When does God give Eve a spirit of her own?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@baaldiablo8459 When He created Her as an individual.

@baaldiablo8459 The text does not tell us. Obviously, God did so. The fact that it does not mention it is immaterial.

@ How is it obvious? Just because you think its the case? Very convincing.

@ Well, it's obvious because women have spirits. Eve had a spirit. So it must be the case. It's not that hard.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@ This goes for the other guy too.

It's Catholic at least doctrine that God creates each soul when creating the individual. There are obviously non-Catholics who contest this, I don't think many Catholics would hold to for instance traducianism (someone's spirit already existing in whoever they came from beforehand).

Richie Journey
I would agree that is what the text says. God formed AND gave the nephesh…same sentence…all of them…GN 2:7

8:40 153 families mammals, 249 families birds, 85 families of reptiles, 53 of amphibians

153 100 050 03
249 300 090 12
085 300 170 17
053 300 220 20 = 540 couples

Give him three hours, from creation at noon to 3pm (like Jesus on Calvary), makes 10,800 seconds, divided by 540 = 20 seconds per couple.

I think Adam's precision was an impressionistic one.

I dont get the calculation. You are counting created kinds? So where did the names of the species after the garden came from?

Christian math is... interesting...

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@[Pabras] The "species" in Latin are created kinds.

Each created kind back then existed in probably one couple, therefore one genus and one species. It still is one family. I went to a site to check how many families each there were in mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians and simply copied the number.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@[Piss] That the families add up to 540, or that 3 hours make 10,800 seconds, or that 10,800 divided by 540 makes 20?

9:17 I don't think God did speak 100's of 1,000,000,000's of galaxies into existence, I don't think there is even one galaxy as modern cosmology understands the world.

God certainly could have, but I don't think He did.

You know, artistic economy, showing Adam He's the one who turns Heaven around Earth ...

9:55 Don't compare Adam's mind to an AI programme.

I just saw a broschure of Scotland generated that way, and it showed a Scottish castle. A so Scottish castle I'm not positive you could pronounce the Gaelic name. Neuschwanstein.

Yes, the castle built by Lewis II of Bavaria. It's simply THE generic castle, especially in pictorial contexts.

That's why I don't think the mark of the beast will be the human mind connecting to AI. It simply couldn't work. If you read AI through a screen, you can criticise its aberrations. If you are connected to it "uncritically", with your critical faculties shut off, you'll probably be dead within a week or so.

13:06 I don't think the Egyptians did breed poodles.

The skeleton of a Tesem is closer to a terrier than a grayhound. But even a terrier is not a poodle. The Egyptians certainly bred grayhounds.

The poodle was a product of the Middle Ages:

"Most cynologists believe the Poodle originated in Germany in the Middle Ages, from a dog similar to today's Standard Poodle. The Poodle was Germany's water dog, just as England had the English Water Spaniel, France the Barbet, Ireland the Irish Water Spaniel and the Netherlands the Wetterhoun. ... Some cynologists believe the Poodle originated in France, where it is known as the "Caniche" and that the breed descends from the Barbet. This view is shared by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI, International Canine Federation)."

"Der mittelgroße „Barbet“, ist einer der ältesten europäischen Wasserhunde und möglicherweise ein Vorläufer des Pudels. Die Mauren sollen seine Vorfahren im 6. Jahrhundert nach Spanien und Portugal gebracht haben, von wo er sich sehr schnell in ganz Europa verbreitet haben soll. Schon sehr früh wird in Portugal ein Wasserhund (Cão de Água Português) erwähnt, der alle Merkmale des Barbets hat. Diesen Wasserhund trifft man im 14. Jahrhundert in ganz Europa an und erst im 16. Jahrhundert wird er mit dem Namen „Barbet“ benannt."

"Züchterisch hat diese Rasse eine Reihe heute existierende Jagdhundrassen beeinflusst. Dazu zählt der Deutsche Drahthaarige Vorstehhund, der Pudelpointer, der Griffon Korthals und der Irish Water Spaniel."

So, a water dog entered Europe through Mauretanians in pre-Islamic times, it corresponds to the French Barbet, and later on one of its byproducts is the Poodle.

Examples of three different types of dogs shown on Egyptian monuments
Public Domain, File:PSM V39 D830 Dogs from the egyptian monument.jpg
Created: 1891, Uploaded: 21 October 2015

The midmost of the Egyptian dogs seems related to the Dachshund or Teckel, but not to the Poodle.

Young Earth Creationist Gets SCHOOLED By Two Scientists | Forrest Valkai & Aaron Adair
The Line Edge | 14 janv. 2025

1:34 "No, from start to finish we have never watched "

What an admission. I'd actually be satisfied if one had modelled a series of steps and watched every step separately.

Has not happened. Arguably will not happen.

When you are saying, at least some seem to do, "we don't know how that detail happened just yet" ... that's definitely faith based.

Both faith in materialism, which is neither the only, nor the obvious default worldview, since materialism requires, but no other world view requires, abiogenesis.

And faith in the Scientific methods currently used in examining these things, since they would (on this view) be leading to the upcoming discoveries.

2:30 Forrest Valkai doesn't know the difference between Deduction and Induction.

Building a model is actually not Induction. It may be inspired by Induction, but it isn't Induction.

It relies heavily on Deduction.

It is used sometimes in a way contrary to the rules of Deduction, in which "confirming the consequent" is an actual fault.

Building a model needs deduction, like for instance, in order to make my models for the young earth creationist recalibration of carbon 14, I deduce from a 51+ pmC level in the atmosphere when Babel / Göbekli Tepe ends, from a 82 + pmC level when Genesis 14 goes on and En Geddi is evacuated, from the presumption of a constant speed of carbon 14 production (clumsy, but an approximation, pending further information which I don't have) the intermediate levels between 51 + and 82 + pmC and when they fit in the Biblical / Real timeline, and from 2189 BC then having the level of 70 + pmC, I deduce the extra years and add them to the real year, getting 5089 BC as the probable carbon date for 2189 BC.

Any model that's detailed uses Deduction.

Induction is only there to give us general principles. Some have from the idea that "induction can never be proven, only falsified, one black swan is all it takes ..." pulled that over to models, and said that "this model need not be and can not be proven, it can only be falsified, and so far it hasn't been" ... that's absurd, because models can be compared, and the comparison can and should use deductive logic, i e proof.

[To be continued for the Forrest Valkai & Aaron Adair video; and the model for carbon 14 rise after the Flood that I referred to being the one I published on Christmas Eve, after first Vespers of Christmas: Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.]

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Is Islam a Threat to Converts?

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Is Islam a Threat to Converts? · New blog on the kid: Repatriating Me to Sweden Would be Inhuman

Check this screenshot of a video featuring a screenshot of a Hadith:

It obviously is not applied to people who change their religion from something else to Islam.

But it is also not stating explicitly it only applies to people changing their religion from Islam to something else.

In 2004, while getting from Denmark to Spain for the Pilgrimage of Santiago, I met a Muslim who offered me a chicken. It was in Germany.

While I ate, we had a conversation, and we came across two topics where we definitely disagreed. As I was eating, I did not have very good opportunity to enter the debate.

  • He wondered about my long fingernails. I said I had been picking strawberries, they were for nipping them off at the green stalk just a half centimetre outside the berry. He criticised the procedure, why couldn't one just as well take just the berry and leave the green part out? Well, the thing is, once you pick out the green thing in the berry, the strawberry starts to degrade. If you want to be able to sell the berry the next morning in the shop, you absolutely need to leave that green part in. Perhaps I had no occasion to say this, because I was eating, perhaps I didn't get through. To him I was simply a man with dirty fingernails, making a bad excuse, and who had no real claim on dignity in face of him, since I had accepted the offer from him.
  • I told him part of my story and also I had converted from Protestantism to Catholicism. That is bad he said. He refered to above Hadith. This was a shocker to me. I was not aware there were Muslims who thought they could meddle about conversions when both the from and the to are outside Islam.

What is the video citing this Hadith?

The Islamic Reformation Is Here—and You Won't Like It
Raymond Ibrahim | 31 Jan. 2025

Now, one way in which Muslims and Jews would get people out of a (realistic or basically impossible to carry out) death penalty for becoming Christian would be to extend the excuse of folly. I would consider that part of the people who have followed me in ways that at meast mimic psychiatry have been carrying out that kind of superiority complex of at least Muslims, maybe Jews too, against a Christian they liked to look down on./HGL

Oh, there were things I needed to answer in it too:

3:40 "just like their Christian Protestant counterparts once did"

That's heavily overdoing the role of Scriptural literalism in the Reformation.

3:52 Luther did not align anything strictly with Scripture.

He was more than willing to attack Scripture when it contradicted him.

II Maccabees teach Purgatory? "Not canonic"
Epistle of James teaches salvation by works? "Straw epistle"

Luther was not a proponent of Scriptural strictness, he was a proponent of exegetical playing fast and loose.

5:24 The New Testament actually does not preach tolerance for all and by all Christians.

It also does not preach peace in all circumstances.

And by the way, tolerance and peace were also not results of Luther's Reformation.

5:32 The New Testament doesn't require Apostates to be punished other than by excommunication.

But also does not forbid it.

In other words, laws like those applied when people born to Catholic families became Albigensians or Calvinists are not in contradiction with the New Testament. They are also not required by it, the early Christians were in no such position, and Catholics today are also not in such a position.

Prior to 2004 I may have joined the rally cry "bring back the Inquisition" ... when in Spain in 2004, I learned they were introducing gay marriage. Well, that means, it is too late for the Inquisition to do any good. I said as much in 2013 in a blog post still available.

[Triviū, Quadriviū, 7 cætera: I do not agree with religious liberty in all cases for all religions
samedi 27 juillet 2013 | Publié par Hans Georg Lundahl à 06:09

7:21 You have very well described the actual upshot of the Reformation.

a) we no longer feel tied to the Magisterium or Church Fathers, but we still feel bound to the Bible on every issue, and we persecute (and "every issue" only applies when Luther or Calvin or someone else didn't say otherwise or mistranslate)
b) we don't feel tied to the Bible on all issues, we must show some tolerance between Protestants so we can persecute Catholics
c) we don't feel tied to the Bible on pretty much any issue really, but we can't tell the people that
d) we don't feel tied to the Bible on any issue and we do tell the people that.

That's the real result of the Reformation. Some Evangelicals are a fortunate byproduct, as different from the typical product as rapacious bird's wings on a leopard's back are from leopard heads. (If you want to know my enumeration of the leopard heads, the spiritual components are Rabbinic Judaism, Islam, Protestantism and (at least Theistic) Freemasonry).

Are Religious Christians Likely to be Terrorists?

Breivik and the Christchurch killer are Secularists.

Putting So-Called 'Christian' Terrorists to the Duck Test
Raymond Ibrahim | 16 Jan. 2025

Links to:

The Truth about the (Muslim) Murderer of Three British Children
08/07/2024 by Raymond Ibrahim

Five Reasons Why the ‘Christian’ Child Stabber in France May Really Be ‘Muslim’
06/09/2023 by Raymond Ibrahim

Is Calvinism Halfway Between Catholicism and Secularism?

Calvinism Distorts Reality
Embracing Tradition | 31 Jan. 2025

Fr. Charron

Fr Casey Cole: Repent of your false teaching!
Fr. Jason Charron | 31 janv. 2024

Primum bonum matrimonii proles.

Would you agree that:

  • a homosexual, that is a person with same sex attraction, is sometimes living the punishment for idolatry (Romans 1)
  • that to repent, he would need to renounce the same sex relationship he has already entered in or to avoid getting into one, if he isn't already
  • to do that there are two options:

    • 1) marrying someone of the opposite sex
    • 2) remaining celibate

  • and the idea that only option 2 is correctly Catholic is dangerous, both because of homosexuals deprived of the easier way out of sin (which it would be for some) and because once you go there, you can prevent a heterosexual from marrying by stamping him as homosexual

or would you disagree on some point?

No fashionable sin ...

  • like seducing a peasant's daughter among some knights of the Middle Ages (and then not marrying her)
  • like duelling in the Renaissance to well into the 19th C
  • like homosexuality today

Fr. Casey Reads Mean Tweets
Breaking In The Habit | 9 May 2023

Speaking of things you actually believe, have you are have you not stated that the Bible doesn't adress monogamous homosexual relations?

I think Fr. Jason Charron deserves somewhat more credibility than an anonymous tweeter ...

[See above]

Why Fr. Casey Cole is WRONG About the Bible and Homosexuality
The Counsel of Trent | 29 Jan. 2024

1:46 Well, actually, the Bible doesn't mention alcoholism.

It mentions drunkenness. That's an act. Alcoholism is a real or supposed medical condition. A somewhat objective measure of alcoholism is, you are alcoholic when after your tolerance has gone up it has plummeted, so you get soak drunk on the first glass.

If you have that condition, sure, don't drink alcohol.

Apart from that, "alcoholism" is just a red herring in deciding whether someone is a drunkard or not, especially like some Saudis would prefer to define alcoholism.

4:20 St. Thomas is very clear.

The sin of Sodom had three steps:

1) gluttony
2) pride and inhospitality
3) abomination. (Lev. 20:13)

Note, it does not say that everyone who committed the abomination was a homosexual. It is very probable that heterosexual men of Sodom (or predominantly such) committed it because it was a fashionable sin, a kind of rite of passage. I have a suspicion, Ishtar priests from Mesopotamia could have come to Sodom between Genesis 14, 19 years earlier, and the destruction. The male priests of Ishtar dressed up as women. As Sodom is destroyed, it may not be possible to get archaeological evidence for this, but it's not impossible.

Abraham foiled the military expansion of Mesopotamia, God punished the religious and depraved one, if this is true.

4:50 Speaking of Romans 1:

"and not only they that do them, but they also that consent to them that do them"

Does that mean I deserve death if I find a lesbian even in couple attractive, or does it mean I would deserve death if I had consented to ... well, being the passive partner?

6:18 You may have misconstrued what Casey Cole means.

As I see it, what the word homosexuality as such refers to is, as far as I know, mentioned one or two verses in the Bible. "Shameful affections", possibly "lust". Romans 1:26,27 actually mention the most voluntary and personal kind of motivation behind the act of sodomy and tribadic sex. He's simply right that the homosexual act is equally sinful whether entertained by a homosexual inclination or not (or the inclination can make it either better or worse depending on the case, as in prevenient and consequent passion).

However, the psychological use of the word "homosexual" would categorise someone as homosexual even if the desires or passions were very sublimated and well mastered, and in that case, not even Romans 1 directly adresses that. The word "homosexual" is coined 1886, in the German form "homosexuell" as "homosexuality" would in the same work be "Homosexualität" ... the intent of Krafft-Ebings work was not to serve as a manual for spiritual directors, but rather to help psychologists police diverse inclinations which, left to their full, could lead to things that in 1886 were illegal and punishable in Austria, and probably also to provide some kind of enforced treatment for people who had behaved criminally but [had] been handed over to psychiatrists instead of to what the law would normally have prescribed.

In other words, it is possible, and it is also not my case, it is however the case of one man I respect and another I respected more earlier, to describe oneself as "homosexual" and NOT mean sodomite, and even NOT mean burning with shameful passions.

I think he heavily overdoes it in glossing over that abomination is in fact worse than just adultery. God destroyed a city for the abomination, God made a child die before circumcision for an adultery. But while he overdoes it, he has a real point. The man I still respect is celibate and chaste. The man I used to respect more was married and had four daughters with his wife. Before he, being a psychologist, overanalysed his own relation to his own wife and decided he was inadequate and diverced and got ... well, decidedly sinful.

6:28 Looked up John Boswell.

He was most certainly wrong about the meaning of adelphopoiesis, and probably so is a Dominican in France, in good standing with your Church. He's obviously not practising that himself, but I hope he isn't too encouraging for wannabe "adelphoi" in the Boswell sense.

Hope he died in peace with God, RIP.

7:10 So, Boswell claimed going against one's nature by acts of sodomy was going against an individually heterosexual inclination.

He confuses what the French call nature (like being a human person) with what the French call naturel (like having a propensity for making friends with people less serious than oneself).

This idea of Boswell was prefuted by the condempnations of Bishop Tempier.

XX:1 (in Arundels reissue = 166 in Tempier's original). Quod peccatum contra naturam, utpote abusus in coitu, licet sit contra naturam speciei, non tamen est contra naturam indiuidui.

I think Tempier may have misunderstood someone he condemned, or someone may have introduced an abusive sense à la Boswell.

It is true that the good of procreation is primarily for the preservation of the species, the mankind, and not for the preservation of the individual, and this is the good of nature that these sins (including but not limited to sodomy) go against.

But what Tempier certainly intended to condempn was the idea that the sin would be sinful overall in mankind most of the time, but there could be individual exceptions, since the sin was not against their "natural" inclination.

Condempned it is. The form of Tempier's document is a Syllabus errorum, it was refined by Arundel who divided it into chapters (XX = Errores de uitiis et uirtutibus), and reused by Pope Pius IX and Pope St. Pius X.

And as to Boswell's position, I'll cite Groucho Marx: I'm against that.

11:02 I would consider that this was in fact not rape in the moral sense (it could be qualified as rape legally in order to exonerate victims from death penalty), I think some of them consented.

I am not sure there were any known pairings of adult male to adult male apart from Sparta. In a custom that was no longer there in St. Paul's day, presumably, since Sparta no longer had an army of its own.

The homosexual relations were often part of mentorship. Alcibiades wanted Socrates to attend to him that way, but Socrates was not seduced. (Conspiracy theory: Alcibiades cried his eyes out before a family member who decided to get Socrates out of the way).

In Rome, mentorships were supposed to be morally clean. In Athens, it's more like this was the ideal, turning it to sodomy was kind of shameful, but still pretty often done, so people doing it were not ostracised (in a city where ostracism was literally a legal procedure).

Now, the point Casey could be making is, it was not entirely optional for young men of a certain standing to have a mentor. This means, they could get one of the mentors who could ... well, "fall for" the beauty of the protégé. So, even if this was not a case of abuse of slavery, and when it was actually not always abuse of an age which in some US jurisdictions would be under age of consent, it was still an abuse of power.

In this connection. St. Paul has talked of the God known because, very presumably, inter alia at least, He turns the world around Earth each day, which unlike the complexity of DNA or irreduceable complexity of the flagellum of the bacterium was visible and known since Creation, and then some guys thought it fit to admire with adoration a man who had some problems killing a mere giant, and who, having two protégés, his nephew and Hylas, was considered as having abused at least the latter of them. I think even if Iolaus was never sexually abused, the relation was still not quite healthy. Well, if you worship Hercules, this extreme machism can turn you homosexual. And God allowed it.

In 1950, some priests took opportunity for one option Pius XII said one could discuss. They speculated on how God had been kind of mentoring Adam while getting him out of his ape origins. Some such priests also abused mentoring positions. Not least in at least one or two of the countries with episcopates on the winning side of Vatican II. Netherlands and France.

Now, with all that said for Casey, there is actually a parallel to Sodom, in the sense talked of in "abusus in coitu" in the 13th C. discussions where Bishop Tempier made a condemnation just cited. This proves that this context doesn't totally determine the meaning of St. Paul. Namely why God killed Onan. And no, contrary to what John Boswell might have argued, the thing Onan was killed for was his antiprocreative act, not the inclination of not wanting to raise a son for a dead brother.

15:11 Juvenal was writing decades after St. Paul.

Here it is a question whether:

  • Juvenal was telling the truth or making an overdone exaggeration
  • and whether what Juvenal depicts was already the case in the day of St. Paul or whether things had gone down since the pervert Nero martyred St. Paul.

15:17 The clearest evidence of lesbian sex among equals in the Roman Empire would come from Seneca the Elder (who was a tragedian, not the moral philosopher who was a Stoic) and from Apocalypse of St. Peter. In the latter case, it's about their punishment in Hell, and in the former of a husband killing a wife caught in lesbian adultery and calling it even more monstruous.

If you meant Alcman and Sappho, partly that was centuries earlier, partly Sappho deals with her passion for protégées (or mock passion for one, the poem is reprised in a heterosexual way by Catullus, and there his passion is genuine, he was never mentor, rather unsuccessful suitor to the one he pined for), and Alcman seems to be dealing with thirteen year old girls or sth. Which you presumably wouldn't classify as adult.

So, the actual evidence that Lesbian sex existed among Romans comes from Christians. One evidence for Christianity being true is, if no women had been lesbians, why would the Romans and especially women at all have joined a religion that insulted them by bringing this up?

Or perhaps Juvenal again ... I must admit, he was not my top priority when reading Latin. I was grossed out by Cena Trimalchionis. Petronius, unlike Juvenal, actually was on an exam.

16:52 Totally agree with the three of you.

1) Inclination not chosen is not mortally sinful, meaning "homosexual" is a bad translation
2) Grace and forgiveness are open.

Now, some want to make it a "scientific question" (and often on their view answered with no) whether a man with such attractions can manage to marry a woman and stay faithful (the psychologist I mentioned didn't), or whether a woman with such attractions can marry a man and stay faithful (one female pastor, I think, recently interviewed by Ru-Ru-Ru-Ruslan, did, so far). I'd say it is more like a question of the person's self estimate.

This being so, I'd probably also be adressed by St. Paul's words, if I married. "such some of you were" ... I note killers aren't mentioned, but railers are. People who want to a) stamp me as homosexual and b) therefrom conclude I couldn't or at least shouldn't marry, make me want to kill. They also make me rail, depending on the meaning St. Paul gave that word.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bp Williamson mentioned the Flood

Bishop Williamson on the End Times
Catholic Family Podcast | 26 Jan. 2025

think 22:32 again if the Waters of the of the water 22:36 flood rose 22:37 slowly giving people / souls time to get to try 22:41 to get to the top of the hill it was a 22:43 mercy of God because during that climb 22:47 and then during that 22:49 fight on the perimeter around the hill 22:52 as the souls all struggled got crowded 22:54 tighter and tighter together they 22:56 will all of them have known that were 22:58 about to die there was a grave danger of 23:00 their dying the waters never stopped 23:01 Rising they will many of them have they 23:04 will all of them had have had the time 23:07 to 23:08 repent and a number of them perhaps not 23:10 the majority but a number of them thanks 23:13 to this terrible punishment of God will 23:15 have saved their souls that would never 23:17 have saved their souls if the corruption 23:19 had just gone on and on and 23:22 on

And some of them would have had time to forgive their enemies, because what blocked them from heaven was thinking continually on the evil that was being done for them, but one day, they could say ... "we are drowning ... tomorrow those guys can't do that to me any more!"

When Genesis 6 says :

And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times
[Genesis 6:5]

I'm pretty sure that some thoughts were bent on evil being done to them, not just evil they could do.

[His latest sermon was removed from youtube:]

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, 19th January 2025.
19 janvier 2025 | Truth Unchained

[He is arguably wrong about Russia and Ukraine, but he admitted he could be wrong. I'm not sure what exactly he meant by the Blessed Virgin saying She is nothing, but it is certain She is no sin, and no obstacle to God.]

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

St. Agnes, Pray for Them!

St. Cecily, St. Barbara, St. Lucy, St. Agatha, pray for them!

What Happened to the Saudi King’s Four Imprisoned Daughters?
WOW | 29 Nov. 2024

This is what Rome was like, before Christianity won./HGL

Our Lady of Arabia, pray for them!

Monday, January 20, 2025

"Withdraw obedience"

The Debate That EXPOSED Martin Luther as a HERETIC (The Leipzig Debate)
The Michael Lofton Show | 21.I.2025

... the Duke interrupts 2:25 and he says look why does it even matter 2:27 it doesn't matter if the papacy is by 2:30 divine right or a human institution he's 2:32 the pope and we got to obey him no 2:34 matter what! So Luther interjected and 2:36 said he agrees with the Duke and he says 2:38 look either way the pope is the head of 2:41 the church so yeah we shouldn't disobey 2:43 him. Now Eck immediately saw through this 2:45 and he called Luther out he said this is 2:47 deceptive because he knew you can 2:50 withdraw obedience if the papacy is 2:52 merely a human institution

One can also withdraw obedience from someone who seems to expose himself as not a real carrier of the office, since heretical.

When Pope John XXII came down on the side of Soul Sleep and perhaps Eternal fates finally decided only at Doomsday (which some Orthos would agree to), one saint threatened to withdraw obedience.

The final outcome was that Pope John XXII made amends on his deathbed.

7:16 Trent (session IV) agreed with Luther's point there.

sententiam quam tenuit atque tenet ecclesia ...

7:44 Please note, in 1519, Constance was 101 years back in time, and it hadn't been contested by anyone except the ones it condemned.

"Vatican II" condemned no one and is contested by lots in a way shorter time.

What Luther couldn't do at all is what Sedevacantists and Orthopapists (Conclavist as well as Palmarian) are doing with V-II.

17:38 It so happens, Exsurge Domine didn't excommunicate Luther. It threatened him with excommunication unless he recanted.

It was Decet Romanum Pontificem that excommunicated Luther.

18:04 Actually, it's their differences and loseness that go back to the Leipzig debate.

But the tenets go back to denying Holy Mass. Lutherans deny it's a sacrifice, but affirms the real presence. Zwingliites denies Jesus is even there at all in any other than a symbolic sense, many fall in between about the Presence, but all deny it's a sacrifice.

18:27 One can win a debate with an argument that is on some issue erroneous.

Eck was not quite fair to Luther, who was actually agreeing the Bible was an authority (except the books he couldn't stand) ... even over himself. You can share the analyses of Eck, but that is not what Exsurge Domine threatened or Decet Romanum Pontificem excommunicated him for. Pope Leo X was more concerned with content than procedure.

Has Hamas exposed the Zionist régime between October 7 2023 and now? Well, even if they have, that doesn't justify what they did that day.

When it comes to handling debates, I think Tyndale was enjoying a better sparring partner than Luther. Latomus was materially erroneous about what Romans 3 meant, if we take the verdict of Trent to be exclusive, but he was materially and formally right about the faith, since Ephesians 2:8 through 10 says the same thing.

Eck's argument has been turned against converts by Lutherans and Anglicans "you think you are smarter than the Church God providentially placed you in?"

Barron Not Quite Off, But Pretty Much

Bishop Barron on God, Tsunamis, and the Problem of Evil
Bishop Robert Barron | 21 March 2011

3:15 There is a problem here.

A bit like how some Protestants pretend Jesus "dealt with Narcissists" (the collective of the Pharisees) and so the audience should spot and "deal with Narcissists" (one or a couple each) ...

Another person, like Toviah Singer may pretend Jesus contradicted Himself, because He forbids to say "thou fool" and still says "ye fools" in Luke 11 (actually in the presence of one single Pharisee, and still avoiding to single him out).

And now you claim, when Jesus say (John 9) that his parents like himself were innocent, or when God manifests to rebuke those who said Job had for instance earned God's wrath, this somehow disproves that collective calamities come as retributions (of which there are quite a number, and as Job was an Edomite probably, the memory of Sodom, materially relevant for the procreation of the northern neighbours Moab and Ammon would have been recalled).

Could we say, simply, God deals with collectives in other ways than with individuals?

4:18 God cannot will the moral evil of wickedness.

He certainly can will the physical evil of punishment.

4:30 As God is inherent Being and creation lives off borrowed being, God is in a perfect position to cause non-being by simply refusing to uphold in a given context being.

God doesn't give being as an emanation of Himself that He cannot control, He gives it as a gift, and sometimes gifts cease, as we read in St. Paul prophecy will cease. After Doomsday, there won't be any Doomsday prophets any more, meaning in that function.

4:55 God may not be the direct physical cause, He may leave that to demons (so, God may not have caused one single death since Adam fell, except His own on Calvary and His Mother's dormition), but He can certainly will it (for instance ordain that demons shall have waters from the deep and rain as tools to kill men except a set of 8 in a certain vessel).

And note, while God may have directly caused no death, He has certainly decreed each death, even of sparrows.

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father But the very hairs of your head are all numbered Fear not therefore: better are you than many sparrows
[Matthew 10:29-31]

5:16 Indeed. But one of the greater goods that do come about through evils is, wicked communities getting punished.

5:33 Indeed the great good of freewill is a very ultimate explanation, but when Lenin came, after the restrainer, the Roman Emperors Czar Nicholas and Kaiser Karl were taken out of the way, Lenin's arrival, like that of his two followers Hitler and Stalin (yes, Hitler was a Leninist in Munich in 1919), like that of the upcoming Antichrist, that was already a next level, namely a punishment for societies of people abusing their freewill, run by people abusing it and these followed in many cases by people abusing it.

6:10 Given Polkinghorne was an Anglican, it would have been more correct to say "clergyman" ...

7:42 Mutations give rise to Evolution?

Definitely remains to be proven. That they give rise to cancer is however spot on. And in the years after the Flood, God used one and same process (higher than previous and higher than now cosmic radiation) to:

  • contribute to the Ice Age (ionising particles chill the weather)
  • raise carbon 14 (1.628 pmC at the Flood, 43 sth pmC when Noah dies just after the Younger Dryas (or maybe he dies just before it)
  • to make human lifespans shorter (they'll reach 120 by the time of Moses).

Free processes? A line of causation reaching back in time to Creation, rather than reaching up right now to God? Sounds like a pretty blatant denial of Prima Via. Sounds, frankly, like Deism.

9:48 Ultimate providence of the universe ...

... and of each event.

While natural events usually have regularity and while human events have freewill, coordination of all of this, is from God.

[Purpose in the Lisbon Earthquake: Pombal is allowed to be perceived as a goody, competent and all, he later — 24th Jan. 1777 — became the "Nero of Trafaria"]


How the Rosary Defeated the Cathar Heresy (Podcast)
Heroic Lives | 17 Jan. 2025

NOT Tolkien

when a character is written to criticize another
Johnny the Blue | 20 Jan. 2025

There is a certain line in movie Aragorn that Tolkien, as a Catholic, would never have approved of.

"The same blood flows in my veins. The same weakness..."

Apart from making Aragorn so much the opposite of Tolkien who was NOT plagued with self doubt or willing to burden a wife or wife to be with it, it also involves a philosophy of biological determinism which was all that Chesterton hated about Norse Paganism ... as it was being revived in the 1920's and 30's in places.

Sharing David Wood Citing the Quran

Muslims Tried to Debunk David Wood · Sharing David Wood Citing the Quran

I'm an Islam Critic, But These Quran Verses Are Awesome!
Apologetics Roadshow | 19 Sept. 2024

[In his intro he was proving he was not a Muslim, by drinking Budweiser Lite]

I don't think you are a Catholic either. A Catholic would have preferred Pilsner Urquell over any Budweiser, and obviously over Budweiser Lite.

Sharing on St. Bridget of Kildare

While my mother was named for another Bridget (of Vadstena or, to non-Scandinavians, of Sweden).

This still needs to be heard:

Brigid: Goddess or Saint? | Treasure Ireland
Irish Dominicans | 27 Dec. 2022

Too Much Respect for the Father?

Tolkien’s Heroes Are NOT Perfect—Let’s Look at Their Character Flaws
Tolkien Lore | 20 Jan. 2025

[Tolkien Geek had discussed Faramirs obedience when being sent to Osgiliath, and said " this kind 18:18 of semi idolization of Denethor [the father] by Faramir [the second and surviving son] you know again it's not to the 18:25 point of being like Oh my dad is perfect and nothing he does is wrong but it does lead him to take actions 18:33 that objectively are just they don't really make sense"]

Probably, Tolkien's biggest failure in character building is Sauron.

I think I have seen people somewhat more apt at evil than Sauron gets to be ... and he should have been at the polar end of, I won't say "absolute evil" but "utmost evil" (i e the most evil that can actually have a kind of existence within a good creation).

18:39 Would you agree that it is a real wrong in some religious traditions to overdo the respect for the father to the point of requiring semi-idolatry?

I would identify traditionally minded Jews, Muslims, Puritan Protestants, Freemasons as falling into this category, and that's the religions that to me are the religious side of "the leopard beast" in Daniel, which will be giving its general shape (i e general moral mood) to the final Beast from the Sea.

I have for instance:
  • become Catholic
  • become Fascist (perhaps not quite what some expect, a shade more than Tolkien though)
  • become an exile from Sweden
and all of above outside contact with my father and without his explicit approval.

I would say that if these decisions are stamped as mad because of the "sin of disobedience to the father" they could be interpreted as involving, that would be pushing the veneration for the father to semi-idolatry, and in the case of the Catholic conversion, to idolatry.

Other discussions:


gandalf66536 olorin
Mellon Geek: I do not think Tolkien would balk at calling Gandalf an angel. Tolkien admitted in a letter than Gandalf was a guardian angel. Obviously, within the plot, this does not eliminate character idiosyncrasies that we can consider foibles. Yes, Tolkien truly knew how to make realistic characters in the legendarium. Your treatment of this topic is masterful as always. Namarie.

[I liked]


Mark Bertenshaw
I wouldn't say that Gandalf's main moral flaw is being a little grumpy! I would say that there is a dark side to Gandalf's ability to inspire the hearts of the Free Peoples. Essentially he is massively machiavellian in service of the fight against Sauron. He manipulates Frodo into an extremely dangerous quest for which he is totally unprepared. And he did the same to his uncle, to a slightly lesser degree. In fact, The Hobbit says that many hobbits have been taken away by him, never to be seen again. And I bet they didn't get a share in a troll hoard and a nice condo in Rivendell for their troubles! From this point of view, it looks as if Gandalf uses the peaceful shire as his personal recruiting ground. He may be sentimental about hobbits, but it doesn't stop him from often sending them to their deaths!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"The Hobbit says that many hobbits have been taken away by him, never to be seen again."

mind giving a reference? which chapter and where in the chapter?

Did you note the comment by "Gandalf Olorin" saying "Tolkien admitted in a letter than Gandalf was a guardian angel."

Guardian angels always take the men they are guardian angels of to their death, because that's where their mission ends.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Rejecting V-II and Some Aftermath is Not Protestantism

JD Catholic Engage | 16 Jan. 2025

Was "Vatican II" really gathered "cum Petro et sub Petro"?

According to Pope(s] Michael I and Michael II, no.

I have a deep problem with their pastoral. But when I express my impatience, I don't hear "you have crossed a line and are no longer part of the Church" ...

I do find that their view and them being the real last and present Pope solves a theological problem, which keeps growing and growing.

As long as you are in Communion with the Archdiocese of Paris, and that one treats the 1992 speech, CCC §283, 1994 Interpretation of the Bible in the Church as authentic expressions of the Magisterium requiring at least respect, you are basically participating in theological piracy. It's on issues like that one that I have sometimes in the past nicknamed Robert Barron the "Robber Baron of Theology" ... he pretty obviously is pretending to uphold a not obviously at all literal view of the historicity of Genesis 1 through 11, and as a science geek, I don't find the rational objections convincing, and as doing a good deal of history in and beside and after my University studies, I know too well that this is also not the position that the Church historically has.

Now, when it comes to submitting exegesis to the Church, the scope of Trent Session IV obviously includes the merely authentic magisterium. If Pope Michael II tells me, even in private, I am forbidden to explain the terms "bricks, bitumen, mortar" as meaning other materials, basically chalk of different types, than the usual meanings of the Hebrew words in Genesis 11:3, but compatible with the Hebrew etymologies, well, I'll at least need to shut up promoting the idea (hope it doesn't happen, though).

However, if Trent Session IV doesn't pose a limit as if the duty applied only to infallible dogma, it certainly poses another limit on obedience, it is to a sentence quam tenuit atque tenet Ecclesia, which the Church hath held and holdeth. That of Wojtyla, Ratzinger, Bergoglio on Genesis 1 to 11 is certainly NOT what the Church hath held prior to 1990. Popes Michael I and II don't require that contradiction in terms.

I did send Mel Gibson a little hint he should submit to the real Pope.

Fallacy of singular causality ... now, what was the prima via again?

According to Riccioli (who rejected it and preferred the ontological argument), it was the argument from Geocentrism. God is moving the universe around earth, or the visible parts of the universe, below His own throne room, each day. Nothing else could. Hence, the sequence of day and night, extending down to Monsoon winds and Oceanic Currents, and up to the Sphere of the Fix Stars, if not in exact same speed everywhere, shows a single mover, and points to a single God.

Suppose you reject the Geocentric part of Prima Via. Then there is no single movement, and why would the diverse movements not point to diverse first movers? Wouldn't the attempt to find one first mover be the "Fallacy of Single causality" if it is one (I'd like to check Aristotle's Organon, but yes, it kind of is ...)?

So, Romans 1, Prima Via, Geocentrism ... there is so much that your Conciliar Church is rejecting in upholding the acceptance of settled science.

I know a bit about the flourishing Church in Africa.

1) I have heard from someone who was in the archdiocese of Dakar in the time of Thiandoum, disciple of Mgr Lefebvre, that they make a point of Muslims and Catholics are one family. Even if they don't worship the same God?

2) I have been opposed as a Young Earth Creationist by and African, I actually thought priest at the time, who told me Young Earth Creationism was Racist, because it means we take the curse in Genesis 9 literally ... yes, but neither I nor any other YEC that I know of takes it as literally meaning that all Black men are cursed. I basically take it, Canaan was cursed for being a dishonest sommelier, making a prank on his grandpa making him drink too much of a thing he had himself tested but the grandpa hadn't, so the curse of Canaan was the same as that of Habacuc 2:15. His punishment was to remain a sommelier for life. And his descendants are Lebanese, not Black.

So, to the Church in Africa, it's perfectly OK to stamp someone as a racist or as misled by racists, because he believes what the Church has always believed. No, I don't think the Church in Africa is doing all that well, from my standpoint in Paris. It's perhaps not even Catholic, at this point.

Questioning Manning

The Restrainer Of The Antichrist | Cardinal Manning
Return To Tradition | 19 Jan. 2025

Who, before Manning, made this theory?

Because, the Haydock comment does not mention it.

While the comment should be on verse 6 and there is no separate comment on that, the comments on verses 3 and 4 do give a real comment on the question:

Ver. 3-4. First, &c.[2] What is meant by this falling away, (in the Greek this apostacy) is uncertain, and differently expounded. S. Jerom and others understand it of a falling off of other kingdoms, which before were subject to the Roman empire; as if S. Paul said to them: you need not fear that the day of judgment is at hand, for it will not come till other kingdoms, by a general revolt, shall have fallen off, so that the Roman empire be destroyed. The same interpreters expound the sixth and seventh verses in like manner, as if when it is said, now you know[3] what withholdeth, &c. That is, you see the Roman empire subsisteth yet, which must be first destroyed. And when it is added, only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way; the sense, say these authors, is, let Nero and his successors hold that empire till it be destroyed, for not till then will the day of judgment come. A. Lapide makes this exposition so certain, that he calls it a tradition of the fathers, which to him seems apostolical. But we must not take the opinion of some fathers, in the exposition of obscure prophecies, where they advance conjectures (which others at the same time reject, or doubt of) to be apostolical traditions, and articles of faith, as the learned bishop of Meaux, Bossuet, takes notice on this very subject, in his preface and treatise on the Apocalypse, against Jurieux. S. Jerom indeed, and others, thought that the Roman empire was to subsist till the antichrist's coming, which by the event most interpreters conclude to be a mistake, and that it cannot be said the Roman empire continues to this time. See Lyranus on this place, S. Tho. Aquin. Salmeron, Estius, and many others; though A. Lapide, with some few, pretend the Roman empire still subsists in the emperors of Germany.

Which was soon to become the emperors of Austria, then Austria-Hungary. When Haydock published, it was after 1806, but I suppose he wrote before that.

I would say the Roman Empire still subsisted till 1918. When Nicolas II and Charles of Austria were out of the way, you find Lenin, then his emissaries in Munich and Hungary (Lewien with Hitler, Bela Kun), and further SE, a massacre on Armenians starting soon after Charles' father and Nicolas II had started to take each other out of the way.

I would say, the function of the Restrainer is kind of akin to the function of Homeland Security. In other words, it uses violence and is sometimes unfair.

I would say, when Habsburg Emperors were acting against Jews in the 1400's and the 1600's, on suspicion of their fomenting Hussites, and on condemnation of sacrilege, the death penalties in the 1600's were not unjust, but severe in not taking into account the blindness of the Jews, the acts in the 1400's were actually unjust, the Jews don't seem to have had that interest in Austria.

That's the kind of thing that a secular authority sometimes does (the expulsion from Spain, though understandable, was also more than unusually afflicting to the exiles), and not at their most creditable.

It would be a mistake for the Papacy to take up that role, I don't think the Papacy can, since Christ's vicar doesn't become, as such, the vicar of Pilate. I'm not saying Popes weren't exercising it locally as secular rulers within the Empire up to 1870, but that's not the inherent function of the Papacy and also not a function the Vatican State as founded in 1929, when Pius XI signed it was NOT a continuation of the Papal states, can assume.

I'm very sure Manning wrote this before 1870, since he mentions Italy and Sicily (Kingdom of Two Sicilies) as two separate entities. I think his first reaction in that fateful day of 1870 (he may have been at the Vatican Council) was sth like "the katekhon is taken out of the way" ...

In other words, his view doesn't apply directly to post-1870 or post-1929 Popes, even if you accept "Francis" as being or "Benedict" as having been the Pope.

In a way, this view, taken this way, is also correct. WW-I and the end of the Kaiser of Austria and of the Czar of all Russia might not have come if there had been no Risorgimento and no setting aside of the Papacy in the secular sphere.

[tried to add]

There is a difference however between the Restrainer as Public Office with a Secret Agency of armed force, and the Restrainer as a principle of obedience.

Me on Emma Thorne on Kent Hovind on Emma Thorne ... First her Bible Contradiction, Then some Minor Quibbles, Answered

Kent Hovind's Funniest Mistake
Emma Thorne | 18 janv. 2025

I was out of luck in finding my earlier work involving Quirinius, which also simply references someone else.*

But I found a gold nugget.**

Lapis Tiburtinus was found in the 18th C. Papal archaeologists and all that.

It has no actual name, but features someone who was governor twice and who was so in Syria and who was successful in war ... which is a neat fit for other things we know about Quirinius.

This means, 6 AD was not necessarily the first time he held function in that region.

So, Josephus is decades after the events, and decades after St. Luke wrote mentioning a census that Quirinius certainly held in 6AD, which Luke mentions indirectly in Acts, in the comments of Gamaliel. This was NOT the same census.

The one in 6 AD would have been the first important Roman one in Judaea, which sparked a revolt which was brutally crushed. But that doesn't mean there was none in Galilee earlier on. I've suggested*** that St. Joseph by going to Bethlehem, apparently in a routine errand according to the terms of the order, made an act of tax evasion from the already Roman Province Galilee into Judaea which was just a protectorate as yet.

[tried to add]

How about the idea that Josephus was simply wrong in assuming Quirinius arrived in Syria only when Archelaos was banished?

16:49 Sorry, it's not the least unprofessional of him to pose the question, it helps to:

  • give the impression that he's consulting with others
  • give the viewers a chance to get the information
  • rest his voice while the other guy gives the information on the number.

28:03 Matthew 1:18 "Now the generation of Christ was in this wise."

Do you think that all the rest of the Gospel of Matthew is about the generation or birth of Christ?

I think the passage about His birth ends in the last verse, "she brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

If you had fact checked, you might know that it is a debate, but a somewhat not too uncommon opinion that by the time when Jesus was visited by the Magi he was already two years old, I've seen the opposite opinion too.

28:39 Has it occurred to you that 1) he's answering your objection, as you stated it? 2) it's pretty prejudiced, not to say paranoid to call everything he ever says a conspiracy theory just because he's the one saying it, and no, an apologetic answer and a conspiracy theory, though they may coincide, are not the same concept.

33:14 "about two years earlier"

I'm not going to quote you as expert on that one.° 1887 he published a diary excerpt called Choses Vues, and an entry from 1845 contains:

Vous avez des ennemis? Mais c’est l’histoire de tout homme qui a fait une action grande ou créé une idée neuve. C’est la nuée qui bruit autour de tout ce qui brille. Il faut que la renommée ait des ennemis comme il faut que la lumière ait des moucherons. Ne vous en inquiétez pas; dédaignez! Ayez la sérénité dans votre esprit comme vous avez la limpidité dans votre vie. Ne donnez pas à vos ennemis cette joie de penser qu’ils vous affligent et qu’ils vous troublent. Soyez content, soyez joyeux soyez dédaigneux soyez fort.

Il hocha la tête tristement:— Cela vous est facile à dire à vous, Victor Hugo! Moi je suis faible. Oh! je me connais bien. Je sais mes limites.

That's so not two years before anything Churchill did (including get born, but for the publishing, however not including some random thing he did in 1889 when he was 15 years old).

34:34 It actually was pretty entertaining of you to make this much an exposure of cancel culture in action.°°

* Than myself, than my own research ... not than Quirinius.

** Also someone else I'm referencing:

LUKE 2:1-2: Was the Gospel Author Luke in Error When Referring to Quirinius the Governor of Syria?

*** Here, however, is a reference to my own what if moment:

somewhere else: Nativity Narrative Revisited

° Real story of Hugo Quote:

You Have Enemies? Why, It Is the Story of Every Man Who Has Done a Great Deed or Created a New Idea
Posted byquoteresearch September 11, 2018

English translation: Things seen (Choses vues)

°° He actually is not the best shot YEC has to offer right now. When I used him as a reference, back in 2001~2002 when he had DrDino, he made more sense on Carbon dating than some things he's doing now. If you want to take a look, Genesis Baptist Church is his channel, but the info on how to be saved is somewhat erroneous.

Anyone Hear of Joseph Smith and of Brigham Young? Sharing

I don't all that often share her, or hear her as long as near twenty minutes in, but this time, she had some things to say about Mormon history.

I think two other groups may have a thing or two to learn from the comparison:

Why Mormons Hate This Viral Show (ExMormon Reacts)
Alyssa Grenfell | 17 Jan. 2025