Sunday, December 31, 2023

Two Years Ago, I Saw a Video About Deconstruction, First Half of It.

How My Christian Faith Fell Apart | A Case Study of DECONSTRUCTION
Sara Martin | 26 Aug 2020

7:22 What if God wanted you to see firsthand, psychiatry is a dreadful place?

Getting and quickly quitting it would be better than not getting that job, if so, right?

Reuter Atwork
Why? If "god" wanted to have her go into another field, why not just direct her to that field in the first place? See, this is what happens to your brain on theism — everything, no matter what, can be explained away — a brutal dictator dies at 45 from a heart attack? Oh, that was god's judgement, taking him out of this world — another brutal dictator clings to power, abusing his people & living lavishly, well into his 80s? Oh, well that was god, trying to teach the people of that nation about standing up for themselves & fighting against oppression — no matter what happens, you can count on theists to put a spin on it that keeps their deity in control of the situation — there's a reason it's called "magical thinking"...

Hans Georg Lundahl
I did not notice your question, @reuteratwork8983 .

The question is not just about working in another field, but about knowing there is sth wrong with psychiatry.

There may be a day when she needs to know that.

12:50 First, I think someone recommended the video to me in the hope of seeing me follow your road, once you give the intellectual tools for it.

I think that someone was not you.

What I am saying is more an answer to them than to you, but you may read too, of course.

Why won't the confrontation with different types of Christianity be that kind of eye-opener for me?

Because I already knew that since pre-teens, more or less. I became Christian (apart from momentary statements of belief at certain events in my smaller childhood, prior to six) at 9 minus some months. In a group called "The Walk" but far more with my mother who used them to finally get me an intro to Christianity. They are perhaps a bit more Fundie than Evangelical, but they are Baptist. But since ma and me lived in Austria, I came to see Catholicism, we went both to Mass and to Salvation Army, as my ma had been into that too, and she was very impressed by Messianic Jews too. In Sweden I thought Lutherans had a calmer approach to services than Evanglicals, so, when time came to get baptised and start living a Christian life outside family, at 15 (I was at a boarding school), I became a Lutheran.

I was not prepared for liberal Lutheranism. This is one big reason why I became Catholic. Note, 1988 in Sweden there were corners of the Catholic Church really not liberal, and when I see parts of Catholicism in France being too liberal, that really puts me off.

So, you said Evangelical + Catholic + Lutheran ... I already had seen that spectrum before becoming Catholic and then as Catholic taking my distance from Liberals pretty quickly.

14:10 If you were dating as long as two years without getting married, I think that is in itself unhealthy (see comment under 12:50 so you don't take this too personally at you).

But negative, like "no sex before marriage", I think negative really is needed. Then this rule becomes more painful if a dating is protracted over two years, of course ...

15:08 In case you think (see comment under 12:50 again) that I will feel any kind of connection to "deconstruction" - namely of Christianity - think again.

I did my deconstruction, very peacefully, in accord with my Christian faith and values — but it was a deconstruction of liberalism and of modernity. OK, some external events were chaotic, but I got back my peace of mind. However many may deny this after seeing me get angry when my luggage has been ransacked once again, as I am homeless.*

A deconstruction which is probably getting lots less support groups than yours is.

If I did start out on your type, I would probably get off the street, soon, because of all the support I'd get.

I think so far** she hasn't mentioned Steve Austin yet, but in a later video, she had lost him, and honoured him with this composition:

How My Christian Faith Fell Apart | A Case Study of DECONSTRUCTION
Sara Martin | 26 Aug 2020

* This comment is two years old. As mentioned in the title, the first half of the video, I saw in past years.
** Resuming the video after a two year long pause.

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