Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Blue Eyes, After Babel

The Blue-Eyed Ancestry Mystery: Do They Share a Single Ancestor?
Amazing Science Facts | 20 Oct. 2023

10 000 — 6000 years ago.

8000 — 4000 BC. In carbon dates.

This means the blue-eyed ancestor lived some time between 2500 BC and 2007 BC.

I'm quoting my New Tables* post, and calculating:

2511 B. Chr.
50.7242 pmC, so dated as 8111 B. Chr.
2489 B. Chr.
51.9918 pmC, so dated as 7889 B. Chr.

(2511+2489)/2 = 2500 BC
(50.7242+51.9918)/2 = 51.358 pmC => 5500 extra years

2500 BC + 5500 extra years (51.358 pmC) = 8000 BC in carbon dates

2019 B. Chr.
77.8962 pmC, so dated as 4069 B. Chr.
1996 B. Chr.
79.0927 pmC, so dated as 3946 B. Chr.

(2019+1996)/2 = 2007.5 BC
(77.8962+79.0927)/2 = 78.49445 pmC => 2000 extra years

2007.5 BC + 2000 extra years (78.49445 pmC) = 4007.5 BC in carbon dates

2500 BC (real dates) was just 56 years after Peleg was born, and international connexions all over the world, which had been enhanced and abused by Nimrod's Babel project were still there, and some had arguably started to learn foreign languages, even if by then the project was off.

So, on this view, there could be one common ancestor, just after Babel.

* Creation vs. Evolution : New Tables

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