Saturday, February 5, 2022

Happily Not in Communion with "Pope Francis"

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Happily Not in Communion with "Pope Francis" · New blog on the kid: Slave Hunt is an Evil Thing

'God rejects you': man interrupts Pope's audience
2 févr. 2022 | euronews

My comment:

1:17 Psychiatry is slave hunting.

The pseudo-pope is basically inviting psychiatry to take care of that man, and that means slave hunters.

Therefore, he is a liar and worthy of death penalty like slave hunters, such as those stoned under the rule of Exodus 21:16 or those hung by the French in the masts of their own pirate ships, in 1830 when they took Algiers.

The man tried valiantly to witness in a dangerous place. I think it's very preferrable to get out of there, as long as the Vatican II Sect and men like Ratzinger and Bergoglio are seated there.

Indeed, the man is by slave hunting "buying and selling souls" - or as Douay Rheims has it:

and slaves, and souls of men. Apocalypse 18:13

I don't know where beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots fit in, but this kind of evil is definitely one likeness to a certain harlot.

The description, for those who did not hear what he said:

A shouting man denouncing the Church disrupts an audience by Pope Francis at the Vatican, before being escorted outside by police.

"The Church is not the way God wants it," the man repeats in English. While being led out of the hall by two Vatican police officers and a Swiss Guard without resisting, the man yells, "God rejects you, Father. You're not a king".

The Pope offered to pray for the man, saying "we must not be deaf to this brother's needs".

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