Saturday, January 18, 2025

Footnotes on a Video About Cousin Marriage and Islamophobia

Is Banning Cousin Marriage Islamophobic?
Catholic Unscripted | 18.I.2025

2:01 I think that, like in Sweden, first cousin marriage was:

  • illegal in the Middle Ages
  • legalised in the 19th C. in deference to OT marriage laws.

8:17 The reason the Popes could give the dispensations is, those marriages would have been automatically legal in the OT.

13:07 "we're not Fundamentalists"
"can be backed up by reason"

Sounds like the priest (if validly ordained, where I have better hopes for Gavin) thinks the definition of "Fundamentalism" is "it cannot be backed up by reason" .... which is very flawed.

19:19 Fideistic is arguably also an abused word.

Properly it is a very different thing from Fundamentalism. Fideism actually does say that if you have reasons for your faith, it's not meritorious, and not salvific. It's a position of certain Calvinists.

These Calvinists can be very Kantian and very Liberal in Theology.

And most Fundamentalism (among Christians) is simply not Fideistic. CMI is from time to time stating why they can do Apologetics and those articles are directed against Fideism.

Speaking of Apologetics, a certain Sulpician (Father Emery) asked a Calvinist (Deluc) for permission to translate an Apologetics work about the Flood of Noah, considering this Apologetics, against Voltaire transscended the confessional divide. Hat tip to Dr. Dominique Tassot for this.

27:59 You are aware that Germans were so "integrated" that they often enough spoke German as first language many generations in, up to WW-I? Or, US involvement in WW-I.

29:07 Some guys here in France pretend I refuse to eat their food if I say no thanks to a second or even third chocolatine ....

Or that I refuse to speak their language because I have English on my blogs.

Some guys take the requirement of integration as an excuse for harrassment ....

29:21 Per esempio, mi piacerebbe molto parlare italiano, mai ...

When I watched Assisi Underground, mini-series in RAI, I partly relied on subtitles, plus, I understood it about as well as I understood Star Wars at age 9, just a few months of getting started with English. I e, not very well. When a Spaniard speaks rapidly, even worse ... though my written Spanish is probably better than my written Italian (I have to use google translate to verify phrases on both).

31:20 Catholic schools certainly will lose their identity (some of them) when:

  • homeschooling is illegal
  • the school that the public pays for is often bad
  • so, children and teens are taken in by charity.

I think that place in Salon de Provence or sth where a Arabic looking boy was harrassing a French looking girl, the school outside which this happened was a Catholic one.

You can obviously get rid of Muslims who don't fit in if they can go to either Muslim schools or their parents have a right to homeschool them.

Sth similar applies to countries. If you are some kind of refugee, I count myself as such, the choice of the new country was not totally one of pure simple preference, and there may be things in the country I go to that I don't like.

34:03 Correction, cross cousin marriages or parallel cousin marriages are common among Tamils and among Tamil Brahmins. A Hindu forum stated:

Krishna, Arjuna' Abhimanyu, etc..all have cross cousin marriages

37:48 Yes, exactly. National values in a given place in Europe can be very Marxist.

Like being for Hobbes or Locke against Aquinas. In some places they would prefer Kant over Aquinas.

42:12 Bibles were illegal in Kabul, before the West withdrew.

I sensed that the strong Muslim contingent of the French force could have sth to do with it.

I'd have been proud of Western involvement there if they had actually imposed, not democracy, but legalisation of Christianity.

In Saudi Arabia, a simple bottle of booze, or for that matter, chocolates filled with liquor (Blommer i Madeira is a fav example from Denmark) are illegal, with Western foreigners, they may look through the fingers, but with citizens or third world work force, I think chances are sth like flogging, in public. Awful place. I don't think their King is the Antichrist, a k a King of the North. I do think their King is King of the South. Less bad, but not really good either.

43:30 "killed by the English" ... subjects, not nationals.

Cauchon doesn't strike me as a very English name. But yes, she was killed under an Act of the English parliament, De Comburendo Heretico or De Hereticis Comburendis (I think I've seen both titles), from 1401, directed against Lollards.

She did say, about English actual nationals "I don't know if God loves or hates them in their place, but God wants them out of here" ...

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