Wednesday, November 13, 2024

And Some Would Like to Intimidate Me About Seeking Justice in Court ...

Formerly Catholic Country Forces Monks To Accept A LadyMonk In Monastery*
Return To Tradition | 13 Nov. 2024

If after St. Nicolas du Chardonnet and Novus Ordo parishes have done what they could to isolate me as a writer, to get me mocked as a mental case, ranging from "scrupulosity" to "schizophrenia", I get a chance of suing them, I will NOT consider I'm on the wrong side.

THEY are on the wrong side for listening to shrinks and to carnal prudence about what associations are good and bad carreere moves for their young people.

THEY are on the wrong side for pretending to listen to my person, but systematically failing to listen to my project or to the truth I serve.

There were Church Fathers who did say Earth was not created in six literal days, every single one of them still accepted the chronologies of Genesis 5 and 11 as literally correct timelines between Adam and Abraham, between the very first man and a pharao of Egypt that Abraham met. This should be a no-brainer. But some would pretend there is science against this. Well, as it happens, I offer solution to more than one of the scientific difficulties for young earth, among others (my flagship so to speak) a young earth creationist calibration for C14 (from Flood to Fall of Troy).

These parishes want noone to even look up my solutions, and noone to get past their equivocation like "look, St. Augustine wasn't a six-days creationist" or even lies like "St. Augustine wasn't a young earth creationist" ... they have opted for exposing me to a kind of low key but still tangible at least approximation of psychiatric slavery, and I think that is not too much better than someone who was abused years ago in the McCarrick fashion.


* According to the actual news, this title is clickbait.

Pontificia, Real y Venerable Esclavitud del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna is not a monastery, but "es una hermandad religiosa encargada de la imagen del Santísimo Cristo de La Laguna, que es la advocación de Cristo más venerada de Canarias,1 y una de las imágenes más antiguas del archipiélago."

And what is a "hermandad religiosa" or also known as a Cofradía? I switch to English and see : "A confraternity (Spanish: cofradía; Portuguese: confraria) is generally a Christian voluntary association of laypeople created for the purpose of promoting special works of Christian charity or piety, and approved by the Church hierarchy."

Of what? Of laypeople.

Next day:

Did you still not correct the fake news you made?

The confraternity is a confraternity, not a monastery. Now, the venerated image is situated in the Church of a convent.

Normally, given the veneration for the image, the Church where it is would not be in the "clausura" itself.

But the application was for membership in a lay confraternity that visits the image to venerate it. Given the 2021 verdict, it is basically certain that the image and the Church are outside the parts reserved to the conventual brothers.

Given that a lay fraternity is not living like monastics, the parallel would be if a lady were to apply to Knights of Columbus and the US Supreme Court ruled the application could not be refused.

Now, I know that the Knights of Columbus have one duty very much more men-reserved, traditionally, than venerating an image. To physically protect Catholic priests. But a female police officer or life guard with good training in martial arts would qualify.

What you are doing is kind of taking a "class room coeducation" news (very old news including after puberty in most countries, including Spain) and describing it like a "locker room" story.

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