Friday, November 29, 2024

I Have a Disagreement with Modern Morality on What Happened Between Cormac McCarthy and Augusta Britt

The sickening truth about Cormac McCarthy
Willow Talks Books | 27 Nov. 2024

5:50 "saw a sixteen year old, when he was forty-two"

What about "saw a marriageable girl, when he was already married"?

Most actual abuse stories (I'm not sure this is one) would fit BOTH ways of describing it. Why priorise the age gap?

Odile Blue
Because grooming a minor is infinitely worse than having an affair?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@odile8701 It is not.

And the thing that may hurt a minor for life is precisely affair rather than lifelong love.

It may hurt some older women for life too.

GrifiN Kay
Seems you forgot the fact that she was already a victim of abuse and trauma!

Taking advantage of an abuse victim, and for selfish reasons, is vile at any age gap, and reprehensible, regardless of the marital status of the abuser.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@GrifiN42 Seems you forgot my point.

If Cormac had been unmarried, she could have married him.

If she had married him, it could have given her more healing than it did even so, on her own testimony.

@GrifiN42 "Taking advantage of an abuse victim ... is vile at any age gap"

Did I catch you right?

No one ever, either older or her age peer, at that point had a right to get into a relationship with her, the only thing you think not abusive against her would be therapy?

I'm sorry, but that kind of ideology is abusing many more people than the worst pedophile rings, I don't mean Cormac, who presumably wasn't in a ring, I don't mean Epstein, I mean things like Satanic ritual abuse.

I give my name for my views. You prefer to hide under a pseudonym, on a channel which features nothing except a logo corresponding to your pseudo, presumably bought and content-erased from an earlier user who started in 2010.

How do I know you aren't involved in abusing abuse victims through therapy and enforced celibacy?

14:58 That aspect is quite another thing.

Perhaps best for any girl I meet that I stick to essays.

"a man 15:03 in his 40s who entered into a physical 15:06 relationship with a 16-year-old girl who 15:08 took her away from home who then stole 15:11 details about her own lived experiences 15:14 turned them into fictional characters in 15:16 multiple books"

And kept killing them. That's the one thing you mention that's true and irks me.

What you don't mention was, he didn't mention not being married. She had no chance of marrying him.

What you mention but which isn't true is "took her away from home" ... she didn't have one at this point. She didn't have a home.

He took her from one adventure to another, possibly brighter one.

"all while being 16:52 married and having a child neither of 16:55 which he disclosed to her until they 16:57 were back home from Mexico"

Ah yes, now you finally get the important stuff.

Again, she didn't have a home, they met at a motel where she was taking showers.

Dialogue starting with daniela's comment to the video:

daniela weber
totally agree, the cruelest aspect of this specific kind of "bond" is that young people often believe themselves to be in control so the abuse will be seen as a romantic choice by the victims of adult men who knew what they were doing. 😓

Hans-Georg Lundahl
There is a way for young people to actually be in control.


Would Augusta Britt have fallen for a married man, if she had had a half and half realistic chance to marry an unmarried one?

daniela weber
@hglundahl sorry, didn't get it.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@danielaweberdani Cormac died in 2023. 42 years prior to that is 1981.

Girls age 16 getting married back then was not one of the most common occurrences. It happened, and still happens. One can easily imagine Augusta wasn't aware of it.

Or, she might have (incorrectly) believed she could marry him.

Either way, if she had had a chance of marrying someone, unmarried, unlike Cormac, and had done it, she'd have been safe from him ...

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