Friday, January 17, 2025

Someone went after NYTN

A Hater Said I’m OBSESSED with White Americans
NYTN | 17 Jan. 2025

[I was flabberghasted at hearing this and noted the following]

As someone who has followed your channel for quite a while, I don't think Walter Plecker or Anglo-Saxon Club qualify as "white Americans like everybody else" ... it's like saying Christopher Gregor of NJ qualifies as "US Military like everyone else" ...

Pope Pius XI, being from Desio in the very North, was arguably as white as Mr. Plecker was, but had a thing or two to say about this nonsense in Casti Connubii ...

(Checking the dates: Racial Integrity Act of 1924 - noted, 1924. Casti connubii, 1930. Sounds to my best mathematical instinct as if it came after 1924. I came across a guy who pretended he had "condemned Nazi Eugenics in Mit brennender Sorge" when there is basically one paragraph in that one covering all the mischief, implicitly including eugenics, but not explicitly limited to that one ... he condemned Eugenics before there was an NS régime, and vivat Patton for getting Bavaria rid of Eugenicists! (In power)).

[Further on, the actual words were given]

Did he seriously say:

victim mentality mixed race 2:14 individual that don't fit in going 2:16 through an identity crisis that's what 2:17 these videos 2:19 portray

or are both transscript and subtitles wrong? I am in a cyber on the lower floor without the headphones this evening.

Have you ever read an essay by C. S. Lewis called "Bulverism"? Fairly classic example. It combines a logical fallacy of ad hominem with a cultural veneer of "understanding" ... and is pronounced with what to some might at least appear as a strong superiority complex. That's how Bulverism differs from other versions of ad hominem.

5:59 "it's the language of fear"

That's kind of Bulveristic ....

It could be fear. It could be hatred. It could be an intellectual blind spot (like the guys who imagine the genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 are in conflict and disprove the Gospels, like a man who has never come across Sosa-Stradonitz and imagines a patrilinear only genealogy to be complete and also univocal). It could be a superstition from Darwinism. It could be an extrapolation from limited case studies where mixed race children really did not quite belong (I met a half-Dane, half-Greenlander, who complained about this [being his] case) and sometimes behave badly, and then interpret that biologically instead of sociologically.

It could very easily be a case of Eurasianism, an ideology that pits continental Eurasia against Anglo-American geopolitics and loyalties. Have you ever heard Putin say that in the US "white Christian Churches are a minority" ... (yes, he did that, he also didn't fathom that Russia could be exporting porc to Indonesia, forgetting it has both tourism and a Christian minority). Like a) without Baptists and Pentecostals, Christians would be a minority and b) Baptists and Pentecostals are essentially "black Churches" that for some reason differ from "white Churches" ... I don't think fullblown Eurasianism is very prevalent among Racist or Racist Close US Citizens, but it could be a residual version of it.

And I don't think anyone adhers to anything as complex as Eurasianism or its ... well, see the sample ... substitute by simply one emotional reaction. Precisely as no one ever (or very few) adherred to Albigensian abhorring of sexuality simply from being raped and overreacting. Heresy is a real thing.

9:18 "legal requirement"

Not in Louisiana. A black slave wasn't a citizen, but a black who had been emancipated was a French or later US American subject / citizen.

[One more thing]

One more caveat. Each soul is created individually by God.

Apart from mum and dad, each body inherits different amounts from different ancestors, but even the body doesn't simply determine the soul. Ancestry is not THE sole or main or supreme key to identity, and some would deny me to be Catholic because in my recent ancestry I have Protestants and those who were Catholic in a stepfamily, and some of the others were Jewish.

I have been discovering my Catholic identity since age 16, and some would like to foist on me waiting to live that as a married layman, until I've "explored my Jewish" / "Swedish" (Protestant or Secularist) identities.

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