The Significant Differences between the Catholic and Protestant approach to Biblical Authority
CONTEMPLATING CATHOLICISM---Chris Ranly | 28 Dec. 2024
5:33 At what point of perceived discrepancy between a supposed Pope and a supposed meaning of the Bible can one conclude:
- the Bible certainly says this
- that man denying it can't be Pope.
No point at all ever? Even if the Pope said "Jesus didn't rise bodily from the dead"?
I do not ask this as a Protestant, but as a Conclavist.
- Not sure what you mean by Conclavist. I thought Pope Paul VI eliminated this role in favor of a common support staff. Is it in reference to sedeprivationism or as a Sedevacantist? I do not believe rightly understood that the continuity of doctrine has been aborted by Vatican 2 or the present pope.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- @hglundahl
- @CONTEMPLATINGCATHOLICISM-CR It refers to an ex-Sedevacantist position.
I e that Sedevacancy was ended by an "emergency conclave" or more properly speaking Papal election with very irregular means.
1990, Pope Michael I was elected.
I consider Sedeprivationism, the position that keeps most Sedevacantists away from that means, as a revival of the Lollard (and Hussite?) and of the Donatist positions, that a man can lose the valid use of his office simply by being in mortal sin.
"the present pope."
The people that you would consider as the last three popes have promoted Evolution as well as Deep time. More precisely Evolution of a pedigree leading up to the emergence of man.
It seems he does know the real difference between Catholic and Protestant:
The anti-Catholic lies I learned in Seminary concerning the Mass
CONTEMPLATING CATHOLICISM---Chris Ranly | 23 Nov. 2024
He vaguely recalled one of the proof texts. I confirmed with a search and direct quote:
16:53 You are perfectly right:
We have an altar, whereof they have no power to eat who serve the tabernacle
[Hebrews 13:10]
Did you mention the prophecy in Malachi 1:11?
- The Malachi passage is amazing. A sacrifice offered continually around the world to the glory of God is being fulfilled today.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- @CONTEMPLATINGCATHOLICISM-CR Indeed. Or at least to recently, Masses said in communion with Pope Michael II are somewhat rare outside the US and the Philippines, perhaps Canada too.
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