Sunday, January 26, 2025

Bp Williamson mentioned the Flood

Bishop Williamson on the End Times
Catholic Family Podcast | 26 Jan. 2025

think 22:32 again if the Waters of the of the water 22:36 flood rose 22:37 slowly giving people / souls time to get to try 22:41 to get to the top of the hill it was a 22:43 mercy of God because during that climb 22:47 and then during that 22:49 fight on the perimeter around the hill 22:52 as the souls all struggled got crowded 22:54 tighter and tighter together they 22:56 will all of them have known that were 22:58 about to die there was a grave danger of 23:00 their dying the waters never stopped 23:01 Rising they will many of them have they 23:04 will all of them had have had the time 23:07 to 23:08 repent and a number of them perhaps not 23:10 the majority but a number of them thanks 23:13 to this terrible punishment of God will 23:15 have saved their souls that would never 23:17 have saved their souls if the corruption 23:19 had just gone on and on and 23:22 on

And some of them would have had time to forgive their enemies, because what blocked them from heaven was thinking continually on the evil that was being done for them, but one day, they could say ... "we are drowning ... tomorrow those guys can't do that to me any more!"

When Genesis 6 says :

And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times
[Genesis 6:5]

I'm pretty sure that some thoughts were bent on evil being done to them, not just evil they could do.

[His latest sermon was removed from youtube:]

Bishop Williamson sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany, 19th January 2025.
19 janvier 2025 | Truth Unchained

[He is arguably wrong about Russia and Ukraine, but he admitted he could be wrong. I'm not sure what exactly he meant by the Blessed Virgin saying She is nothing, but it is certain She is no sin, and no obstacle to God.]

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