Saturday, January 11, 2025

False Teaching on "How Jesus Handled Narcissists"

Just in Case Some Evildoer Pretends I'm Lazy · Forgiveness? Or Capitulation? What is one asking of me? · Perhaps the Network Should Take His Advice? · Also from a Narcissist Network? · False Teaching on "How Jesus Handled Narcissists"

If Jesus Handled Narcissists Like This, So Should You
C.S Lewis Sermons | 10 Jan. 2025

Matthew 23, not a narcissistic person, but a narcissistic group.
Luke 5, no obvious narcissist either group or individual.
John 6, whether narcissist or not, it was a group.
Luke 17, Jesus gives a rule that narcissistic individuals can abuse.
John 2, Jesus acts by omniscience.
Mark 12, they are a group. Jesus deals by giving argument.

"Jesus didn't carry the burden of 22:11 seeking personal Vengeance or proving himself to those who opposed him instead 22:18 he surrendered every conflict and every adversary into the capable hands of His 22:24 Father"

Jesus already had a living as a teacher. He didn't need revenge as defense in order to start making a living from his work.

With Pilate, Jesus confronted narcissistic state power, a k a totalitarianism. Most day to day situations aren't directly doing that.

Matthew 5:44, Jesus is here saying how to deal with ordinary persecution. He does not say this applies every metre of the way, and St. Paul sometimes deviated from this in Acts 23. And He does not say this will work in the face of people who do what St. Paul describes:

Now the Spirit manifestly saith, that in the last times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy, and having their conscience seared 3 Forbidding to marry, to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving by the faithful, and by them that have known the truth
[1 Timothy 4:1-3]

I e, stop you both from anything that might lead you into a family situation and also, at the same time, from mitigating the waiting period by ascetism.

I have not tackled the other Bible quotes, because I'm answering the title, it's about how Jesus handled narcissists, but apparently He didn't handle all that many individuals who were individually narcissists, and definitely, when it came to networks, He had His own to fall back on.

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