Arielle Randle: More Jewish Believers in Jesus than You’d Imagine
Jews for Jesus | 5 Oct. 2023
10:40 She had a point about the Gospel of John, but probably misunderstood it.
When John wrote his Gospel, after the Apocalypse, Jewish believers in Jesus had already heard their King in Heaven counts them, not their persecutors, as Jews.
However, there is a practical side too.
In the then Roman Empire, claiming Jewish status was claiming fiscus Judaicus and that went with control by Christ-rejecting Jews.
God wanted, at least for back then, Jewish heritage Christians to leave the word Jews for the guys that Synoptics had called ...
- Pharisees
- Sadducees
- Herodians
- the crowd
and maybe some more.
Notice when Jesus says "woe ye" to people ... in the Synoptics, He is always saying:
Jesus said "Woe ye, Pharisees, for ..." (or whatever group of combination of groups).
In John it's more like:
Jesus said to the Jews: "woe ye, for ..."
St. John was fully aware that Jesus did not use the word Jews the same way he was doing as narrator, except finally before Pilate.
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