Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ryan Reeves' Take on the Galileo Trial — and Mine

His take is in the video:

Why Was Galileo on Trial for Heresy?
Ryan Reeves | 18 Sept. 2023

Aspects of mine in some of the ensuing comments:

7:59 The diagramme shows the Ptolemaic system.

Now, the fact is, the Tychonian one was discussed at the trials and the only one condemning it was Galileo.

8:11 "Has since been proved by science"

When? How? What kind of science?

Science seen in a Creation by God universe or science seen in a Naturalistic Assumptions universe?

8:57 Not just Joshua 10:13!

Take a look at Joshua 10:12, Joshua isn't ordering Earth to cease rotating, but Sun and Moon to stand still (and no, the cited words are not his prayer, they come after his prayer and are the inspired answer by God).

Also check :

And Isaias said to him: This shall be the sign from the Lord, that the Lord will do the word which he hath spoken: Wilt thou that the shadow go forward ten lines, or that it go back so many degrees? And Ezechias said: It is an easy matter for the shadow to go forward ten lines: and I do not desire that this be done, but let it return back ten degrees.

4 Kings (2 Kings) 20:9, 10

If this was a solar miracle, it would have made kind of a bump if it was really earth that was normally rotating, right?

9:35 Exactly why is this assumption [heavenly bodies moving in perfect circles] more crucial?

It's assumed by Copernicus, but can it be taken as more crucial in Aristotle?

13:19 It may be of interest to you to read my story about Mayson and Teresa, the originators of the May-Ter system (not adopted in the US) and how they came to end up discussing Heliocentrism.

Link in follow up comment.

[Just in case the youtube channel automatically hid comments with links in them]

The intro and the title is pretty high and dry, but I think you'll find the story hilarious:

New blog on the kid: Have you heard the expression "von Neumann chain"?

18:01 For Einstein, you only get the mic drop if you presume Heliocentrism as already proven.

Another interpretation of Michelson-Moreley along with Saignac is, Heliocentrism is false, Earth doesn't move in an orbit around the Sun.

19:11 Is this illustration from the Swedish work "Min Skattkammare" one volume of which is "De Stora Upptäckterna" / The Great Discoveries?

19:38 Note, none of the actual visual discoveries of Galileo was condemned by the Church.

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