Monday, July 15, 2024

Three Warnings Ignored and Rebutted

3 warnings for Christians (gaps, miracles, creationism)
Biblical Bookworm | 1 July 2024 VIENNA

Entschuldigung, did you make a book review instead of your own video on Genesis?

[No answer so far]

0:41 "science" (or rather that particular rabbit trail) has been trying to "advance" since Miller Urey, to no avail.

Rather, science on the creationist side has by now enumerated c. 100 problems for the abiogenesis scenario.

Scientific research can only be guaranteed to advance if they are on a true trail.

0:56 The problems with Abiogenesis do not just come from gaps, they come from what we do know.

Chirality problem, membrane problem (as a friend of ice cream and of mayo, I obviously note Miller Urey conditions don't produce phospholipids). Information is sth other than symmetry or similar mechanic orders.

3:01 "no more than the architect...."

Begs a question. Is God just the Stradivarius, or also the Paganini?

To Freemasons, God is the Stradivarius, we are the Paganini.

To St. Thomas Aquinas, God is the Paganini too.

As such, He should be detectable influencing movements in it.

3:40 "very low"

No. I'm on the edge whether Jacobus really walked im Schnee, but not on whether Jesus cured Hansen's disease in seconds (an antibiotics cure takes six months, optimal circumstances).

5:10 He's giving anecdotic evidence on one side.

Yes, apostasies happen. The main problem for that apostasy is Evolution belief in surrounding society, just as another Classic Hell disbelief in surrounding society. The YEC or Hell is real side only contributed partly by being too little intellectually articulate in many cases.

5:31 "rigorous"

He'd merit a Goebbels medal for dishonest propaganda!

6:40 God may not be lecturing about these topics, but Genesis 1 to 11 (and 14) has a lot to teach on them.

6:51 Stephen J. Gould came from an ideologically tainted place: Jewish agnosticism.

His appeal to his colleagues is worthless, since none of them are good theologians, with very few exceptions (Teilhard was a very bad one).

7:20 Note, he said "Theist" not the more specific "Catholic" ...

7:58 Did I mention, "God of the gaps" is an accusation of a fallacy invented by Nietzsche and Henry Drummond, popularised by Modernists Ernest Barnes, Anglican "Bishop" of Birmingham and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the only useful thing said of it is ...

Either God is in the whole of Nature, with no gaps, or He's not there at all.

The problem is, this doesn't mean one should seek "the whole of Nature" adequately represented in a science which has a social habit of "pushing God out of yet another gap" ... the setup in modern science is wrong, so, "the whole of Nature" should be sought on Scholastic, and that means things like Geocentric and Young Earth Creationist terms.

Unfortunately, Charles Coulson didn't see it that way.

11:15 Collins is wrong in pretending Theistic Evolution puts God in places natural science was not meant to provide non-theistic answers for.

It takes God out of some places where non-theistic science as modern science is conducted was never a good clue to the answer.

Geocentrism as viewed by St. Thomas involved God turning the universe itself around earth each day.

Not meaning God once upon a time set a mechanism in place for it, but that God is performing that turning right now.

But Jesus answered them: My Father worketh until now; and I work.
[John 5:17]

Before we discuss whether origin of biological i e created life needs God very directly, how about not admitting Newton "pushed God out of that gap" as Nietzsche's theory probably went?

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