Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolk Lang QQ · Tolkienophobia · As Tolk Lang QQ Keep Dropping In · Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: I'm Not the First to Ask · New blog on the kid: Since I'm Being Pestered by Tolkienophobes ...

Lord Of The Rings Is “Far-Right” Now
The Comments Section with Brett Cooper | 19 July 2024

0:45 Wait, you are sure she didn't say so on her birthday?

She's born April 1st!

3:10 There are guys who are asking and asking and asking me on quora, diverse approaches, but essentially "do you REALLY think Elvish is a language" -- "I'll ignore that Sindarin and Quenya are two languages, but actually, in many senses of the word, not like the primary means of verbal communication of a real world population, but lots of other senses, yes" ..

Does Quenya have a grammar? Can we learn Quenya? What is "no" in Quenya? What is the reason behind the belief that Quenya is a real language? ....

I put out a question of my own. "Why are so many people asking if Quenya is a real language?"

I just came up with a new notion. Rachel Maddow isn't exactly many ... she could be harrassing me!

5:12 I'm reminded that some Left Wing Librarians used to ban Chronicles of Narnia back in the time.

Communism is back, or sth?

6:04 "with no added sugar"

Crucial, if you want good sleep. I don't mean as a four year old, or even as a teen (when good sleep might not be a priority anyway, I recall reading LotR or some less good books to 3 am before turning off the lamp if I even did that .. usually in English and often enough night from Wednesday to Thursday, because I had two hours English, I didn't need to go to, and two hours German I didn't need to go to, I had taken good final exams in both, already).

But I do mean the guys who worry about this homeless guy "he really shouldn't have a pint of beer before going to sleep, he needs sth with lots of sugar" are WRONG ... my problem isn't going to sleep, but staying asleep to the morning. Big meal, no alcohol = waking up at 3 or 4 am, no going back to sleep after that ...

9:20 It can be mentioned that the "Campo Hobbit" were arranged by a successor party to Partito Nazionale Fascista.

They also love Ezra Pound. The best cultural centre of an Italian Fascist right now, is it "Casa Gabriele d'Annnunzio"? No, it's "Casa Pound" ...

Seems the killer and suicide Gianluca Casseri who was in the margin of it loved ... Tolkien. He also loved Hugo Pratt's Corto Maltese, no, that was Casa Pound actually, which for some reason doesn't get demonised as Alt-Right (so far?).

It can also be mentioned that Gianluca Casseri loved Lovecraft. Probably thousand times more racist than you could make a case for Tolkien being.

10:20 Is it his left wingism or is it his being US that makes him bad at languages?

Instead of "Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo" he said "Ellen silla lúmen omentielvo" ...

But OK, he at least acknowledged that Quenya is a language, even if he was bad at its pronunciation.

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