Sunday, September 1, 2024

Why is Michael II the real Pope?

Mostly letting him and his interviewers speak for themselves:

"I am the REAL Pope"
Scholastic Answers | 27.VIII.2024

Footnotes on my part:

23:27 "Pius XIII" was some time known better than Michael I.

When I was Palmarian, I came to discuss this issue with His Holiness, the late Pope Michael I, more than a decade before I accepted him.

David Allen Bawden convened a physical election in 1990, and took the name Michael when elected.

Pulvermacher convened a virtual election in 1998 (so, eight years later) and took the name Pius XIII when "elected" ...

Pope Michael I had three reasons against Pulvermacher's election:

  • there already was a Pope (Michael I)
  • Pulvermacher made use of the pendulum, for Pulvermacher it can be said the Curate of Ars used it, but Pope Michael I insisted Pius XII had enumerated the pendulum among superstitious practises
  • the "conclave" was virtual, there was no way to verify all or even most participants were bona fide Catholics.

Pulvermacher died before Michael I, and had no successor.

RtHonLimbu forgot Linus II, an FSSPX priest who arranged an election and then stepped back (Victor von Pentz, I think he's called). That one was also after 1990, so, both von Pentz and Pulvermacher found fault with Michael I being elected by laymen, and perhaps even with his being at the time a layman. Pope Michael I was ordained priest and consecrated bishop only in 2011 or Advent of the Church year 2012, the Gaudete weekend. Pulvermacher's fault with von Pentz was that he had been in communion with "John Paul II" ... since he stepped back, von Pentz has also died, the year before Pope Michael I, actually.

50:08 Jacobus I have only heard of very lately, just the last weeks.

I wonder if he's the Father Thiago (Santiago = Sanctus Iacobus) of the Carmelite sisters.

I sent him an email asking why he thought he was more legitimate than Michael II.

51:09 I am not sure if animé and manga are as great in the Philippines as in Japan, China and Korea.

54:08 — 55:14
"I issued already my uh statement uh when uh Israel uh bombarded Hamas um in my uh statement I said that uh they should uh respect each other's territory uh War cannot uh help but uh everything are actually losers in war so with that uh regard uh we have to respect the uh Palestinian with their uh own uh territory and uh Israelites with their uh territory uh I am not uh after of uh the position of whether I'm a Zionist or not what's important is uh peaceful uh coexistence"


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