Friday, September 13, 2024

Two YEC Happy about Testable and Confirmed Predictions

In the video, it's Nathaniel Jeanson:

This REVOLUTIONARY New Research CONFIRMS the Bible
Zero Compromise | 10 Sept. 2024

In the comments, it's me:

3:10 sth ... testable predictions.

You might know, I believe the Neanderthals were a pre-Flood population. The Neanderthal genome we residually still have would have been on the Ark through a minority of the ancestry of Noah, his wife, his three daughters in law. Noah didn't have a Neanderthal father; the daughters in law didn't have Neanderthal mothers, so the Y-chromosome and mitochondriae of Neanderthals are no longer there.

You might also know, I consider it highly probable, that the year of the Flood is carbon dated to 39 000 BP or 37 000 BC.

How was this confirmed just a little while ago?

Well, a newly found* Neanderthal skeleton is:
  • called "Thorin"
  • called "the last Neanderthal"
  • carbon dated to 42 000 BP (40 000 BC).

This means, up to this date, no pure Neanderthal individuals have been found that had a carbon date younger than 37 000 BC. You ask yourself how many Neanderthal individuals have been found, how many of them have been carbon dated and then how often my implied prediction has been confirmed.

* DNA of 'Thorin,' one of the last Neanderthals, finally sequenced, revealing inbreeding and 50,000 years of genetic isolation
By Kristina Killgrove published 2 days ago

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