Friday, September 6, 2024

Some in FSSPX Catching Up While I am Getting Censored?

Is it just a coincidence, or were they waiting until there was a decision they knew that made me less visible? I'd have loved to congratulate him on the good start, but my comments on his channel get deleted.

Were Dinosaurs Really Dragons?
I Miss Christendom | 7 Sept. 2024

2:48 Actually false.

On Palaeocritti, for dinosaurs and for some others, there were (the site is down now, I made a very incomplete back-up blog) descriptions of the number and state of the remains.

T Rex is one of the better documented, 30 complete skeleta.

But some only have one or two remains, and such a thing could be either skull or what's behind it or even less.

5:21 Genesis very clearly is a historical account, though.

And all CCFF took it like that.

5:28 Ooops, that's Maimonides or Calvin, to Catholics, Job is historic.

Specifically, St. Thomas Aquinas contradicted Maimonides on that one.

5:59 Genesis has 50 chapters.

Nearly all of first and some parts of second chapter lack human eyewitness. The rest of Genesis has human eyewitness consistently.

Job has 42 chapters. In chapter 1, verses 6 to 12 lack human eyewitness. In chapter 2 another 7 verses lack human eywitness, except the last bit of verse 7. The rest of Job has human eyewitness consistently.

9:41 5730 years.

Libby came up with 5568 years, but as historic datable material has significant parts of either halflife, like half of 5730, you are back in historically well dated Assyria, a quarter, you are in the Middle Ages, you can check which halflife better suits the remainders in historically double-dated material. It fits 5730 better.

13:58 Glad you don't share the ideas of Buican ... I wrote against them c. 13~14 years ago.

He's the guy who pretended Dracula comes from early mammalian memories of dinosaurs or sabre-toothed tigers.

[Φιλολoγικά/Philologica: Quelle discrépance de critères entre Buican et Bloch ...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 | Posted by Hans Georg Lundahl at 8:15 AM

[All my comments vanished]

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