Monday, September 9, 2024

Anthony Stine Has a Point About Poland. Someone Hasn't About Me.

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Anthony Stine Has a Point About Poland. Someone Hasn't About Me. · New blog on the kid: Russia Still Aborting Worse than the United States ?

Be Ready: Satan Is Coming For Poland
Return To Tradition | 9 Sept. 2024

[Below has been censored too, I checked, all comments chronological order, mine two were no longer visible.]

3:03 So far, Poland has been more moral than Russia, thanks to the ban.

I don't think Lech Kaczyński would have been willing to take that crap, but he died in 2010 under somewhat suspicious circumstances.

[later on]

"It is necessary to underline that the development of such medical guidelines ..."

They are NOT purely medical, but about the ethical limits on medical interventions.

"... should be left to scientific societies."

Not the least.

If Cryonics had happened to get wide support among doctors, obviously the scientific societies would abolish laws forbidden people to deepe freeze themselves before they die.

When scientists in the US, in Sweden, in Germany, thought the human race or national part thereof could be improved by preventing some from reproducing, the absolutely worst thing that any government did (and one that AH did) was to greenlight these guys.

In Germany you also had doctors saying some people are better off dead, and yes, AH greenlighted those scientists too.

Scientists are among the least fit to debate about the ethical limits that should be put to science or scientific practises.

It's a somewhat different case when it comes to saying "sorry, the cancer is still spreading after three chemotherapies, we cannot save your life anyway, so, try to live your last months as well as you can" ...

Chemotherapy is a pretty invasive treatment, not always successful in saving lives, and denying it in some circumstances cannot be seen as any kind of equivalent to murder.

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