Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Some People Can't Relate to Any Decency (I Mean the Female Pastor)

Pastor Says Jesus Would Approve Abortion? Outrage Erupts!
Reason & Theology | 3 Sept. 2024

2:26 "the moral responsibility of reproductive power"

The heresy of today is "responsabilism" ...

In older parlance, a responsability is normally a liability. It's virtuous to meet the responsabilities one has. Not to heap responsability on responsability whether it's one's own responsability or not.

Or whether one gets anything in return for it or not.

She was, very demonically, meeting responsabilities she created out of thin air, just so as to have an excuse for meddling with and in this case ending a fellow human person's life. That she calls this heresy sacred is about as blasphemous as calling murder Christ-like. And it's arguably oppressive on the two children she did decide to not kill.

One usually has some kind of gratitude to the parents for making one. Adding a gratitude for not deciding to kill is over the top.

[The comment was deleted, again, since, after refreshing the page, the last visible one is 24 minutes old]

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