Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Pushback on Apostate Prophet

New blog on the kid: "The Crusades for a 1000 years" · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Pushback on Apostate Prophet · Some People Can't Relate to Catholic Decency · Hamas is not Right Just because IDF is Wrong

A video, where he's interviewed:

Israel is NOT Committing Genocide - Here's Why! – Apostate Prophet
heretics. clips | 9 Sept. 2024

A quote:

"you have this uh Palestinian 5:16 population that whose history doesn't go 5:19 very far back who are very mixed people 5:22 many of them came in through the Islamic 5:24 conquests uh mixed in with the local 5:27 population"

My answer:

Apostate Prophet is the ahistoric person here.

The Palestinian population has a history of nearly 2000 years.

If we go back exactly 2000 years, the populations were three groups of believers in the Torah:

  • Jews of Judaea
  • Samaritans of Samaria
  • Jews of Galilee.

But within a few decades, there was a fourth party, namely Christians. Their ethnic origins are from all three.

From Galilee: Acts 1:11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
From Judaea: Acts 2:14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say.
From Samaria: Acts 8:4 Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. 5 Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there.

In AD 70, much of the Jewish, as in non-Christian, population, was killed by the Romans, but the Christians tended to instead flee to Pellah, al-Fahl in modern terms, in Jordan. After the war was over, they returned, and were a larger part of the population, and still oppressed by Romans up to the time of Constantine. So far, this is what I know from introductory chapter(s) of How the Holy Cross was Found, from event to Medieval legend. By Stephan Borgehammar.

After Constantine, up to Omar, you have a population that's mainly Christian, except during the brief conquest by Persia, many "return" to Judaism. Meaning the author of another book, Derwas Chitty, The Desert a City, identifies the Judaism of AD 600 + with the Second Temple Judaism, which I do not. Or perhaps, he was intending that lots more of Jews converted after Constantine, and now under Chosroes II, their descendants return to that Judaism. And many of those, when Heraclius reconquers, go back once again, to Christianity. So, at the wake of the Muslim Conquest, the population of the area referred to as Palestine, consisted mainly of Christians and of Jews, descended mainly from the three groups 600 years earlier.

When the Muslims finally came to power, many of these were forced to become Muslims (Derwas Chitty mentions a Beduin tribe visiting the monastery they used to worship at, and telling them "we are now Muslims, we are still your friends"). Now the Muslims who invaded came pretty generally from the Arabian Peninsula, right? Because the Syria and Palestine region, like Egypt, was in the first batch of Muslim expansion. So, how much do Palestinians owe to the Muslim invaders? Nearly nothing in the case of Christian Palestinians, and c. 7% in the case of Muslim Palestinians.

The purest Israelites, compared to a 1000 BC genome from Galilee, are Samarians. Next group is Christian Palestinians. The next after that is not Muslim Palestinians, before those you get some Mitzrahi populations, two populations of Druz, and some Karaite populations. But Muslim Palestinians are purer than Ashkenazi or Sepharad Jews.

10:51 There are secular Jews, whom I would often assess as nice people descended from Jews.

Corey Gil-Schuster recently showed a very different aspect of religious Judaism.

"they 15:18 uh went into Gaza weeks after announcing 15:23 again and again and again relocate to 15:26 these regions go to these regions 15:28 drawing Maps I mean think about this 15:29 Israel is actually using their resources 15:32 to create uh maps and uh elaborate you 15:35 know paths to relocate civilians they 15:38 call them in their home say You must get 15:40 out must get out"

First, that's like exonerating Hitler, because he was for years telling Jews to do the Zionist thing.
Second, I recall reports of Palestinians given hours, roads being overfull, and as a result, Palestinians stuck on roads getting bombed.

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