Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Oparin's Out, Modernist Dominican Doesn't Get It

Where Does Life Come From? Evolution and God's Creation (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute | 3 May 2022

2:18 Creation Scientists have long since discovered excellent reasons against life arising from complex interactions of non-living things.

Evolution believers, both Atheist and Pseudo-Catholic ones, are behind the times.

An eggcellent (!) one is lecithine. It's a phospholipid. In lots of cell membranes, I think even inner membranes of plant cells, the outer membrane of which is cellulose, the material is phospholipids, of which lecithine is an eggsample (!). Egg yolks (!) contain lecithine, which is crucial to ice cream and mayo. Shouldn't be easy to miss, right?

Well, the fact is, Miller Urey conditions will certainly not produce lecithine or any other phospholipids.

I heard a rumour of Montmorillionite clays helping to synthesise phospholipids. Not so.

The clay montmorillonite is known to catalyze the polymerization of RNA from activated ribonucleotides. Here we report that montmorillonite accelerates the spontaneous conversion of fatty acid micelles into vesicles. Clay particles often become encapsulated in these vesicles, thus providing a pathway for the prebiotic encapsulation of catalytically active surfaces within membrane vesicles. In addition, RNA adsorbed to clay can be encapsulated within vesicles. Once formed, such vesicles can grow by incorporating fatty acid supplied as micelles and can divide without dilution of their contents by extrusion through small pores. These processes mediate vesicle replication through cycles of growth and division. The formation, growth, and division of the earliest cells may have occurred in response to similar interactions with mineral particles and inputs of material and energy.

This is an actual science report, [I was just] citing the abstract:

Experimental Models of Primitive Cellular Compartments: Encapsulation, Growth, and Division
Martin M. Hanczyc,* Shelly M. Fujikawa,* and Jack W. Szostak†

It would help form vesicles, but it would not produce the fatty acids. They need to be there before they can form vesicles. The one thing outside modern industry and the spiritual world capable of synthesising fatty acids known so far, is biology already alive. Ditto for the subclass phospholipids.

Miller Urey conditions are one setting in which modern industry will not synthesise phospholipids.

2:28 St. Thomas thought that the astrological influence of the planet Sun was the ultimate cause for biological life, as for the metal gold. Just as Venus is for love and for copper. Mars for strife and for iron. Right or wrong, this kind of thing is not what modern science is studying.

It's definitely not the universe of modern science that suggests that plants could arise from non-life.

And in St. Thomas' view, lower life forms could indeed be caused by Generatio aequivoca, Sun working without prior biology to produce biology, but not of higher beasts (or man), nor was there a transition between lower and higher inside biology.

2:40 Yes, "overarching order" and not "everchanging sequence of different orders" ... opposite of Evolutionism.

Also, the overarching order was not that of a clockwork. Rather, if we compare St. Thomas to Paley, St. Thomas is clearly less Deist. A clockwork needs no more input from the clockmaker unless it's broken. It needs the mechanism, the winding, and it will work on its own. St. Thomas compared creation to an instrument of which the creator is also the player.

5:08 "it's possible for order to emerge from seemingly random events"

Distinguo. Order as in symmetry, granted, irrelevant for DNA or RNA. Order as information, not granted, and that is what is relevant to DNA and RNA.

6:16 Seminal reasons translate as embryo.

If you know Latin you know "seminal" comes from semen, seed, and if you know biology, you know a seed is a fertilised plant ovum, a plant embryo.

It also has a connotation of Platonic Form ... which embrya do incorporate of their respective created kinds.

7:08 "long and complex process of development"

You are confusing biology and chemistry.

Miller Urey conditions can create amino acids. They will also quickly produce the disintegration of the same amino acids they produce. Quickly meaning within hours, not millions of years open to development.

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